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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Hatchman's pre-season rankings for the west
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by GuruMan88

Originally posted by MF3K

Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by MF3K

Originally posted by kdpat15

lake eerie eee???? ur that confident bruhh how bout we play again this season i guarantee you you wont win like that we got an actually qualified OC i think we will do much better.

Don't get upset by my post. I know you guys are better than that score indicated. Just taking a jab at LXA, not you guys. We can play again later in the season. Let's see if there's a chance of a meaningful matchup first.

Eh, you take a stab at The U just to take a jab at LXA then turn around kiss The U's ass?

I have nothing but respect for the U. I posted nothing but facts.

See his priorities are arranged such that taking a jab at LXA is more important than respecting the U

Now, I just wonder which hurts worse. The little jab he gave us or the stab he put to The U just to take that jab.

Quit trying to stir shit up. I'll scrimmage them every season if they want. They may beat us and it won't bother me a bit. They're already proven they belong in this league.
Yep, belong so you can take stabs at them to get to us?
Originally posted by kdpat15
im not worried about nothing hopefully we see lake eerie in the preseason or for our first regular season game thats all i am asking for..

Ok man. Take it how you want.
*sits down with a bag of popcorn with a good view of the fight*
Originally posted by MF3K
Originally posted by kdpat15

im not worried about nothing hopefully we see lake eerie in the preseason or for our first regular season game thats all i am asking for..

Ok man. Take it how you want.

TBH all I'm asking for is to actually play somebody that is relevant for the preseason. I GM'd one team where we got gutted teams for the preseason, when the regular season came, we weren't sure how the sim changes would affect our team. Didn't end to well.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Yep, belong so you can take stabs at them to get to us?

Sure, whatever. kd's buying into your manipulation. Not much I can change. The bottom line is, it gets settled on the field. Unlike the LXA philosophy, I'll give the U the chance to whoop up on us every season if they want.
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 19:43:51
I'm not manipulating. I'm laying down the facts as I see them in my very onesided, biased opinion.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by MF3K

Originally posted by kdpat15

im not worried about nothing hopefully we see lake eerie in the preseason or for our first regular season game thats all i am asking for..

Ok man. Take it how you want.

TBH all I'm asking for is to actually play somebody that is relevant for the preseason. I GM'd one team where we got gutted teams for the preseason, when the regular season came, we weren't sure how the sim changes would affect our team. Didn't end to well.

Playing gut jobs is never fun imo. It's a nice break from game planning occasionally in the regular season and that's it.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Yep, belong so you can take stabs at them to get to us?

Seems to me an odd way of taking shots at us. I mean, there are so many ways to do it without antagonizing another team....

1. Talk about how we are all talk.
2. Talk about how our BBB#7 championship was due to a dying league
3. Talk about how it took us so long to get promoted

Its kind of like punching your friend in the face so that he accidently pushes the guy next to him in the pool.
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Yep, belong so you can take stabs at them to get to us?

Seems to me an odd way of taking shots at us. I mean, there are so many ways to do it without antagonizing another team....

1. Talk about how we are all talk.
2. Talk about how our BBB#7 championship was due to a dying league
3. Talk about how it took us so long to get promoted

Its kind of like punching your friend in the face so that he accidently pushes the guy next to him in the pool.

Yea, true, but some people like the "two birds with one stone" theory.
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Yep, belong so you can take stabs at them to get to us?

Seems to me an odd way of taking shots at us. I mean, there are so many ways to do it without antagonizing another team....

1. Talk about how we are all talk.
2. Talk about how our BBB#7 championship was due to a dying league
3. Talk about how it took us so long to get promoted

Its kind of like punching your friend in the face so that he accidently pushes the guy next to him in the pool.

That's where we're different. LXA likes to talk about how good they are and Lake Erie likes to prove it on the field. So what if you lose? It's a game.
Originally posted by MF3K

That's where we're different. LXA likes to talk about how good they are and Lake Erie likes to prove it on the field. So what if you lose? It's a game.

Again....what are you proving if you don't game plan to win? It isn't proving ANYTHING on the field. Its flawed logic.
I tried to say that once. If you are going to play a scrimmy to show who is best then you would need to gameplan to win it. Not play it with no gameplan and hope for the best.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
I tried to say that once. If you are going to play a scrimmy to show who is best then you would need to gameplan to win it. Not play it with no gameplan and hope for the best.

Agreed. The only scrimmages we accepted met one of the following:

1. A scrimmage between two teams who just didn't care
2. Requested by a team because they wanted to see where they stood against a better team
3. The U --- cuz we don't like them.

Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by MF3K

That's where we're different. LXA likes to talk about how good they are and Lake Erie likes to prove it on the field. So what if you lose? It's a game.

Again....what are you proving if you don't game plan to win? It isn't proving ANYTHING on the field. Its flawed logic.

That you can have fun? Throw your base AI out there.

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