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Uncle Si
so 120 day dots get screwed out of 8 days of training.

Originally posted by Mike1709
Originally posted by tautology

[a bunch of wrong stuff]

I was just about to ask if someone much cleverer than me could run it through a spreadsheet to see the XP difference at the end between:
Not boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at end of each season
Not boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at start of each season
Boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at end of each season
Boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at start of each season

but it looks like Taut/Cheese are already on the case

Folks should not quote the things I said and editted out...they were incorrect.

Just sayin

Originally posted by tautology

Folks should not quote the things I said and editted out...they were incorrect.

Just sayin

Edited, didn't realise you'd edited it out
Originally posted by im4ut999
So, a boost 4 levels before your first season is worth 825 XP at the end of a career.....

The plan really makes it hard to boost effectively and get any value for 3x boost early.....

Even for a player who doesn't boost before first season, it's not straight forward how to get to max XP by end of career...too many "level" breaks that will make a full level difference in end build just due to boosting on day 10 of season in some cases....

Really doesn't seem like this was thought out well, imo.....I'll run some more numbers tonight, but right now, I don't think I'll be boosting early anymore.....screws up competitiveness at low levels as you can boost on day 0 season 1 and not have any penalty....non-boosters can't even play pee-wee and be competitive as they will be 3 levels behind boosters the entire season.

Screws up "competitive" teams where one team boosts before the rollover but can wait until day 33 to boost for the playoffs and not have significant XP loss (200 XP)....even 2nd season is similar.

But the big difference happens when the game XP drops....a player boosted to level 4 will lose over 2 levels on 3 game XP change levels....that is a horrible plan, imo.....

Originally posted by Mike1709

I was just about to ask if someone much cleverer than me could run it through a spreadsheet to see the XP difference at the end between:
Not boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at end of each season
Not boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at start of each season
Boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at end of each season
Boosting 1-4 in season 0 and boosting at start of each season

but it looks like Taut/Cheese are already on the case

Boosting at season 0 1 -> 4, then boosting same as a player that did not boost from 1 -> 4 in season 0, nets you about 875 XP at end of career. If you get MAX XP for every game and don't lose ANY XP for boosting early, you can get to level 78....any slip up and you can't get to 78....a player that does not boost 1 -> 4, and otherwise maxes out his XP with late boosts can get to level 77 with 125 XP to spare....

Even at level 52/69 you have to time your boosts to not cost you additional XP....that just seems pretty stupid planning for the game, and to spend 3x boosts for a player and end up with less than a level is a pretty stupid planned XP growth system.....
Originally posted by im4ut999
Boosting at season 0 1 -> 4, then boosting same as a player that did not boost from 1 -> 4 in season 0, nets you about 875 XP at end of career. If you get MAX XP for every game and don't lose ANY XP for boosting early, you can get to level 78....any slip up and you can't get to 78....a player that does not boost 1 -> 4, and otherwise maxes out his XP with late boosts can get to level 77 with 125 XP to spare....

Even at level 52/69 you have to time your boosts to not cost you additional XP....that just seems pretty stupid planning for the game, and to spend 3x boosts for a player and end up with less than a level is a pretty stupid planned XP growth system.....

Thanks im4ut999

I agree with the last sentence, 3 boosts for an extra 875 XP just isn't worth it and I've got a feeling that boosting early evey season could cost you as much as 2 or 3 levels compared to those that boost late.
Originally posted by im4ut999

So, a boost 4 levels before your first season is worth 825 XP at the end of a career.....

I actually get 875...still, the point is made.

Edited by tautology on Jul 20, 2011 18:31:52
Edited by tautology on Jul 20, 2011 18:31:41
Originally posted by Catch22
Training/Bonus Tokens:

To account for this, we also need to adjust bonus token gains by 1.6. To do this we are increasing BT gain rate and existing BT values by 2 and BT costs by 1.25 (2/1.25 = 1.6) with some rounding up/down to nearest whole number. Changed values are as follows:

I am thinking there is something wrong here.

I don't think we will need to multiply existing BTs by 2, just the go-forward gain rate.

Originally posted by tautology
I am thinking there is something wrong here.

I don't think we will need to multiply existing BTs by 2, just the go-forward gain rate.


If I have now 24 BT in the bank, they should buy me one AEQ upgrade before and after the change. So 24 need to be multiplied by 1.25 to become 30.
OK, after a ton of reading....and probably too many beers....what is the consensus? Should I boost my rookie dots at the end of this season or are they going to be at a disadvantage end game? Even if the disadvantage is small, it would annoy me for their entire career if I knew the new guys would be better.

If the first batch of accelerated dots will be better than my current rookies then I don't see any reason to continue to throw flex at them, might as well take the full refund. (and drunken logic tells me that if they are offering a full refund for young dots then they must be gimped in the end game somehow)

I guess at the end of the I stay the course or scrap my rookies/sophomores/preps?
Originally posted by tautology

I actually get 875...still, the point is made.

33.33, repeating of course
Made an error earlier in statement on BT conversion rates, it should be as follows:

To do this we are increasing BT gain rate by 2 and BT costs and existing BT values by 1.25 (2/1.25 = 1.6) with some rounding up/down to nearest whole number.

Updated OP to reflect this.

Added the following limitation to the plateau boosts:

#1 - Allow for up to 3 boosts (no limitations) once a player enters plateau. A player could use this to boost from level 69 to level 72 or to take a player from level 73 to 76 if they so wished. Limitation - can only use this to boost up to a maximum level of 79.
Originally posted by ron2288

the 100% flex refund for less then 80 day dots does this also include custom equipment flex ?

Originally posted by blazzinken

I have not seen this answered but is there a specific cut off day that you will know for sure this will happen before season 24?

Or is it for sure happening before season 24?

The only way it won't happen in season 24 is if we run into some big snag when coding/testing.
Originally posted by The Avenger
Originally posted by The Avenger

Originally posted by The Avenger

I want to know if its 3 boosts per season in plateau up to level 78 or a one time thing!!!

One time deal when you enter plateau.

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