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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Ozmosis night out last night story
Originally posted by hatchman

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Anything can be "construed" anyway you want.

So good job on thinking racially.

Do us all a favor (I don't even hate you and about to rip into you) ... go grow up, live in the real world for a while... Take the sand out of your pussy... Go watch some Chris Rock, Kat Williams, and Richard Pryor stand up shit, and then you'll have an idea that racism is only racism when the person hates the other, or is truly ignorant of what they're saying.

If you can't make fun of someone's race or sexual orientation, or tell a joke and laugh and still have plenty of friends of that race/s.o. ; then I'd call you a racist.

I have plenty of black and gay friends, and they all TRULY enjoy a good black/gay joke... just as I enjoy a good white joke, whatever it's about.

When you start talking about how people TREAT and THINK about other people, then you get to racism.

And if Rickey isn't one of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever met/heard, I'll go fuck the ugliest woman I can find as punishment.
It's painful trying to read his spew. I don't even try anymore. And I could read it, it's just the dumbing of America, and he's a fucking ignorance pusher.

And you're a fucking ignorant tree-hugger. I'm sorry, like I said, I don't have anything against you; but anyone who comes out and immediately calls Wanker's "The Man" comment as racist is just as ignorant as fucking Rickey....

Now I'm all fucking pissy right before bed.


This has been a Rick Blaine rant.

Good Night

And fuck off everyone
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by hatchman

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Anything can be "construed" anyway you want.

So good job on thinking racially.

Do us all a favor (I don't even hate you and about to rip into you) ... go grow up, live in the real world for a while... Take the sand out of your pussy... Go watch some Chris Rock, Kat Williams, and Richard Pryor stand up shit, and then you'll have an idea that racism is only racism when the person hates the other, or is truly ignorant of what they're saying.

If you can't make fun of someone's race or sexual orientation, or tell a joke and laugh and still have plenty of friends of that race/s.o. ; then I'd call you a racist.

I have plenty of black and gay friends, and they all TRULY enjoy a good black/gay joke... just as I enjoy a good white joke, whatever it's about.

When you start talking about how people TREAT and THINK about other people, then you get to racism.

And if Rickey isn't one of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever met/heard, I'll go fuck the ugliest woman I can find as punishment.
It's painful trying to read his spew. I don't even try anymore. And I could read it, it's just the dumbing of America, and he's a fucking ignorance pusher.

And you're a fucking ignorant tree-hugger. I'm sorry, like I said, I don't have anything against you; but anyone who comes out and immediately calls Wanker's "The Man" comment as racist is just as ignorant as fucking Rickey....

Now I'm all fucking pissy right before bed.


This has been a Rick Blaine rant.

Good Night

And fuck off everyone

are you crying?
Originally posted by Rickey-P
Originally posted by Snaza

Originally posted by hatchman

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Anything can be "construed" anyway you want.

So good job on thinking racially.

Do us all a favor (I don't even hate you and about to rip into you) ... go grow up, live in the real world for a while... Take the sand out of your pussy... Go watch some Chris Rock, Kat Williams, and Richard Pryor stand up shit, and then you'll have an idea that racism is only racism when the person hates the other, or is truly ignorant of what they're saying.

If you can't make fun of someone's race or sexual orientation, or tell a joke and laugh and still have plenty of friends of that race/s.o. ; then I'd call you a racist.

I have plenty of black and gay friends, and they all TRULY enjoy a good black/gay joke... just as I enjoy a good white joke, whatever it's about.

When you start talking about how people TREAT and THINK about other people, then you get to racism.

And if Rickey isn't one of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever met/heard, I'll go fuck the ugliest woman I can find as punishment.
It's painful trying to read his spew. I don't even try anymore. And I could read it, it's just the dumbing of America, and he's a fucking ignorance pusher.

And you're a fucking ignorant tree-hugger. I'm sorry, like I said, I don't have anything against you; but anyone who comes out and immediately calls Wanker's "The Man" comment as racist is just as ignorant as fucking Rickey....

Now I'm all fucking pissy right before bed.


This has been a Rick Blaine rant.

Good Night

And fuck off everyone

are you crying?

Snaza, I don't think that your post had enough ebonics in it for Ricky to understand?

