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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by bhall43
ive been playing Mario for longer than 14 nephew just started playing last week.

Yea and in 14 years that game has changed its rules how many times?
Originally posted by Ahrens858
well when i played fallout and started over i didnt get to keep SHIT.

Actually you did. Good grief.
Originally posted by Voltron
I stopped reading after you tried to use that as your analogy.

sup trolltron
Originally posted by Hikariu
My suggestion is to totally separate the cash link from Team --> Player in it's entirety. End of story/discussion/rules/etc. All teams are now equal on the dot ball field. It should be about dots, not how much money you have from gaming the system or how big your farm system is or how long you've hoarded cash to buy eq.

Team's have the current in game $$ to buy team related stuff with. All of that stuff doesn't effect a dot on the field in any way shape or form. That money can be used to buy things for the team that make it easier to run a team or make your team look cooler in game. IE Bling. Idea Example: Team cash can upgrade your locker room. With a certain upgrade you can now elect a team captain to be shown on your homepage, etc. Maybe another purchase gives the team owner/gm's the ability to give out game balls to players that show up on your awards pages. Things like that. Field graphics, custom dot color, whatever GLB minds can think of. Incorporate some of the suggestions forum.

Players have their currency (time, tokens, etc) Anything that effects the sim that can be purchased needs to use the players currency not some arbitrary cash number given as a salary. IE player controlled.

Contracts are Length Only no Money
All Players have 0 Cash - It doesn't exist to them anymore. Reset all to Zero. Cash is team only.
All teams can keep there current stadium/cash. They can use it to buy the new team oriented things that make being part of that team or owning that team easier/cooler.

A rework like this is really the only way to let everyone keep everything they've earned and clean up the $ exploit all at the same time without to many rules.
Originally posted by Ahrens858
sup trolltron

...and your posts have been helpful?
Originally posted by jdbolick

Actually you did. Good grief.

wait wat?
If you beat fall out 3. start over the game. you dont keep anything, you start from scratch. unless im horribly off with this.
46 Defense
Are we getting any new Offense plays???
Originally posted by Gart888
To be honest, the system should be self governing in the way that stadiums are reduced. If you drop down your stadium shouldn't automatically become smaller, and you shouldn't really lose the money you already earned.

Stadiums should all have maintenance costs that have to be paid each season. The maintenance cost would be tied closely to the size of the stadium. If you can't afford to maintain a certain section of your stadium, it should be removed. When teams drop down, they should have their fan support tanked (would you still love your favorite NFL team if they started playing arena football or in some mexican league?), resulting in much less income, which would mean they couldn't maintain their stadium.

Of course, this would require a complete overhaul of the financial system. We can't exactly be spending money maintaining our stadiums when a pair of cleats cost $3,000,000. o_O

I agree. This new demotion system is just a very stale unimaginative solution to a problem.
Originally posted by James1985
Yes it does. It is very fair. Because I earned it.

Do You demote you manager because I am a new employee, No you dont...Why? They earned it. You don't get a new admin/mod and replace the current ones just because i'm new and I want that to. Why..... Because your admins/mods what? THEY EARNED IT.

Its simple. The if you earn something then it is yours. To have and to keep because you worked for it. Now you are taking aways from players that have been here longer and earned what they have. if you don't get this then please stop arguing with me its simple. I EARNED IT THEY CAN EARN IT TO.

I think James should be able to keep all his cash and his stadium, but everyone else can start over and give new owners a chance to compete.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
...and your posts have been helpful?

i provided the ever so important tl;dr version

Originally posted by Ahrens858
tl;dr version

jd owns ITS
everyone owns jd
tautology drops a bomb
small vision conversation in the middle
pointless admin posting
blah blah blah
bhall brings up mario brothers
Originally posted by PackMan97
There are those that want this new rule applied to all teams so everyone starts under the new system at the time....and there are those that want to keep an advantage they currently posses because they have already dropped down.

The purpose of this rule is to deal with a parity issue, so deal with it for ALL teams...not just newly demoted and newly created teams. I do find it odd that the majority of folks fighting a system wide application of these rules are the ones that would benefit from it not being applied to their teams.

there the haves and the have nots..... the haves will never want to give up what they have and the have nots will always want what the haves have....

that will never change...... so make a sweeping change.... parity will be around for a few seaons then a whole new problem will arise.....
Digital what about a sliding scale and not removing the stadium just deactivating it until you are at the proper level?

I think that this announcement goes against what GLB and Bort has said in the past. When they said that the team with big bank accounts earned it and will keep it. When bort makes statements about his intentions he is speaking for GLB. The reality is the same goes for the other big wigs. It has always been stated that teams earned their money and their stadiums. Doing a 180 simply does not cut it. GLB as hole needs to be more consistent.

I think there is a middle ground.

I agree that a team with $40+ million in the cap 14 is too much as well as having a full stadium. It is a huge advantage long term and it harms growth in the game at the lowest levels.

I think that teams will full stadiums who are demoted by owner request should have their stadium's sections over the default deactivated. For example a level 14 team cannot sell tickets beyond level 100 sidelines and 1 corner section which is what a new owner will build before their first season if they are smart. As you move up in level your sections get re-opened. You get a benefit for long term ownership which is good for the game and for Bort. This will help to compensate for your loss of cash which IMHO still has to happen but not at the level catch22 is proposing.

Team cash will be reduced by 5% of their cash for every level they drop lower than AA. Dropping from the pros to the level 4 is 11 league drops. That will cost you 55% of your cash. The % number can be debated or a max number can be created for the level 4 and level 14 teams.

To me this would make a much more even playing field but at the same time encourage and penalize long term ownership.
Originally posted by James1985
Yes it does. It is very fair. Because I earned it.

Do You demote you manager because I am a new employee, No you dont...Why? They earned it. You don't get a new admin/mod and replace the current ones just because i'm new and I want that to. Why..... Because your admins/mods what? THEY EARNED IT.

Its simple. The if you earn something then it is yours. To have and to keep because you worked for it. Now you are taking aways from players that have been here longer and earned what they have. if you don't get this then please stop arguing with me its simple. I EARNED IT THEY CAN EARN IT TO.

if the manager demoted himself to employee...he would be an employee... >_>

Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Edited by Team Nucleus on Feb 24, 2010 11:29:05
Originally posted by Hikariu
A rework like this is really the only way to let everyone keep everything they've earned and clean up the $ exploit all at the same time without to many rules.


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