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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This is the year of the Maraudernad Masterminds!
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by badmotorfinger

Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

And how does using a gameplan ONCE make someone children? Were the Dolphins "children" for using the Wildcat when it appeared to be effective? I could go on and on with the examples, but it looks like effective management to me. Now all of you are curious if we are going to use it again on you will have to plan for it....or maybe we'll just start throwing long bombs.....who knows....

LOL, give me a break. Your real life analogies are fucking terrible. Not sure why you even need them though.. The only person you need to convice is yourself.
Originally posted by badmotorfinger
The source of the quote, doesn't make the quote any less true. The mentality is the same... You are what you are.

Next time I'll try and quote something from Sesame Street to try and bring it down to your level.

haha priceless. This would be the perfect example of the internet superiority complex. You know nothing about me, but yet feel for some unknown reason believe yourself to be a "better" person. I know it's just your internet persona, but I believe it just makes you appear to be someone that is grasping to be someone they really aren't. So in is a quote that I feel suits the current situation...."JACKASS!" - Extracted from "Happy Gilmore"
Originally posted by badmotorfinger
Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Luter? Talk about Sesame Street...
I am what I am and can't stands no more!
Originally posted by badmotorfinger
Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Holy Sanctimonious! Badmotorfinger busts out the MLK quotes. How shall we describe this, Godwin's Law in reverse? Thankfully, we all know now that for some on this forum "Times of challenge and controversy" is when a low level team can run on a high level team and win. Calling that out takes some true inner fortitude for sure. Why don't we commemorate this moment of truth and line it right up along with Selma?

Well captain pontificator, in case you hadn't noticed these forums are filled with homophobic bs - and not from anyone with MM mind you. Yet the great moral drama for which you roll out MLK and wield him like a club is that somebody ran the ball too much for your tastes on GLB? Time to check your moral compass - it may be out of whack.

Godwin's Law Wiki:

Originally posted by Shalubis
Originally posted by badmotorfinger

Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Holy Sanctimonious! Badmotorfinger busts out the MLK quotes. How shall we describe this, Godwin's Law in reverse? Thankfully, we all know now that for some on this forum "Times of challenge and controversy" is when a low level team can run on a high level team and win. Calling that out takes some true inner fortitude for sure. Why don't we commemorate this moment of truth and line it right up along with Selma?

Well captain pontificator, in case you hadn't noticed these forums are filled with homophobic bs - and not from anyone with MM mind you. Yet the great moral drama for which you roll out MLK and wield him like a club is that somebody ran the ball too much for your tastes on GLB? Time to check your moral compass - it may be out of whack.

Godwin's Law Wiki:

Any more cry babies want to chime in? This some funny shit, quoting MLK , lol.

There aint no crying in GLB.
Originally posted by Shalubis
Originally posted by badmotorfinger

Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Holy Sanctimonious! Badmotorfinger busts out the MLK quotes. How shall we describe this, Godwin's Law in reverse? Thankfully, we all know now that for some on this forum "Times of challenge and controversy" is when a low level team can run on a high level team and win. Calling that out takes some true inner fortitude for sure. Why don't we commemorate this moment of truth and line it right up along with Selma?

Well captain pontificator, in case you hadn't noticed these forums are filled with homophobic bs - and not from anyone with MM mind you. Yet the great moral drama for which you roll out MLK and wield him like a club is that somebody ran the ball too much for your tastes on GLB? Time to check your moral compass - it may be out of whack.

Godwin's Law Wiki:

That post was brought to you by the letter "D", "D" for douche bag.

That's all I have to say.
Originally posted by kdurant35

That's all I have to say.

Oh we are all so proud of you! Congratulations on winning an overtime game against a team that you outleveled by 8-10 levels across the board! Do you want a lollipop or would you prefer one of those big, shiny stickers?
Originally posted by kdurant35

That's all I have to say.

I'll see your game and raise you this one!

championship Thats right hand over them chips mofo

That's from season 4, and one where I had 3 players and was the offensive coordinator for. I can show you the one I was a DC for that I lost, or I can show you the 6 others that I had players in, but wasn't a GM for.

This game is even better though....give the chips back.....
Last edited Mar 23, 2009 18:35:15
Originally posted by byrongame21
Originally posted by kdurant35

That's all I have to say.

Oh we are all so proud of you! Congratulations on winning an overtime game against a team that you outleveled by 8-10 levels across the board! Do you want a lollipop or would you prefer one of those big, shiny stickers?

Cool. That's still a win right? Yea? oh, ok. I was confused. You guys sounded like you were #1 in the league or something. And please stop that level bull shit. It's a weak cop out.
Last edited Mar 23, 2009 18:50:55
Originally posted by Pud

That post was brought to you by the letter "D", "D" for douche bag.

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." - I'm pretty sure Albert Einstein had your lame post in mind when he said this.
Last edited Mar 23, 2009 19:00:00

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