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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Man you guys are cool!
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Knock down on the personal attacks after you made a personal attack?

Sometimes I wonder about ya Hatch. I think there is truely an asshole deep inside of you that is yearning to break out but you somehow manage to keep him locked away once he sniffs day light.

Man I have wondered about you since you came into this forum. you throw me for a loop I have seen alot of screwy kids on this game. I have even seen alot of Older guys that think they are internet bad ass's but you are one of the few that just blow me away. You are so disrespectful and I guarantee if I met you in real life you wouldn't be this way. you would show some respect towards others. Just because you will probably never meet someone in real life doesn't mean you have to be so disrespectful. try to have fun by all means but what fun is it to constantly try to tear people down. that isn't funny it is pathetic.

TBH, I am this way in real life. If ya don't believe me I could send you my work number in a PM and you could call and ask everyone I work with. Hell, I'll eve give you referance numbers if you want.
So I can guaruntteeee you this, I would be the same way if we met face to face or not.
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces I hardly think my face is ugly my good sir, I have been told I could be a model for the homeless mutt shelter
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

Finally grifter makes a post that is funny and a joy to read.

thank you I enjoyed this and there was no downgrading anyone. this is a proud day for canadaA4
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces I hardly think my face is ugly my good sir, I have been told I could be a model for the homeless mutt shelter
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

Finally grifter makes a post that is funny and a joy to read.

thank you I enjoyed this and there was no downgrading anyone. this is a proud day for canadaA4

Here's a catch. I do this all the time tbh. I make fun of myself just the same as I make fun of others. Ask Inebriated, I've done it in BBB forums and I have done it up here as well, last season and this season.

Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces I hardly think my face is ugly my good sir, I have been told I could be a model for the homeless mutt shelter
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

Finally grifter makes a post that is funny and a joy to read.

thank you I enjoyed this and there was no downgrading anyone. this is a proud day for canadaA4

Here's a catch. I do this all the time tbh. I make fun of myself just the same as I make fun of others. Ask Inebriated, I've done it in BBB forums and I have done it up here as well, last season and this season.

Agreed, as I make fun of myself constantly. Ask all my buds, I'm the surrogate Jack Ass of the bunch! Part of the act hatch, and if you can't get it man, I guess it isn't your style. Don't come across me as all high and mighty though... YOU CALLED ME OUT....
According to the repeated claims the following assumptions can be made about the people in this forum.

90% live with their parents.
-50% of those are minors
-39% are over 35
-1% prefer to "keep it in the family"

75% are "geeks" with no life away from the computer

100% masterbate

60% of non-virgins lost it to someone or something nasty

95% are virgins

72% have homosexual fantasies/tendancies

80% are overweight

(numbers are not accurate, I am not that bored)

get the point...
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 13:26:39
Wow, you actually broke down my fathers sexual history just by reading this thread

Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Wow, you actually broke down my fathers sexual history just by reading this thread


Is he a 1%er ?
Originally posted by Xero00
According to the repeated claims the following assumptions can be made about the people in this forum.

90% live with their parents.
-50% of those are minors
-39% are over 35
-1% prefer to "keep it in the family"

75% are "geeks" with no life away from the computer

100% masterbate

60% of non-virgins lost it to someone or something nasty

95% are virgins

72% have homosexual fantasies/tendancies

(numbers are not accurate, I am not that bored)

get the point...

i still think you are a PEON PHINPHAN!
Originally posted by Xero00
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Wow, you actually broke down my fathers sexual history just by reading this thread


Is he a 1%er ?

If you ever meet his sisters, you would probably think the same as me. And NO, they weren't beautiful or anywhere near it. Just that fucked up looking.
Originally posted by kdpat15
i still think you are a PEON PHINPHAN!


The only PEON I see here kd is you with that freaking "misfits club" Avatar. That's like joining a group of Emo's, correct me if I'm wrong...
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by kdpat15

i personally think phinphan is a 35 year old perv. who plays dungeons and dragons on his free time while living at his parents house still.(or whatever you call that shit)

Shit he was prob on Dateline as well for trying to get with 12 yr. old boys. hahah

You saw that episode?

And in calm and witty retort to my bud, Inebriated. I hardly think that my banter has been "falling back on my standard lines." Granted, I have used the Peon saying for some time, but have introduced many classics. Such as:

The Lord of the Nunavut
"grammar goon" as your buddy Ricky-P called it
Rips on you, KD, Aholewanker, and many others.

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

So, here's the deal. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to have fun. If you don't like that, guess what... TOUGH SHIT... and frankly, I thought we had some witty banter going back and forth with each other, so it disappoints me GREATLY that you felt the desire to say how much you "have a problem" with me....

KD gets it Inebriated, maybe it's time you get a clue and realize that this is for fun. BEING AN ASSHOLE IS WHY I SIGNED UP FOR A TEAM CALLED THE ASSHOLES, CAPISH?

