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Janderson, You are a good team, but if you were in the East you'd probably be 7-3 or 8-2 right now. Unless of course you didn't play any of the top 5 teams.
Originally posted by kyle321n
Janderson, You are a good team, but if you were in the East you'd probably be 7-3 or 8-2 right now. Unless of course you didn't play any of the top 5 teams.

Originally posted by OOGA BOOGA
Originally posted by janderson182

"you've played hardly any good teams. Every good team in the EAST has been tested, you guys havn't."

Ok, I'll say this again. All we can do is beat the teams that are put in front of us. Was I typing in Russian? Let's say a team composed of Wilt Chamberlin, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, and Magic their respective primes...played 82 games against girls high school teams from Iowa. Would you argue that they're not the best team in the world because they haven't played anyone good? I'm not saying that we're definitely the best team. I'm just saying that nobody can say that we definitely aren't. Well, you can say it but it doesn't amount to a whole heck of a lot.

yea but your team does not consists of "micheal jordans" and we're not teams of "little girls".
your whole analogy is flawed try again.

I'm fully aware that my analogy is not 1:1, I just thought it would help others understand my point better. Obviously not. But that's ok.
BTW you can look at how you'd match up against other teams. Here's a comparison between the 4th place in the East.
And to the teams of the East: I am creating a Sagrin-esque power ranking for us. Hopefully I can get it down by tonight.
Originally posted by janderson182
Originally posted by OOGA BOOGA

Originally posted by janderson182

"you've played hardly any good teams. Every good team in the EAST has been tested, you guys havn't."

Ok, I'll say this again. All we can do is beat the teams that are put in front of us. Was I typing in Russian? Let's say a team composed of Wilt Chamberlin, Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan, and Magic their respective primes...played 82 games against girls high school teams from Iowa. Would you argue that they're not the best team in the world because they haven't played anyone good? I'm not saying that we're definitely the best team. I'm just saying that nobody can say that we definitely aren't. Well, you can say it but it doesn't amount to a whole heck of a lot.

yea but your team does not consists of "micheal jordans" and we're not teams of "little girls".
your whole analogy is flawed try again.

I'm fully aware that my analogy is not 1:1, I just thought it would help others understand my point better. Obviously not. But that's ok.

No, your analogy would be right if all you play were level 4-6 teams. What you don't get is that we're not saying that you didn't deserve those wins it just that you've never been tested. Therefore we don't know how good your team is.
Originally posted by the_old_days
Originally posted by kyle321n

Janderson, You are a good team, but if you were in the East you'd probably be 7-3 or 8-2 right now. Unless of course you didn't play any of the top 5 teams.


I have taken a look at all of the top teams in the East and don't see anyone that we couldn't, and IMO, wouldn't beat more times than not. I'm not saying that we'd be undefeated in your division but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. But I'm obviously not going to convince you fellas of anything and it really doesn't matter. Happy fake footballing everyone.
Good game from the Smilies... GL the rest of the season.
Who'd have thought that I would lead the league in scoring?
Originally posted by kyle321n
BTW you can look at how you'd match up against other teams. Here's a comparison between the 4th place in the East.

I'm aware of this, but we don't have our best players listed as the No. 1's in the depth chart right now and those matchups only take into account the players listed as starters. So, as you can see, our backups compare very favorably with the 4th best team in the East. Thanks for making my point!
Originally posted by kyle321n
And to the teams of the East: I am creating a Sagrin-esque power ranking for us. Hopefully I can get it down by tonight.

Cool... I look forward to seeing it =.)
#1. First of all Fuck the road runners who are cheaters.

#2. Second of all props to the Rhinos who beat every one they played. Its not like it is their fault their divisions sucks. They can say what ever they want because they havent lost.

#3. Who ever said it was impossible for VT to win because of the tough road we would face that is bullshit. Who ever comes out of the East is going to have to play some very good teams. The number 1 seed as well.

#4. First of all I didnt start this shit back up with alanta it was someone else but you guys even admitted it was a bugged game So yes it had an equal effect but no it wasnt a legit game. Bort did something to the QB so you guys beat us yes but the game wasnt legit. So go suck a dick saying you beat us as many times as you want the reality is that the team you just lost two we just shut out.

