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Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by blankspace

Originally posted by majech

Originally posted by blankspace

Originally posted by littleone

Originally posted by majech

LOTS of people all of the country get LOTS of handouts. Nope, I don't consider tax cuts to be hand outs. Taxes are WAY too high as is...too many people getting too many handouts.

explain what you consider hand outs.


Easy enough.

wow, finally someone that gets it...

Common sense is a grand thing.

I'd say common sense is one of the most underrated attributes ever....

Very, I think everyone needs to train it on intense
well, I think that getting out of Iraq (or I suppose ratcheting down) will save us a lot more money than decreasing our "hand out welfare" to some people will.

Also I prefer presidents who balance the budget rather than people who just cut taxes and borrow the money. Common sense? OK.
Originally posted by MattyP
well, I think that getting out of Iraq (or I suppose ratcheting down) will save us a lot more money than decreasing our "hand out welfare" to some people will.

Also I prefer presidents who balance the budget rather than people who just cut taxes and borrow the money. Common sense? OK.

Common sense would of been to pick two better candidates for the election. But hey, who am I? I'm just 17 and don't know anything I guess.
Originally posted by MattyP
well, I think that getting out of Iraq (or I suppose ratcheting down) will save us a lot more money than decreasing our "hand out welfare" to some people will.

Also I prefer presidents who balance the budget rather than people who just cut taxes and borrow the money. Common sense? OK.

So we should raise taxes Matty? Since we are borrowing? How about trimming the fat...there is LOTS of it. Also just running from Iraq doesnt solve the problem, remember, many dems voted for that. You may not like Bush, but he got congresses blessing on that. He may be dumb, but not, oh wait maybe he is both, but he still CYA'd himself.
Welfare is not really a hand out, sure some people abuse it, but not everyone. I could understand why you would want someone who lost their job due to a disability or out sourcing of their job, to not get any money or help from the government. screw those people and their families. How dare they get hurt, how dare they lose their job. They paid their taxes, why shouldn't the government help a little till they get another job.

Most people who have received welfare have had jobs, and most welfare programs have job training. It's not a hand out, it is a helping hand. Big difference. Before you say anything research facts.......yes there are people who cheat the system meant to help out those who deserve it. Those people are eventually caught, and there should be more measures put into place to get the money to the right people.

But to call welfare a hand out or think a Democratic President will increase welfare is just plain ignorance.

knows how to party
Pretty difficult to rally against social welfare programs when the government is giving big businesses huge tax breaks and 12 digit bailout handouts.
Originally posted by mikelj
Originally posted by MattyP

well, I think that getting out of Iraq (or I suppose ratcheting down) will save us a lot more money than decreasing our "hand out welfare" to some people will.

Also I prefer presidents who balance the budget rather than people who just cut taxes and borrow the money. Common sense? OK.

So we should raise taxes Matty? Since we are borrowing? How about trimming the fat...there is LOTS of it. Also just running from Iraq doesnt solve the problem, remember, many dems voted for that. You may not like Bush, but he got congresses blessing on that. He may be dumb, but not, oh wait maybe he is both, but he still CYA'd himself.

Not necessarily. But if you're in a war you should probably raise taxes IMO, just a fact of war is that it's damn expensive. Somebody has to pay for it.

And true congress approved his budgets, but wasn't like a overwhelming majority did (at least I don't think so).

I try not to stay on one party's line on everything (try is the word) and I agree there are things that can be cut. There are also things that you can spend money on that will save you money in the long run. I don't think gov't should be afraid of those things.
Originally posted by littleone
Welfare is not really a hand out, sure some people abuse it, but not everyone.

I live in Louisiana, abusing it is pretty popular here.
Originally posted by blankspace
Originally posted by MattyP

well, I think that getting out of Iraq (or I suppose ratcheting down) will save us a lot more money than decreasing our "hand out welfare" to some people will.

Also I prefer presidents who balance the budget rather than people who just cut taxes and borrow the money. Common sense? OK.

Common sense would of been to pick two better candidates for the election. But hey, who am I? I'm just 17 and don't know anything I guess.