I think that you need to remove every third letter and randomly change every other vowel.

Side Note: If I get bored at work later, I am so going to do that and see what it looks like.
Originally posted by bighookworm
Snaza, I don't think that your post had enough ebonics in it for Ricky to understand?

I think that you need to remove every third letter and randomly change every other vowel.

Side Note: If I get bored at work later, I am so going to do that and see what it looks like.

I so wanna see that
Don't forget to use 3 as a e or a E.
Originally posted by Snaza

I so wanna see that

Me too!

The other option is to have my seven year old have a go at it too. The problem with this is that he can actually spell common words correctly.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Don't forget to use 3 as a e or a E.

Isn't that just the COOLEST when people do that! Oh I love it...
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Don't forget to use 3 as a e or a E.

Isn't that just the COOL3ST wh3n p3opl3 do that! Oh I love it...

Th3 first tim3 I saw it written lik3 this was wh3n my cousin s3nt m3 a txt.

My first r3ply was "To think, you're supposed to be related to me"
Goat Father
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by hatchman

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Anything can be "construed" anyway you want.

So good job on thinking racially.

Do us all a favor (I don't even hate you and about to rip into you) ... go grow up, live in the real world for a while... Take the sand out of your pussy... Go watch some Chris Rock, Kat Williams, and Richard Pryor stand up shit, and then you'll have an idea that racism is only racism when the person hates the other, or is truly ignorant of what they're saying.

If you can't make fun of someone's race or sexual orientation, or tell a joke and laugh and still have plenty of friends of that race/s.o. ; then I'd call you a racist.

I have plenty of black and gay friends, and they all TRULY enjoy a good black/gay joke... just as I enjoy a good white joke, whatever it's about.

When you start talking about how people TREAT and THINK about other people, then you get to racism.

And if Rickey isn't one of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever met/heard, I'll go fuck the ugliest woman I can find as punishment.
It's painful trying to read his spew. I don't even try anymore. And I could read it, it's just the dumbing of America, and he's a fucking ignorance pusher.

And you're a fucking ignorant tree-hugger. I'm sorry, like I said, I don't have anything against you; but anyone who comes out and immediately calls Wanker's "The Man" comment as racist is just as ignorant as fucking Rickey....

Now I'm all fucking pissy right before bed.


This has been a Rick Blaine rant.

Good Night

And fuck off everyone

You dumb S.O.B I never said it was racist I said it could have been conceived that way. I even went on to explain why I said something. I am not racist and I don't recall saying anyone here was. You people try to twist what was said into a complete change of what I said. I never accused anyone of a fucking thing. I just asked to watch what was said as the racist thing killed a very good league I was in a couple season's ago. so instead of trying to be a jerk try to read and understand the point of something before you comment. now you are gonna try to turn that around and say I should do the same thing well again if you will read the thread and the posts I didn't accuss anyone of anything. I just explained how some people may see certain things.
LXA and LABATT BLUE together= One huge Annoying Homo Fest!
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

I just want you to know that, while I am receiving my education, upon reading your belittling of my teammate I will proceed to wipe my ass with your part of the taxes paid!!!!

Well then don't complain when you're being held down by "the man"

there is no need for a racist remark like this. you need to learn some respect it is one thing to talk shit and try to have fun but another thing to take it as far as being racist. we all pay taxes we all have done our share so grow up and lets get the trash talking back on track instead of this stupid shit.

You are a fucking idiot.
Originally posted by Porch
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

I just want you to know that, while I am receiving my education, upon reading your belittling of my teammate I will proceed to wipe my ass with your part of the taxes paid!!!!

Well then don't complain when you're being held down by "the man"

there is no need for a racist remark like this. you need to learn some respect it is one thing to talk shit and try to have fun but another thing to take it as far as being racist. we all pay taxes we all have done our share so grow up and lets get the trash talking back on track instead of this stupid shit.

You are a fucking idiot.

Your mother's a fucking idiot. ooooo, what now??? lol
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

I just want you to know that, while I am receiving my education, upon reading your belittling of my teammate I will proceed to wipe my ass with your part of the taxes paid!!!!

Well then don't complain when you're being held down by "the man"

there is no need for a racist remark like this.

You sir are playing two different tunes.

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