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knows how to party
Originally posted by PackMan97
The Legionnaires started here and built here from the ground up. They've done it because they are the best in Africa. They haven't destroyed the competitiveness of the league because they are of the league and everyone (except Fight Club) has had the same opportunity as them.

Then there is your team, which is even higher leveled than the Legionnaires, not by working hard, but by the virtue of being a season 2 expansion team.

Arguing with you is useless because you don't care. You'll do what you have to win. Recruit better? Naw, I'll switch to a lower level league. Game plan better? Nope, switch to a lower leveled league. Suck it up and work harder? Nyet, let's move to APL. Screw up my stadium expansions? No problem, I'll move to APL.

Do you not see anything wrong with that?

I see your point but I think you exaggerate it mercilessly to make it. I was skeptical that Bort would allow it but he did. If you don't like the way the game is being run, you can attempt to use the various methods of communication available to you which I'm sure you or some others have or at worst, for other teams who "shouldn't have" been swapped.

The bottomline to me is. I'm here now and I'll approach it like anY other owner. Have fun with it. You appear to take this personally. I can also say that you diss my team for swapping here but you could also embrace the challenge brought about for the other 31 teams here. I've already told Hokiemon in private that I expect his team to win. That's humility. I didn't come here saying I'M GOING TO BEAT EVERYONE'S ASS HAHAHAHA LOL IMO. I just showed up and the hate kind of stacked upon itself. Is it a great situation for everyone? Just depends how you look at it and I don't think it's going to destroy OUR league. But it will weed out some stragglers who don't work hard enough on their teams whether it be recruiting or gameplanning, etc. Fight Club had to earn its keep for 3 seasons in USA AAA1 and managed to eventually finish 4th after two seasons being in 9th. It's not impossible to turn it around dramatically, it just takes a lot of work.
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 15:33:32
Originally posted by PackMan97
What does fan support have to do with anything? You moved because you couldn't hack finishing 6th in your conference. That's the truth. They only way you can be #1 is by moving into a league in which you are the highest ranked team.

Truth hurts, and unfortunately in this case it will hurt the competitiveness of 31 other teams.

7th or 8th, not 6th.
Originally posted by Makes Love With Pigs
Originally posted by PackMan97

What does fan support have to do with anything? You moved because you couldn't hack finishing 6th in your conference. That's the truth. They only way you can be #1 is by moving into a league in which you are the highest ranked team.

Truth hurts, and unfortunately in this case it will hurt the competitiveness of 31 other teams.

*sigh* We finished 4th dude. Get your facts straight.

EDIT: You're getting 6th place from after the restructure where teams from lower leagues who dominated USA AA came up with their W/L record and therefore took the spots ahead of us in the standings since they had gone 15-1 and 14-2, etc.

You finished 7th or 8th you lying piece of trash.
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 16:16:12
Originally posted by Makes Love With Pigs
I didn't come here saying I'M GOING TO BEAT EVERYONE'S ASS HAHAHAHA LOL IMO. I just showed up and the hate kind of stacked upon itself.

Funny that everywhere you go people seem to have a problem with you, huh?

By funny I mean not funny, and not coincidence.
Originally posted by Royce R
couldnt earn your way to the pro's?

how can your team members take pride in that?

We don't all hate you Vens, but many of us do enjoy the laughs you provide... good luck achieving in Africa what eluded your team in Eastern Europe, South America and USA.
painmaker comes in with the clutch play
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 21:28:42
So we all agree Fight Club is a less charismatic, more terrible Conakry Coyotes, right?

Has anyone written support asking why this was allowed to happen?
knows how to party
Originally posted by Drago
Has anyone written support asking why this was allowed to happen?

I think its because I does what I does whenever I feel like doesing it.
Maybe we should start a protest thread, ask for it to be stickied for all GMs and owners to sign to protest this move. If we get enough protesters maybe Bort will listen
Originally posted by thebigcali
Originally posted by Drago

Has anyone written support asking why this was allowed to happen?

I think its because I does what I does whenever I feel like doesing it.

just like your avatar, You're an ass!
knows how to party
To address the overall mood of the APL forum right now.

*checks* *double checks*

Nope, I still don't care and Fight Club is still here in Africa Pro. Like I said guys, step up to the plate and beat us. Anyone who has any sense of foresight knows that if Fight Club even loses one game, just one game, a shitstorm will hit this forum, my PM inbox, everything. So gameplan your little hearts out and be the team to beat big bad Fight Club. The meanies who have destroyed your precious league. Beat us. The manipulators. The "couldn't earn it". The this and the that and the other rabblerabblerabble.

I welcome your drama and rambling diatribes. At the end of the day, it's as simple as this....

Just beat us. If you want some, take it.
Originally posted by thebigcali
To address the overall mood of the APL forum right now.

*checks* *double checks*

Nope, I still don't care and Fight Club is still here in Africa Pro. Like I said guys, step up to the plate and beat us. Anyone who has any sense of foresight knows that if Fight Club even loses one game, just one game, a shitstorm will hit this forum, my PM inbox, everything. So gameplan your little hearts out and be the team to beat big bad Fight Club. The meanies who have destroyed your precious league. Beat us. The manipulators. The "couldn't earn it". The this and the that and the other rabblerabblerabble.

I welcome your drama and rambling diatribes. At the end of the day, it's as simple as this....

Just beat us. If you want some, take it.

You're a fucking useless piece of shit.

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