#5. Buzzkill when i said we crushed you I didnt mean it like it was a blow out i was exaggerating. You are a classy guy and hope you guys have a good rest of the season


Originally posted by Superman6464
Originally posted by the_old_days

Originally posted by kyle321n

Originally posted by the_old_days

Lets leave this cheating stuff in the past. I think Verk's even over it now. Focusing on the positive, we have a strong, competitive conference with some wacky and interesting personalites. It sucks it happened, but I think we've pretty much covered it at this point.

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

You seem to be talking a lot for a 2 loss team. I try to stay away from posting in here but I've been following this whole Roadrunners cheating saga, and all the other jazz that's happening in the East.

Honestly the only way the Ice Storm can win the regular season is with A LOT of help. I think the winner will be the winner of the Indy-Chesapeake game. The Ramrods are good, but they still have to face Vermont, Atlanta, and a good Waller team from the West.

If the playoffs were today the Ice Storm would have to beat an Atlanta team they lost to and the Ramrods, who just seem to find a way to win, then later possibly face an Indy team they lost to or the Road Runners. Also, they'd have face a team from the west (probably Bloomington). It's a long hard road for the Ice Storm.

I think we can all agree that the winner is coming from the East though.

First off, we've never lost by more than 5 points. Our team has only gotten better since the Atlanta game, and on the day of that game there was a GLB wide quarterback glitch that screwed over alot of teams, Bort even acknowledged it and rewarded everyone 100 FP as an apology.

You guys in Indy have a great team, and yes you beat us, but not buy much.

Your logic will go right out the window after we beat the Roadrunners and Ramrods.

Trust me, the Icestorm will win the conference.

Ooh, look at the Rhinos. How did they ever win all those games playing such tough opponents?

Why do you guys keep using the QB excuse? It effected everyones, not just yours, so that point it invalid but your team uses it like an excuse for losing - like it only affected your QB.

A lot of teams have also improved as time has went on, but you act like it's only your team. And there are teams who can also say they've never lost by 5 points. Hell, I can say that we have lost two games for a combined total of just 6 points. Hell we lost one with 30 seconds left in the game on a 44 yard TD. It's your stubborn arrogance that makes you annoying.

No..whats annoying is that you all sit back and make excuses why you lost to the Psycho's, "oh our QB threw 8 picks...blah..blah..blah."
Originally posted by vt_dolfan
Originally posted by Superman6464

Originally posted by the_old_days

Originally posted by kyle321n

Originally posted by the_old_days

Lets leave this cheating stuff in the past. I think Verk's even over it now. Focusing on the positive, we have a strong, competitive conference with some wacky and interesting personalites. It sucks it happened, but I think we've pretty much covered it at this point.

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

You seem to be talking a lot for a 2 loss team. I try to stay away from posting in here but I've been following this whole Roadrunners cheating saga, and all the other jazz that's happening in the East.

Honestly the only way the Ice Storm can win the regular season is with A LOT of help. I think the winner will be the winner of the Indy-Chesapeake game. The Ramrods are good, but they still have to face Vermont, Atlanta, and a good Waller team from the West.

If the playoffs were today the Ice Storm would have to beat an Atlanta team they lost to and the Ramrods, who just seem to find a way to win, then later possibly face an Indy team they lost to or the Road Runners. Also, they'd have face a team from the west (probably Bloomington). It's a long hard road for the Ice Storm.

I think we can all agree that the winner is coming from the East though.

First off, we've never lost by more than 5 points. Our team has only gotten better since the Atlanta game, and on the day of that game there was a GLB wide quarterback glitch that screwed over alot of teams, Bort even acknowledged it and rewarded everyone 100 FP as an apology.

You guys in Indy have a great team, and yes you beat us, but not buy much.

Your logic will go right out the window after we beat the Roadrunners and Ramrods.

Trust me, the Icestorm will win the conference.

Ooh, look at the Rhinos. How did they ever win all those games playing such tough opponents?

Why do you guys keep using the QB excuse? It effected everyones, not just yours, so that point it invalid but your team uses it like an excuse for losing - like it only affected your QB.

