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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
To be honest, the system should be self governing in the way that stadiums are reduced. If you drop down your stadium shouldn't automatically become smaller, and you shouldn't really lose the money you already earned.

Stadiums should all have maintenance costs that have to be paid each season. The maintenance cost would be tied closely to the size of the stadium. If you can't afford to maintain a certain section of your stadium, it should be removed. When teams drop down, they should have their fan support tanked (would you still love your favorite NFL team if they started playing arena football or in some mexican league?), resulting in much less income, which would mean they couldn't maintain their stadium.

Of course, this would require a complete overhaul of the financial system. We can't exactly be spending money maintaining our stadiums when a pair of cleats cost $3,000,000.
Originally posted by James1985
Wow had to start over after 4 hours huh. Thats ruff. I have to start over after 14 SEASONS

ive been playing Mario for longer than 14 nephew just started playing last week.
Originally posted by rellascout
Marios Bros cost $50. I own a lic to play it for as long as I want. The price does not change depending on how much I play it. When I am bored with it I can sell it to someone else to recoup the money I paid for it.

Analogy FAIL!

no, his analogy made perfect sense. if you cannot comprehend what hes saying,
At absolute worst, why not just reduce the cash and have ticket sales governed by level (so you wouldn't sell any 200s or 300s in a cap 14)? Nobody wants to build up their stadium again.
Dirty Devil
Do away with the forced retirement and I won't have to demote and start over.
Originally posted by Ahrens858
tl;dr version

jd owns ITS
everyone owns jd
tautology drops a bomb
small vision conversation in the middle
pointless admin posting
blah blah blah
bhall brings up mario brothers

theres the updated version
Originally posted by jdbolick
At absolute worst, why not just reduce the cash and have ticket sales governed by level (so you wouldn't sell any 200s or 300s in a cap 14)? Nobody wants to build up their stadium again.

Yeah, something like this should work.

There's no way a minor league team should be getting 50,000+ fans to a game, even if the tickets are free.
Originally posted by bhall43
hey guys...i was just playing Super Mario Bros for like 4 hours...and worked up a ton of coin doing so...then my nephew came downstairs and wanted to i started the game over....get this...i didnt get to keep those coins...i started from scratch just like him...even tho i played the game for 4 hours and he just started...

When I beat Mass Effect 2 and start a new game, I get to keep most of the shit I earned during the first playthrough.

Originally posted by Ahrens858
theres the updated version

Still the wrong thread, and still a ridiculously inaccurate description of the other thread.
Edited by jdbolick on Feb 24, 2010 11:24:20
Originally posted by jdbolick

That criticism applies to pretty much everyone who has owned a team long enough to drop down. Show me one that has done so and doesn't have a pile of cash. My team has a ton of cash and I won't be affected significantly by this rules change. If you want to dismiss what people have to say, then show that what they've said is worth dismissing. Don't rely on nonsense like their team status.

There are those that want this new rule applied to all teams so everyone starts under the new system at the time....and there are those that want to keep an advantage they currently posses because they have already dropped down.

The purpose of this rule is to deal with a parity issue, so deal with it for ALL teams...not just newly demoted and newly created teams. I do find it odd that the majority of folks fighting a system wide application of these rules are the ones that would benefit from it not being applied to their teams.
Originally posted by jdbolick

When I beat Mass Effect 2 and start a new game, I get to keep most of the shit I earned during the first playthrough.

Isn't Mass Effect a one player game?
Originally posted by Gart888
Yeah, something like this should work.

There's no way a minor league team should be getting 50,000+ fans to a game, even if the tickets are free.

Originally posted by jdbolick

When I beat Mass Effect 2 and start a new game, I get to keep most of the shit I earned during the first playthrough.

well when i played fallout and started over i didnt get to keep SHIT.

Originally posted by Voltron
So you want start over with 80 million in cash and compete with teams that just got their team and have no stadium or money?

Seems fair!

Yes it does. It is very fair. Because I earned it.

Do You demote you manager because I am a new employee, No you dont...Why? They earned it. You don't get a new admin/mod and replace the current ones just because i'm new and I want that to. Why..... Because your admins/mods what? THEY EARNED IT.

Its simple. The if you earn something then it is yours. To have and to keep because you worked for it. Now you are taking aways from players that have been here longer and earned what they have. if you don't get this then please stop arguing with me its simple. I EARNED IT THEY CAN EARN IT TO.
Originally posted by James1985
Yes it does. It is very fair. Because I earned it.

Do You demote you manager because I am a new employee, No you dont...Why? They earned it. You don't get a new admin/mod and replace the current ones just because i'm new and I want that to. Why..... Because your admins/mods what? THEY EARNED IT.

Its simple. The if you earn something then it is yours. To have and to keep because you worked for it. Now you are taking aways from players that have been here longer and earned what they have. if you don't get this then please stop arguing with me its simple. I EARNED IT THEY CAN EARN IT TO.

I stopped reading after you tried to use that as your analogy.
Originally posted by PackMan97
There are those that want this new rule applied to all teams so everyone starts under the new system at the time....and there are those that want to keep an advantage they currently posses because they have already dropped down.

People aren't looking for an advantage. They're looking for:

1) A way to avoid going through the pointless and annoying exercise that Bort calls the "financial system."


2) A way to pay for everyone's equipment so you don't have a guy who spent $60+ on his player somehow being less than he should be simply because equipment is so ludicrously expensive.

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