Freaking Peons.... pissing me off...

You think too much of yourself. First off Nunavut isnt even in the Yukon Province so Im not really sure why you find that so amusing. I would have gone with something along the lines of making them eat Old Crow(town of about 250) or even Destruction Bay being the testing site for the death ray.... But apparently research isnt your strong point.

Your "rips" on me Aholewanker and "many" others were pretty bad as well. As amusing as you found them any time I tried to send it back your way you did revert back to your standard lines and I saw you pull the same maneuver with most of the other people who tried to return your quips.

As for the "grammar goon"(you didnt come up with it so why are you taking credit?) its more commonly known as the grammar police, grammar nazi, or the tool that tries to correct everyones grammar on an internet message board. If Im not being graded I dont want to hear it. Many of us are typing our posts in breaks from work and are more concerned with time restraints than pleasing your grammar fetish.

Fact1: the agents that posted on this board were good people who respected the others gameplanning more than their ability to talk shit on an internet message board. I know maturity comes late for some people but for the rest of us we enjoy it.
Fact2: your facts are pretty much all saying the same thing but posted as multiple facts to make it look as if you have a valid argument.
Fact3: I can keep repeating myself in various facts too
Fact4: Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder

Im not here to make friends either. I have enough IRL and am not counting on this passtime to make myself feel more important or well liked. The witty banter that you remember was amusing until every one returned to the same shit. Honestly I dont think youre that bad of a guy I just think you try too hard to be an asshole instead of making good contributions to the boards..

The sad part of all this is I enjoy Boltz more than you PhinPhan. At least he cant help it.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Anebriated
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Originally posted by kdpat15

i personally think phinphan is a 35 year old perv. who plays dungeons and dragons on his free time while living at his parents house still.(or whatever you call that shit)

Shit he was prob on Dateline as well for trying to get with 12 yr. old boys. hahah

You saw that episode?

And in calm and witty retort to my bud, Inebriated. I hardly think that my banter has been "falling back on my standard lines." Granted, I have used the Peon saying for some time, but have introduced many classics. Such as:

The Lord of the Nunavut
"grammar goon" as your buddy Ricky-P called it
Rips on you, KD, Aholewanker, and many others.

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

So, here's the deal. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to have fun. If you don't like that, guess what... TOUGH SHIT... and frankly, I thought we had some witty banter going back and forth with each other, so it disappoints me GREATLY that you felt the desire to say how much you "have a problem" with me....

KD gets it Inebriated, maybe it's time you get a clue and realize that this is for fun. BEING AN ASSHOLE IS WHY I SIGNED UP FOR A TEAM CALLED THE ASSHOLES, CAPISH?

Freaking Peons.... pissing me off...

You think too much of yourself. First off Nunavut isnt even in the Yukon Province so Im not really sure why you find that so amusing. I would have gone with something along the lines of making them eat Old Crow(town of about 250) or even Destruction Bay being the testing site for the death ray.... But apparently research isnt your strong point.

Your "rips" on me Aholewanker and "many" others were pretty bad as well. As amusing as you found them any time I tried to send it back your way you did revert back to your standard lines and I saw you pull the same maneuver with most of the other people who tried to return your quips.

As for the "grammar goon"(you didnt come up with it so why are you taking credit?) its more commonly known as the grammar police, grammar nazi, or the tool that tries to correct everyones grammar on an internet message board. If Im not being graded I dont want to hear it. Many of us are typing our posts in breaks from work and are more concerned with time restraints than pleasing your grammar fetish.

Fact1: the agents that posted on this board were good people who respected the others gameplanning more than their ability to talk shit on an internet message board. I know maturity comes late for some people but for the rest of us we enjoy it.
Fact2: your facts are pretty much all saying the same thing but posted as multiple facts to make it look as if you have a valid argument.
Fact3: I can keep repeating myself in various facts too
Fact4: Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder

Im not here to make friends either. I have enough IRL and am not counting on this passtime to make myself feel more important or well liked. The witty banter that you remember was amusing until every one returned to the same shit. Honestly I dont think youre that bad of a guy I just think you try too hard to be an asshole instead of making good contributions to the boards..

The sad part of all this is I enjoy Boltz more than you PhinPhan. At least he cant help it.

this was one of the best reads I have had in a long time. and it is spot on at least you can tell boltz isn't trying to be something he isn't he is just a mouthy person that puts his foot in his mouth and can't find away to get it out.

+100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I love it anebriated
Originally posted by Anebriated

The sad part of all this is I enjoy Boltz more than you PhinPhan. At least he cant help it.

Ouch, sic burn.

did you really have to take it to a whole nother level?

My eyes are bleeding just from reading this.
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Anebriated

The sad part of all this is I enjoy Boltz more than you PhinPhan. At least he cant help it.

Ouch, sic burn.

did you really have to take it to a whole nother level?

My eyes are bleeding just from reading this.


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