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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Season 3 Oceania Pro Thread
Originally posted by iowastylee
I do think eventually most of the teams will be just one or two people with all of the players on the team. The extreme players will take over.

Yeah, at that point I'll hang it up. This is an MMORPG--that's massive MULTIPLAYER online role playing game. While it is well within anyone's right to own their entire team, I just think it's dumb. It reeks of trying too hard to win, and not really getting into the spirit of the game and community.

I had this argument with another owner in another league who owns his entire team. It takes the fun away from other players, especially those trying to just get into the game, as they can't find a team.

Bort, et al. have tried to counter that by flooding the market with teams, but all that has done is create an imbalance. Now there are many more teams competing for the few high level players out there, while the one owner entire team continues to retain all his talent, at the most efficient monetary rate.

Again, it's well within the rights of the person willing to shill out the kind of money it takes to do it, they just shouldn't complain that everyone is laughing at them for taking a MUTLIPLAYER game too seriously, no matter how polite they are about it.

Last edited Jun 14, 2008 15:50:39
ok lets say you have a player and your gonna boost him season 7...

why wouldnt you use those flex until u need them and make more players...

last i checked a guard cost 100 flex..

eventually ill retire players but until then......
tobias funke
Originally posted by n8dog
i think the Pride played a spectacular game. they controlled our run, and made a great deal of air gains on us. without the interceptions this may have been a much different game. GG guys, hope to play you again.

Thanks bro, can't wait. I'm being very serious when I say that the more great teams in Oceania Pro, the better. And like you said, it really was a good game, which is the only thing I'm here for.
Originally posted by Ballbright
Originally posted by iowastylee

I do think eventually most of the teams will be just one or two people with all of the players on the team. The extreme players will take over.

Yeah, at that point I'll hang it up. This is an MMORPG--that's massive MULTIPLAYER online role playing game. While it is well within anyone's right to own their entire team, I just think it's dumb. It reeks of trying too hard to win, and not really getting into the spirit of the game and community.

I had this argument with another owner in another league who owns his entire team. It takes the fun away from other players, especially those trying to just get into the game, as they can't find a team.

Bort, et al. have tried to counter that by flooding the market with teams, but all that has done is create an imbalance. Now there are many more teams competing for the few high level players out there, while the one owner entire team continues to retain all his talent, at the most efficient monetary rate.

Again, it's well within the rights of the person willing to shill out the kind of money it takes to do it, they just shouldn't complain that everyone is laughing at them for taking a MUTLIPLAYER game too seriously, no matter how polite they are about it.


Originally posted by n8dog
Originally posted by Ballbright

Originally posted by iowastylee

I do think eventually most of the teams will be just one or two people with all of the players on the team. The extreme players will take over.

Yeah, at that point I'll hang it up. This is an MMORPG--that's massive MULTIPLAYER online role playing game. While it is well within anyone's right to own their entire team, I just think it's dumb. It reeks of trying too hard to win, and not really getting into the spirit of the game and community.

I had this argument with another owner in another league who owns his entire team. It takes the fun away from other players, especially those trying to just get into the game, as they can't find a team.

Bort, et al. have tried to counter that by flooding the market with teams, but all that has done is create an imbalance. Now there are many more teams competing for the few high level players out there, while the one owner entire team continues to retain all his talent, at the most efficient monetary rate.

Again, it's well within the rights of the person willing to shill out the kind of money it takes to do it, they just shouldn't complain that everyone is laughing at them for taking a MUTLIPLAYER game too seriously, no matter how polite they are about it.


I am just wondering if you guys agree that this will continue to be an increasing trend. It's all fun for everyone the first couple seasons. Trying to get people together to form a team and try and compete, but as the seasons go on owners will get tired of having to compete with guys who pretty much make their own team. People who do this are well within their right, and it gives them a definite advantage, but to me it kind of spoils the atmosphere of the game. Just my two cents. By the way, its not sour grapes for me yet, we haven't even played.
Well, hardcore gamers who tend to spend loads of money almost always ruin the good MMORPGs, it's something very unfortunate in my opinion... I'm with Ballbright on this one, I'll retire when one-player-teams start being the only way to keep competitive.

