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Forum > Champion League > Official Discussion: How can we make this forum not so god damn terrible?
Originally posted by henne
CPL + Kai + FFA players from OTR = Very Interesting Forum

Originally posted by Darth Asheme
Originally posted by henne

CPL + Kai = Very Interesting Forum

If one was to assign numerical values to that equation, it would like something like this:

98740127580315 + (-98740127580315) = 0

So witty
If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.
Originally posted by Gart888

Please post any ideas you have, and feel free to comment on ideas other people have had. I'd also appreciate it if people could refrain from trolling this thread, as that would only be counter productive.


I'll be the first to agree that all these, "look at how fucking awesome my team/player is" over compensating for feelings of inadequacy threads get a little sickening, but not to the ppl that get off on making them. The "your team sucks ass" threads aren't any better, but the guys that hate the "look at me teams" don't think so. Then you'll have those that hate the CPL style of posts, but the CPLers think they're awesome. You can expect "Hater" comments trying to derail every rankings thread that's somewhat accurate and so on.

I don't know if limiting the forum to only the WL owners/gms/agents would really help, honestly. Most of the posts/threads the majority of users would consider shit are coming from WL owners/gms/agents. Frankly, as much as I wish this wasn't the case, I think it's just going to have to run its course and what it ends up as is what it is. Unfortunately, the end result will most likely be much of what it is now, just less intense. Hell, with the massive divisions in this league, you could never get anyone to agree on what sucks and what doesn't anyway.

Originally posted by PP
Originally posted by Gart888

Please post any ideas you have, and feel free to comment on ideas other people have had. I'd also appreciate it if people could refrain from trolling this thread, as that would only be counter productive.


I'll be the first to agree that all these, "look at how fucking awesome my team/player is" over compensating for feelings of inadequacy threads get a little sickening,

aharden, there's your cue.

Originally posted by blankspace
If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out
Originally posted by PP
Originally posted by Gart888

Please post any ideas you have, and feel free to comment on ideas other people have had. I'd also appreciate it if people could refrain from trolling this thread, as that would only be counter productive.


I'll be the first to agree that all these, "look at how fucking awesome my team/player is" over compensating for feelings of inadequacy threads get a little sickening, but not to the ppl that get off on making them. The "your team sucks ass" threads aren't any better, but the guys that hate the "look at me teams" don't think so. Then you'll have those that hate the CPL style of posts, but the CPLers think they're awesome. You can expect "Hater" comments trying to derail every rankings thread that's somewhat accurate and so on.

I don't know if limiting the forum to only the WL owners/gms/agents would really help, honestly. Most of the posts/threads the majority of users would consider shit are coming from WL owners/gms/agents. Frankly, as much as I wish this wasn't the case, I think it's just going to have to run its course and what it ends up as is what it is. Unfortunately, the end result will most likely be much of what it is now, just less intense. Hell, with the massive divisions in this league, you could never get anyone to agree on what sucks and what doesn't anyway.

Guess I won't make a "Cincinnati Shockers Appreciation Thread" then. lol

I just won't read the World League forums quite as much as I did USA. Although, I remember USA being kind of a madhouse for part of season 6 when all the new teams arrived.

It'll be much better when the Kai get demoted.
Originally posted by blankspace
If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

Not nearly awesome enough yet to be CPL.

Guess I should just turn my PF into a tolerable WL forum.
Originally posted by Ubasstards
Originally posted by blankspace

If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out

plz continue making quality threads like "kobra kai is awesome," "kobra kai will sweep your leg," "_____ about to be leg swep by kait," or whatever awful repetitive variations of the same dumb fucking shit you have posted for a year. Im personally a huge fan
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Guess I should just turn my PF into a tolerable WL forum.

The Drygeria forum already exists.
Originally posted by Gart888
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Guess I should just turn my PF into a tolerable WL forum.

The Drygeria forum already exists.

invite now
Originally posted by DrunkenOne
Originally posted by Ubasstards

Originally posted by blankspace

If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out

plz continue making quality threads like "kobra kai is awesome," "kobra kai will sweep your leg," "_____ about to be leg swep by kait," or whatever awful repetitive variations of the same dumb fucking shit you have posted for a year. Im personally a huge fan


Originally posted by blankspace
Originally posted by Gart888

Originally posted by RTJakarta

Guess I should just turn my PF into a tolerable WL forum.

The Drygeria forum already exists.

invite now

Eyebrow licked.

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