A lot of teams have also improved as time has went on, but you act like it's only your team. And there are teams who can also say they've never lost by 5 points. Hell, I can say that we have lost two games for a combined total of just 6 points. Hell we lost one with 30 seconds left in the game on a 44 yard TD. It's your stubborn arrogance that makes you annoying.

No..whats annoying is that you all sit back and make excuses why you lost to the Psycho's, "oh our QB threw 8 picks...blah..blah..blah."

yea and we gave them props, and said our QB had a bad game. We didn't blaim it on a glitch that effected everyone equaly theres a huge difference.
Originally posted by verks36
Originally posted by Superman6464

Originally posted by verks36

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by chaosdog

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by Superman6464

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by Superman6464


Originally posted by Buzzkill

hey! we caught those ints....dont be trying to take our credit just cuz you guys threw them!

I do however have to admit i had a couple of my players go strongarm a few members of your team, **encouraging** them to maybe let a few balls slip out of their grip, in their own best interest

Rub it in all you want, you won..but I would not be proud of that performance. We ran all over you guys, you couldn't stop us running. It was one player that allowed you to win, our QB who threw only 4 INTS in 8 games now throws that many in one.

We sure could stop the pass though, couldn't we? And don't cry about your past performance, your past performance wasn't against us now, was it?

I came on here to give props and then when Buzz took it upon himself to through in a "Rub" I replied back, since then we're cool. At least until you spit off with nonsense. Your coach even said that your stacked up against the run so stop acting like your you plan was so great and your so good. If the CPU would have stuck to the gameplan your coach said and set, then the outcome would have been different.

You had 7 turnovers, SEVEN, and it took a last play of the game pass (Missed Tackle) for you to win. You won, I congratulated your coach and team, but stop acting like your the shit. You still have a losing record and still looking up to us in the standings. Congrats on the win, but please stop acting like you handed it to us. We have played and beat better teams. Yeah we lost, it's not the first and probably won't be the last, but at least we're still only a game out of first. Hope to see you again in the playoffs, if you make it.

Coach may have set the plan, but I tell my 'backers how to play schill, as well as my CB. You lost. I hate chumps like you that congratulate on one hand and shit in the other. BUT our 1 missed tackle <sniffle> <sniffle> we're the number 6 team <sniffle> <sniffle> , you'll never make the playoffs <sniffle> <sniffle>. Classless. You think the ints. were just luck? You think nobody played the pass? Moron.

the fact that we turned the ball over 6 times and only lost by 3 tells ya somthing.

It tells me you have a good D (like ours) but your offense sucks donkey dick.

It was your own team owner that started it all. I never said a word to him but congrats. I've been on this board less then a handful of times. I've never talked shit to anyone, even when Verks was talking shit before our game. You can act all you want about how good you think your defense is. The point is, we have played better defenses and better teams and won, that's just fact. Our QB just sucked today and you won. If you take that as in insult to your team, so be it, I don't care. Talk all you want, but your still not even playoff bound with your losing record. And I bet you lose again today.

Our offense is among the best in the league, just look at the stats. Stats don't lie. It's all good, but tell me something - how does it feel to be sniffing our ass crack in the standings.

How does it feel that we just shutout the team you guys just lost to a week before. You guys lost to the Smilies while we just handlded them like it wasnt nothin.

Good game smilies you were out matched

so this isn't starting shit Verks??? The whole post was between Buzzkill and Supe, then you come in with your BS all over.
Dont blame it on me! What i said was taken the wrong way, as most of you who have gotten familiar with my posts could probably attest to...from there it just spiraled out of control lol

Sorry i got all this started Supe..i really wasnt trying to be ass with my initial 2 posts

Honestly though, excuses are just the losers way of making themselves feel better(im not pointing fingers at anyone, so dont get all hostile!). There's ALWAYS some reason you lost, just accept it regardless of what it was, unless of course its cheating. Ive given credit to every team who has beaten me regardless of why we lost. I may mention something that was a big factor on the game, but im not gonna go and say "if XXX didnt happen we would have kicked your ass!" If you lose you lose, and pinning it on one specific happening is just looking for a scapegoat. You have 60 minutes worth of playing and if you punt at all during that 60 minutes then you have at least 2 reasons you lost, so just take your lumps and try to learn from it.

Just felt like throwing my 2c in there

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