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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This is the year of the BOOTLEGGERZ!
Originally posted by PACharger
I agree with Slayton....there are several sore asses on the Bootz right now....probably because a team that is ~10 lvls lower then them beat them up, slapped them around and made them our bitch for a day.

At this point girls, we really don't care what kind of gameplan you run, we are happy that we beat you (no matter how we did it, since we didn't think we could do it in the first place). I am honestly concerned that you Nancy's are still talking about 1 loss 2-3 days later though....that's kinda sad.

You guys don't know me much. Umm I really don't care. I'm just bored and wanted to mess with you homosexuals because you homosexuals are amusing. One thing bootleggerz do is slack throughout the season... As far as I know.... the defense AI hasn't been changed since last season. It will obviously be changed some time before the playoffs and during the playoffs but I really see no point on changing it. We will still make the playoffs so no problem.
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Originally posted by PACharger

I agree with Slayton....there are several sore asses on the Bootz right now....probably because a team that is ~10 lvls lower then them beat them up, slapped them around and made them our bitch for a day.

At this point girls, we really don't care what kind of gameplan you run, we are happy that we beat you (no matter how we did it, since we didn't think we could do it in the first place). I am honestly concerned that you Nancy's are still talking about 1 loss 2-3 days later though....that's kinda sad.

You guys don't know me much. Umm I really don't care. I'm just bored and wanted to mess with you homosexuals because you homosexuals are amusing. One thing bootleggerz do is slack throughout the season... As far as I know.... the defense AI hasn't been changed since last season. It will obviously be changed some time before the playoffs and during the playoffs but I really see no point on changing it. We will still make the playoffs so no problem.

When we grow to level 50, we hope to be just like Team Bootlickerz...except maybe in a higher level league.

You guys are so arrogant and its killing you that you lost. You've repeatedly whined in all of these threads, before any of us started saying anything. Actually, we came on here and said we agree it should be changed a bit...and you still felt the need to call us cheating glitchers. It took you guys a day or so to overcome your emotions because you probably were still shocked in amazement that a level 40 team beat you (as were we)...but your arrogant personalities came back once it sunk in a few days later that you actually did lose, and here we are now.
Just be glad the bootleggerz didnt sign my CB.
Originally posted by SSlayton10
You guys are so arrogant and its killing you that you lost. You've repeatedly whined in all of these threads, before any of us started saying anything. Actually, we came on here and said we agree it should be changed a bit...and you still felt the need to call us cheating glitchers. It took you guys a day or so to overcome your emotions because you probably were still shocked in amazement that a level 40 team beat you (as were we)...but your arrogant personalities came back once it sunk in a few days later that you actually did lose, and here we are now.


This about sums it up.....
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by SSlayton10

You guys are so arrogant and its killing you that you lost. You've repeatedly whined in all of these threads, before any of us started saying anything. Actually, we came on here and said we agree it should be changed a bit...and you still felt the need to call us cheating glitchers. It took you guys a day or so to overcome your emotions because you probably were still shocked in amazement that a level 40 team beat you (as were we)...but your arrogant personalities came back once it sunk in a few days later that you actually did lose, and here we are now.


This about sums it up.....

yeah w.e makes him sleep better at night.
Well its over lets just move on now. You guys pulled one out in a very unimpressive way. If you want a scrimmage by all means send it We would love another shot
Originally posted by dalpoas83
Well its over lets just move on now. You guys pulled one out in a very unimpressive way. If you want a scrimmage by all means send it We would love another shot


I look at it as the team that won was 10 levels lower then the team they beat....
Originally posted by dalpoas83
Well its over lets just move on now. You guys pulled one out in a very unimpressive way. If you want a scrimmage by all means send it We would love another shot

Dal, your GM has no class and reflects poorly on your team. Resorting to 12 year-old sexual taunts because of a regular season loss?

At any rate, I agree - we should both let it go and work on improving. I know we won't leave any stone unturned to improve so that next time we can flat out beat the crap out of you any which way. Time to move on.

Edit: Toned down b/c dalposa83 doesn't deserve to be painted with the same brush as his dumb-ass GM.
Last edited Mar 21, 2009 17:28:33
Originally posted by Shalubis
Originally posted by dalpoas83

Well its over lets just move on now. You guys pulled one out in a very unimpressive way. If you want a scrimmage by all means send it We would love another shot

Dal, your GM has no class and reflects poorly on your team. Resorting to 12 year-old sexual taunts because of a regular season loss?

At any rate, I agree - we should both let it go and work on improving. I know we won't leave any stone unturned to improve so that next time we can flat out beat the crap out of you any which way. Time to move on.

Edit: Toned down b/c dalposa83 doesn't deserve to be painted with the same brush as his dipshit GM.

Agree, and somewhat agree with dalpoas that we won in a somewhat unimpressive way. We're just as amazed as you that we won, honestly...I really thought no matter what we did we would end up getting blown out!

ok we can kill all this serious hatred, but keep the smack talk going for fun. see you guys in the playoffs.
Originally posted by dalpoas83
ok we can kill all this serious hatred, but keep the smack talk going for fun. see you guys in the playoffs.

If some other team doesn't decide to run 100% against you before you get a chance to play us again in the playoffs
Last edited Mar 21, 2009 18:21:49
well I think its safe to saw we are aware of whats possible now and we will try to stop it if it happens.

I cant help but laugh at how similar this is to the very situation in front of us, lol.
Damn we need a "watching while eating popcorn" smiley lol
i know lol. The league forum are almost kind of fun now that people are in here. Looking forward to the playoffs

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