Hey maybe I'm naive but I have hope that Obama can try to bring us back together as a country. That was a big selling point for me on him. I guess I thought of him as a good candidate. Since I started voting I have never really liked the Dems candidates for president, but this time it was different. McCain circa 2000 would have been a much better candidate but he sold out to the GOP to get the nomination. Then he was like half-trying to appease the GOP and half-trying to be himself. It didn't work.

Anyway, I would really love to get instant runoff voting here... I think it would do a lot to weaken the two-party hold on our country. (note: what that means is that you rank the candidates... that way you don't have to pick between a giant douche and a turd sandwich)
Big businesses are there to do one thing, make money, if they cant they cut jobs.
Originally posted by mikelj
Big businesses are there to do one thing, make money, if they cant they cut jobs.

I would to see the govt run more like a business. I agree with that. It's really hard to do it in practice though.
Also the bailout sucks but to use one name from my industry to make a point, here it goes.

I am an Allstate Insurance Agent, so I am not affiliated at all with this company but wanted to make a point on why the bailout MIGHT have been necessary:

AIG is a HUGE insurance company in a nutshell what if you just let them go under, now you have a huge hole in the industry and costs will go up for one. Another thing, what if you had a life insurance policy with them??? Now it is worthless, and trust me they have a LOT of life insurance, so much in fact that Allstate sent out a memo stating we cant talk about their financial well-being to sway people to come to us-(this is a big no-no talking about how unsafe a company is, even if its true, its okay to talk in generalities, but not use names). This would be horrible for responsible americans who budgeted for life insurance to take care of their families if they died, but without the bailout they might not have this coverage.

Now why cant they go get another policy? Well they MIGHT, but if they have a new medical condition, say they are Diabetic, they will either not be able to get it or it will be WAY more. See where I am going? This isnt about bailing out one person, PLUS all the lost jobs associated with the company, then they go on welfare, making the problem worse.

The truth is if a company is in trouble, you are much better off (if you work at this company) the bigger and more important it is. Look at the Airlines. Bigger airlines get help, little ones die.
Originally posted by MattyP
Originally posted by mikelj

Big businesses are there to do one thing, make money, if they cant they cut jobs.

I would to see the govt run more like a business. I agree with that. It's really hard to do it in practice though.

Why I voted for Perot in 92-you Clinton fans can thank me.
Originally posted by thebigcali
Pretty difficult to rally against social welfare programs when the government is giving big businesses huge tax breaks and 12 digit bailout handouts.

Originally posted by littleone
Welfare is not really a hand out, sure some people abuse it, but not everyone. I could understand why you would want someone who lost their job due to a disability or out sourcing of their job, to not get any money or help from the government. screw those people and their families. How dare they get hurt, how dare they lose their job. They paid their taxes, why shouldn't the government help a little till they get another job.

Most people who have received welfare have had jobs, and most welfare programs have job training. It's not a hand out, it is a helping hand. Big difference. Before you say anything research facts.......yes there are people who cheat the system meant to help out those who deserve it. Those people are eventually caught, and there should be more measures put into place to get the money to the right people.

But to call welfare a hand out or think a Democratic President will increase welfare is just plain ignorance.

I see welfare abuses A LOT!! Don't get me wrong, I am ALL FOR helping the person that is HONESTLY trying and is busting their butt and gets a bad break. I'm also ALL FOR helping the weak, diabled, and elderly. If we didn't do that, we would not be a civilized society. I am NOT for helping illegal immigrants or their kids with tax dollars that WE pay. I'm not for helping the family that buried themselves with a mortgage they couldn't afford and are now losing their house that they should have never had. I'm NOT for helping the town skank that has 4 kids by 5 guys.

I work construction and my wife is a stay-at-home mom of our 2 boys. We scrape and sacrifice and get ZERO help. I don't want the help, but to watch people sponge my tax dollars because of CHOICES THEY made really irks me.

The choice between the "turd sandwich" and the "douche" is good stuff. That is kind of how I felt about the situation. The last 8 years we all got to hear how the Republicans have screwed everything up, the 8 years before that we got to hear how Clinton screwed things up. I REALLY don't see Obama bringing this country together.
Last edited Nov 5, 2008 15:46:56

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