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Forum > Champion League > World League breakdown by former league -> Week 4 assessment
Originally posted by Iceman16

Way to ignore the rest of my post.

But uh, you beat Halifax and you'll get some respect.

Actually, you keep it within a touchdown and you'll get some respect.

Just saw this now. Give us a +7. If we dont cover, Ill buy your flex for this season. I know, I know, it might be tough to pony up the 6 dollars, but that's how confident I am!
All will be revealed in time.
Originally posted by GP1
No way. Ive definitely taken this game seriously in the past. As it goes on, Im beginning to care less and less. But to say you, fuedal, and some dude Ive never heard of can get under my skin? Get outta here. That's 2/3 of the least respected trolls on GLB.

aw how cute trying to troll and be modest
Originally posted by phthalatemagic

I read CPL a shitload more than I read USAPro, even last year.

Then you only read the forum during the playoffs. It was all USA All Day during the regular season. When the playoffs hit, everyone including nonCPL teams were sick of it and made the point a hundred times over that the mighty USA Pro failed miserably in the playoffs.

Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Really confused here. I dis all teams that are from other conferences?

USAPro in general does this. I didn't pin point a person. Just tired of every non USAPro team being treated like subordinants. There are some pretty awesome teams out there not from USAPro.
Originally posted by robelder
USAPro in general does this. I didn't pin point a person. Just tired of every non USAPro team being treated like subordinants. There are some pretty awesome teams out there not from USAPro.

Leeeeeet myyyyyy peeeeeeoplllllllllllllle goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The Duff Man
As a frequent reader of the World forum, and non member of the World league my observations are that there were more USAPL posts in the regular season, but there were also more relating to dotball.

The last week or so the USAPL posts DID shift gears and start getting too braggy and less interesting. The majority of CPL posts on the other hand are consistantly a bunch of shit better suited to a board my 4 year old could post on.

So here's to hoping that the trend of more USAPL posts, and fewer CPL ones can continue.
Mayan sucks. To lose to our team is a huge embarrassment.

Mayan never claimed to be elite. We don't make the claim now, but GP was right, we can beat half of the WL teams, argue semantics all day long, we don't care.
Looks like one league was left out....

WPL: 3-1

Special consideration could be given to Lincoln as well since two charter WPL teams, Washington and OFG, have added players to the team.
Originally posted by The Duff Man
As a frequent reader of the World forum, and non member of the World league my observations are that there were more USAPL posts in the regular season, but there were also more relating to dotball.

The last week or so the USAPL posts DID shift gears and start getting too braggy and less interesting. The majority of CPL posts on the other hand are consistantly a bunch of shit better suited to a board my 4 year old could post on.

So here's to hoping that the trend of more USAPL posts, and fewer CPL ones can continue.

Here's to hoping that the trend of you reading and not posting continues.
The Duff Man
Originally posted by Iceman16

Here's to hoping that the trend of you reading and not posting continues.

Dare to dream...

Originally posted by joemiken
Looks like one league was left out....

WPL: 3-1

Special consideration could be given to Lincoln as well since two charter WPL teams, Washington and OFG, have added players to the team.


WPL >>>> other leagues

Leagues that are scared:
Originally posted by tigerbait22
Mayan sucks. To lose to our team is a huge embarrassment.

Mayan never claimed to be elite. We don't make the claim now, but GP was right, we can beat half of the WL teams, argue semantics all day long, we don't care.

Good sir, I humbly beg you to reconsider your comma usage in future posts.
Originally posted by ddingo
Good sir, I humbly beg you to reconsider your comma usage in future posts.

Mayans gonna comma all over your team later in the season big guy
Edited by tigerbait22 on Oct 23, 2009 00:33:09
so i think what you're saying is

CPL: 1

Rest: None
Originally posted by phthalatemagic

WPL >>>> other leagues

Leagues that are scared:

Do you always make things up? You keep assuming I give a squat about CPL because I'm on a CPL team. I just want other WL teams to get more respect. This isn't USA plus other scrub teams. There a lots of good teams here not from USA. I don't know how to say this any plainer, but I'm sure you'll find a way to talk about CPL.

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