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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Zeta Conference Rankings
Originally posted by archiedoggie
Just wait... never turn your back on a team of Barbarians. Cimmeria may be many moons distant, but when its thunderous hordes arrive, only your women and children will know it, for your men will be slain as swiftly as the cold barbaric winds of their homelands sweep across the icelands of their home...

Haha, funny stuff.

And Sarg, wow, you just gave me a headache, way to make someone careful what the ask for lol.
Wow I am sure glad your crunchin the numbers. Thx for the info. Very detailed and in depth.
Originally posted by TEUFELHOUNDEN
Wow I am sure glad your crunchin the numbers. Thx for the info. Very detailed and in depth.

It gives me something to do at work
good game against the barbarians today, we've been trying to make sure our defense gets alot of snaps for xp gains. but the offense was on the field alot this week.

we have another tough opponent again in the horsemen coming up....

man we have had a TOUGH schedule

hope we can get by them next game.! heres to another doozie!!
Should be a good game coming up.

Good luck Bikini!
Tonga-Fuego's got a lot going for it, too.
There are some BIG matchups next week. Bikini is one of the teams that have definately grabbed our attention. I see a little extra VOIP game planning goin on for this match up. I can already tell our Defense is gonna get a few more plays than usual. Finding a weak spot will take some thinkin. Not too many as of yet.

To finish up.. Bad luck to ya Bikini I'm hopin for an internal meltdown. You may have sent a few souls to us, but remember: we, THE FOUR HORSEMEN, were the ones pullin your strings. Welcome to River Styx in the DOME of the APOCALYPSE.
Last edited Jun 20, 2008 17:55:49
I feel bad for anyone who has to play the Bandits the rest of the season, they are much improved from week 1 - the game was never in doubt, but that lvl 22 QB is going to cause some nightmares for many cbs in this league.
Sin City
Originally posted by Sarg01
Tonga-Fuego's got a lot going for it, too.

Yup sure does will be a big test for both teams.
Zeta Conference Rankings - Prior to Week 6

Formula changes this week - Reference level up from 17 to 18. Roster assesment decreased by 5%, Stats assessment increased by 5%

1. Melbourne Thorny Devils (99.2) - Still on top and there's not likely to be any opponent in the next four weeks that is going to do anything about that.

2. Tonga Thunderbirds (83.4) - Major battle this week against El Fuego threatens to shake up the top of these rankings.

3. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds (81.7) - Huge stat win over Cimmeria (and their new RG and LE - Sarg sees all!) gives them just enough points to take the #3 spot without any tinkering. Amazing that a game as good as Shrooms/Horsemen is only the second-biggest this week. The Horsemen are among the conference statistical leaders in several categories and would be pleased with a big upset win over the undefeated Shrooms. You can bet that result would make a lot of other teams very happy.

4. El Fuego (81.3) - A mere 2 points separates them from Tonga. After the loss to the Shrooms two weeks ago, they need this to prove they have what it takes to be talked about in championship circles.

5. North Marinara Islands Ramekins (75.4) - The Ramekins have a lot to gain out of week 6. Someone above them has to lose, and it's possible that two teams might. With a game against Redscape and a 4-1 record, the Ramekins are in good position to capitalize.

6. Dunedin Wolverines (71.1) - You'd think with all that talent on offense they'd have better statistics. Their ranking margin over the Horsemen dropped again this week. With the Bandits and Christchurch both threatening to rise, they have to be concerned about stagnation. Uluru has shown some cunning and will be looking to upset them this week, but the sheer level defecit will be hard to overcome.

7. Four Horsemen (70.9) - The Horsemen would love to get a little more respect in these rankings. There's two ways to go about doing that - the easy way and the hard way. The easy way would be to get a more powerful kick returner and add a good 2-3 points right there. The hard way would be by beating the Shrooms this week. I like the changes in the linebacking corps this week. Doesn't look like new personnel, but they moved some folks around to put their top guys in more impactful positions.

8. Chinese Bandits (63.9) - Big adds at QB, RB and RG jump their offensive roster score to second in the conference after Melbourne. It didn't help them much in that game, but I have a crazy feeling it might be slightly more effective against FPQA this week. It's not particularly good news for their next two opponents, Uluru and Redscape, either. They're down in the standings early, but had a fairly tough early schedule and have already gone through half the conference's contenders - losing to each. That puts them in a bad tiebreak position, but things are only likely to be going up from here.

9. Christchurch Knightmares (61.4) - They'd like another big win this week in Mauna Kea to get them ready for El Fuego. This team has covered the "spread" in all 5 weeks, the only team in the conference apart from Melbourne to have done so. Melbourne has sheer levels - Christchurch does not. That speaks volumes about their build management and gameplanning.

10. Coney Island Warriors (59.5) - They'll try to get back on track in a game against Cimmeria. After that, they'll be up against 4 teams in the upper-middle of these rankings and need several wins to get back in the playoff race.

11. Redscape Diplomats (54.4)- Things look likely to get worse for the Diplomats before they get better with 4 tough, tough games on tap. If they don't manage any upsets, they're looking at 1-8 after week 9.

12. Uluru Rockies (46.3) - Ditto Redscape, but only 3 games instead of 4, and that puts them at 2-6 instead of 1-8. A history of overperforming may give them a long shot win at Dunedin this week. It'd be hard to overestimate the positive impact that would have on this franchise.

13. Cimmerian Barbarians (46.2) - The improved roster needs a win this week against Coney Island if they want to move up these charts.

14. Tasmania Sand Gnats (45.1) - Ah, week 6 in Melbourne. This could get ugly.

15. Mauna Kea Chenabogs (42.0) - Though visit by the Knightmares could disturb their sleep, I suspect they're really dreaming about the Sand Gnats in Week 7.

16. FPQA Ronnie Rockers (25.2) - I'll back off these guys a bit as it looks like they're starting to do something about their roster. Lots of CPUs vanished this week. It's probably too late to salvage anything this season, but there's always next year.
As always, much appreciated that you do this Sarg
Sin City
Originally posted by Sarg01
Zeta Conference Rankings - Prior to Week 6
2. Tonga Thunderbirds (83.4) - Major battle this week against El Fuego threatens to shake up the top of these rankings.

4. El Fuego (81.3) - A mere 2 points separates them from Tonga. After the loss to the Shrooms two weeks ago, they need this to prove they have what it takes to be talked about in championship circles.

I can't wait for this game will be a good game. El Fuego is still upset at the Shrooms loss so be prepared for some heavy fire breathing Tonga. Should be a good game no matter who wins. Oh and yes thanks Sarge.
Last edited Jun 21, 2008 14:30:37
Good stuff Sarg.
We'll take the hard road, of course. We'll let our W-L record make up for the stats were lacking in. One (or 2) losses still gets us in the playoffs. I have a feeling this weeks upset will move us up a few spots. With this weeks gameplan, it took almost an hour alone to figure out the LB lineup. Good eye Sarge. Nothing does get by you, does it?
Sarg is the man. Rumor has it that the US Treasury want's to hire him to analyze the books.

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