Thankfully, I don't think this will happen... good, structured teams will keep competing, and hopefully Bort will look at this subject (even though it gives the people from the website more money to just let it go, but I doubt they'll do it)
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 20:24:59
Users should have a limit for the number of their own players on their own team. Just a thought, could be good though.
Originally posted by bigpimpin123
Users should have a limit for the number of their own players on their own team. Just a thought, could be good though.

bort made a rule that players will lose xp if an agent has over 3 players on a team.

i think you guys are making a much bigger deal out of this than it really is. its not like every team will do that, probably not even 10%.
No it's not that they will loose XP it's that the entire team will not receive the bonus sportsmanship XP with the new sportsmanship awards. Personally I don't think any player owner or otherwise should have more than 3 players on a team. So while they're not loosing XP they are hurting the other agents on the team by having to many of their own players on the team because the Sportsmanship bonus XP is awarded to the entire team.

Fallacy #8: This punishes me for having a bunch of my own players on my team.
Response: There is a bonus to sportsmanship gains for having multiple agents on your team, but there is no penalty for just being on your own.

For more INFO.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 23:00:26
udder pressure

Have you ever seen a punter with a dark green bar?

Have you ever seen someone boost 22 guys??


Last edited Jun 14, 2008 23:11:58
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

Have you ever seen a punter with a dark green bar?

I bet our punter will be there in another two levels, but there is no denying Stud knows how to build an elite punter. I have seen his posts on the boards about it.
Originally posted by n8dog

Wow, an insightful rebuttal from someone I wasn't talking to...I guess that life philosophy of "If you have nothing interesting to say, say it anyway..." is one you really take to heart.

*snickers* --All that money spent and they still couldn't win a championship...
Last edited Jun 15, 2008 08:25:37
Originally posted by steelerblitz
Originally posted by killertoad

Originally posted by bigpimpin123

Originally posted by Jukin Jive

Originally posted by bigpimpin123

Gods on top of Zeta for 3 years running. We get to welcome the Caninites to the pros =]

We appreciate your hospitality, and QB that doesn't know which team to throw it to.

Did you copy our team colors? haha wow we havent played so bad since the beginning of human ownership...i hope it was a fluke.

You will be avenged next game. Don't get froggy Caninites. It was 1 game.

I dont think anyone is getting froggy.
Some of your players talked a lot of pregame smack. Now instead of accepting the outcome, some seem to think it was a fluke. If it was 14-13 with a wierd play, then maybe.
Just because we are new to the PROs doesnt mean we cant compete with the good teams. You are right, it is just one game. That is how we treat each game, one at a time. As I have said before, there is some stiff competition down in AAA#1. We are battle tested. We dont talk smack. We just play the game. I guess we will just earn our respect by just playing and competing with sportsmanship much like we did in AAA.

Again, good game. We will meet up many times in the future. I guess we have created a new friendly rivalry.

I think they have to beat you first for a rivalry to be formed
udder pressure
Originally posted by Ballbright
Originally posted by n8dog


Wow, an insightful rebuttal from someone I wasn't talking to...I guess that life philosophy of "If you have nothing interesting to say, say it anyway..." is one you really take to heart.

*snickers* --All that money spent and they still couldn't win a championship...

...The goal was making it to the Pro league...if TIT would have beat us then you could have made fun...
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

...The goal was making it to the Pro league...if TIT would have beat us then you could have made fun...

The goal is to win championships, and have fun...let's not insult everyone's intelligence by trying to church it up with Oscar caliber feel good statements, that at their core boil down to "we're just happy being here."

Who the fuck is TIT, and why in your mind do they need beat you before I make fun of you?

I'm an equal opportunity offender, if it's there to be made fun of (and lets face it, the guys who are over sensitive about being called douche-bags for buying a team instead of building one, is plenty fair game), I might just go ahead and give it a go...

As I said before, take pride in your team, it's a good one (you paid for it, you should know)...but quit getting up in arms if people make fun of you for it...
Last edited Jun 15, 2008 10:04:08

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