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.....mocking you further wouldn't be fair. Lets move on.
Nah, let's not. You have a UF education, I'll forgive you for thinking that I actually have anything directly to do with how UGA's football team performs.
Just think how next season will be if Moreno and Stafford are gone! UGA could very well be the Mizzou of the SEC. High hopes and a lot of talk about a MNC, but will never happen! LOL
I gotta tell you man, myself and just about every single UGA fan I know thought the pre-season #1 ranking for us was absolutely ridiculous and unwarranted. Intelligent UGA fans (you know, the ones that actually attended the university instead of the rednecks in the state of GA that have never even set foot in a school) were smart enough to realize that there was no way in hell we'd make it through that schedule undefeated with a young and inexperience O-line and shame on all the so called "experts" and analysts for thinking otherwise. Did they not realize that young and inexperienced O-line would be playing against some of the best defenses in the country with our SEC schedule? Friggin idiots.

Now all the media douchebags that created all the pre-season hype about us in the first place are the same jackasses saying we were overrated. They are the ones that overrated us! Make up your friggin minds and put just a little bit more thought into your pre-season analysis next year.

Really the only thing that surprised me this season was how bad our defense is considering we returned every starter and only lost one to injury. I just can't wrap my brain around that. Offense played up to expectations in most games considering the O-line issues but I'm still in shock by how bad our D is. They better figure something out before the bowl game or Javon Ringer could absolutely crush us.
Stafford and Moreno have both stated numerous times that finishing school and getting their degree was just as important to them as playing football so I don't think it's a given they'll leave early but you never know when all that money gets flashed in your face.

I'm thinking that Moreno will probably go and Stafford will probably stay. I realize that both of those guys are pretty special talents but we've got plenty of guys already there and coming in at both positions behind them that should do just fine.

Any expert or analyst that even begins to mention us in the NC picture next season though is just plain stupid and should be fired because they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

I don't think we should even really be mentioned as a contender for the SEC east until Urban Meyer ditches Florida for Notre Dame in the not too distant future.
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 14:56:50
Originally posted by obijuan74
I gotta tell you man, myself and just about every single UGA fan I know thought the pre-season #1 ranking for us was absolutely ridiculous and unwarranted.

This is why they don't need a pre-season poll and should not have a poll till week 5 is over, that way you can see how people are playing and what teams look good.
Tbh, and I didn't watch too many UGA games, although I did watch a few, I don't think Stafford is all that great. He has had a better season than last, but it seems like he does the bare minimum, which works. Unless your a team who heavily relies on your QB to make plays, all you have to do is hold onto the ball, which Stafford has gotten better at. I just really don't think he's all that great. Moreno would be a much bigger loss, IMO.
Originally posted by dagwood13
Originally posted by obijuan74

I gotta tell you man, myself and just about every single UGA fan I know thought the pre-season #1 ranking for us was absolutely ridiculous and unwarranted.

This is why they don't need a pre-season poll and should not have a poll till week 5 is over, that way you can see how people are playing and what teams look good.

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Tbh, and I didn't watch too many UGA games, although I did watch a few, I don't think Stafford is all that great. He has had a better season than last, but it seems like he does the bare minimum, which works. Unless your a team who heavily relies on your QB to make plays, all you have to do is hold onto the ball, which Stafford has gotten better at. I just really don't think he's all that great. Moreno would be a much bigger loss, IMO.

Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. To me it says a lot that Stafford had his best season yet playing behind the worst offensive line he's played behind. Some of the throws he made were amazing. We didn't give him a lot of time to make decisions back there this year either. I'm not saying he's the best QB ever or anything but he's pretty damn solid. UGA has always been and probably always will be a run first team, no QB that plays for us is going to put up the explosive numbers that the Big 12 QB's put up for the passing game and he's definitely not a runner or scrambler although he's a pretty big boy and I've seen him dodge out of some nice attempts to tackle him behind the line. We seem to be all about the running game and using the running game to set up play action and the passing game and Stafford is a very QB for that type of system.
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 16:56:01
Originally posted by obijuan74
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Tbh, and I didn't watch too many UGA games, although I did watch a few, I don't think Stafford is all that great. He has had a better season than last, but it seems like he does the bare minimum, which works. Unless your a team who heavily relies on your QB to make plays, all you have to do is hold onto the ball, which Stafford has gotten better at. I just really don't think he's all that great. Moreno would be a much bigger loss, IMO.

Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. To me it says a lot that Stafford had his best season yet playing behind the worst offensive line he's played behind. Some of the throws he made were amazing. We didn't give him a lot of time to make decisions back there this year either. I'm not saying he's the best QB ever or anything but he's pretty damn solid. UGA has always been and probably always will be a run first team, no QB that plays for us is going to put up the explosive numbers that the Big 12 QB's put up for the passing game and he's definitely not a runner or scrambler although he's a pretty big boy and I've seen him dodge out of some nice attempts to tackle him behind the line. We seem to be all about the running game and using the running game to set up play action and the passing game and Stafford is a very QB for that type of system.

In a nutshell, that's basically what I said. His job as a QB is to not make mistakes. He's certainly not relied on to the extent of Big 12 qb's or a Tim Tebow either.
And yet NFL scouts are creaming themselves over Stafford...while Tebow is considered a huge gamble.
Originally posted by obijuan74
Nah, let's not. You have a UF education, I'll forgive you for thinking that I actually have anything directly to do with how UGA's football team performs.

I said that cuz you called me a booger before you edited the post to make yourself seem smarter and mock my UF education (which I don't have...only did one year there).
You've never heard the "Gators eat boogers" thing? That's like a staple for UGA fans, they even have bumper stickers. I wasn't singling you out, it's a well known fact that Gators eat boogers and wear jean shorts.

I'm just messing around man, I couldn't sit there and let you take that cheap shot at me without some response now could I.

In all seriousness Florida is an awesome team this year and as much as I hate them it was amazing seeing them turn it around after Ole Miss and pretty much waylay everyone else in their path. I thought Bama was going to be able to hang for a while there but they just couldn't close the deal, you guys were too determined.

Tebow is one hell of an athlete and he really is a class act (unlike your coach) but he's just not built to be an NFL QB. NFL scouts are excited about Stafford because they know he is smart, has a beastly arm and after playing in a pro-style offense his entire college career he's not going to have that steep of a learning curve. Will he end up making any noise in the NFL, well I honestly don't know but I would definitely put my money on Stafford having a more lucrative career as an NFL QB than Tebow. Tebow is going to have one hell of a learning curve after playing in Urban's gimmick offense his whole college career. There's not that many pro teams that would want John Riggins as their QB or a guy that pretends he's a running back 60% of the time. That shit ain't gonna work in the NFL, he doesn't have the speed to be a running/scrambling QB and even if he was blazing fast those super fast scrambling QB's don't seem to work out that well in the NFL (see Vick, Vince Young, Kordell Stewart, etc.)
Last edited Dec 9, 2008 01:23:26
Mike Jay
Originally posted by obijuan74

Really the only thing that surprised me this season was how bad our defense is considering we returned every starter and only lost one to injury. I just can't wrap my brain around that.

Obi i am soo disappointed in you. We most certainly did not return every starter on defense. We returned 9. We lost a stud of DE in Marcus Howard(def MVP). And Kelin Johnson at saftey. We also lost some depth with Flowers graduating in the secondary (huge imo as he split time with prince miller and Prince sucks). Add the fact that we lost our best player on the Dline (preseason all american) where we were laready thinbefore we played one game and it's not too surprising we could not generate much of a pass rush.

However you were 100% correct that Gator fans eat boogers and wear jorts.

Last edited Dec 10, 2008 16:30:48
Well, I just hope that someday we'll try to get a CB that's over 5 foot 6. You can blame our friend Brian for my misunderstanding, he's the one that told me we returned all the starters. I honestly wasn't sure, i just knew we returned a bunch of them.

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