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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by bhall43
it doesnt really change all that much...other than you aren't able to game the system with your little farm teams...

our little farm teams have 60 new dots created every season, they keep agents way more active them single teams ever do and there are and were a lot of groups doing it before us.... hell they were created to keep up with the larger organizations.... you cant blame us for trying to stay competitive.....
Originally posted by reddogrw

read my other post

3 - my main complaints
3a - Catch 22 had me write a financial guide knowing that they are completely re-doing the money - what a fucking waste of time
3b - The new system looks to completely dumb down the game relative to money - something I enjoy doing for many teams since player building consists of training every 2-3 days (whoopee) so CFOing is (was?) keeping me interested in this game
3c - having DD and R87 make their snide comments towards me really doesn't do much for me either
3d - we have an entire re-do of the money system and we're getting it in pieces - we need fewer bandaids and more complete solutions

3b. You enjoy CFOing. So you should enjoy having it reset and working on it. It's easy to CFO when you have full stadium, fan support and 80+ million.
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

No. A total reset won't happen.

Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07

and why not? whats the reasoning for not doing it?

still waiting....
Time Trial
Love the change!

I've always been an advocate of this idea. This will actually help bring back the old days of BBB teams that promoted together and were all competing on an even footing. Teams that spend too much to try and win a trophy in their first season may find that they don't have enough money to compete in the next season. And that is perhaps the way that it should be.

But totally tearing the ceiling (or the stands I guess) off of these gut jobs and people who drop down is outstanding.

Oh, but all that work that I did building my stadium... was work that obviously didn't pay off because you are running a gut job team or trying to restart at a lower cap. They aren't trying to take away your team, they are just trying to make cash-flow fair again and I applaud them.

I think that cash should be reset too so that teams that have been gut-jobs for a couple of seasons to try and earn cash at the expense of competitive dotball don't have loads of cash to drop down and spend. Even if they are losing their stadiums, they will still have an advantage.
Originally posted by James1985
If a team requests a demotion or reset, their stadium, cash and fan support will be reset to the default value for the level they are demoting/resetting to. For a team requesting a demotion to AA, only the fan support will be reset. Those default values are contained at the end of the announcement (all stadiums default with 100 level sidelines plus whatever is listed below):

I think this change is Bulls&*t I have been a team owner since season 1. I have had this team since season 1 and we have a full stadium and 1 hell of a bank to go with it because I have been a team owner for so long. After my guys hit there 10th year the 1st time around we started over with a brand new team cap 13. ALL the money and stadium came with me. Started in the minors level 13 cap and we are now SEA AA. Most of my guys are in there 6th or 7th year. So in 3 seasons I plan on restarting with a young and fresh roster. MORE FLEX POINTS PURCHASED AND MORE PLAYERS MADE

Now you are going to take away all the cash that I EARNED WITHOUT CHEATING. My stadium and basically my whole team just because I would rather start with a fresh roster instead or recruiting new players EVERY SEASON. So this time around I request demotion so the leagues are not all FU#%ED up and to HELP you guys. And in return you reset my whole team.. THAT IS BULLSH$T.

this guy gets it...
Originally posted by James1985
After my guys hit there 10th year the 1st time around we started over with a brand new team cap 13.

ALL the money and stadium came with me.

Yet another who fails to comprehend the true meaning of the term "start over".
Edited by Larry Roadgrader on Feb 24, 2010 11:00:04
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
so you think tanking a season is a good thing? also, FAIL TROLL

Dude, I'm not trolling. In fact, I don't troll. Whatever irritating, rude, or obnoxious things I post are always sincere. You made a comment in response to reddogrw that made no sense in light of something he'd already said (his point #2). And my comment about this game being mis-managed isn't even controversial. Find me someone who doesn't think that GLB is mis-managed. Bort had a great idea and I've enjoyed his work tremendously, but people think you guys run this game like it's amateur hour precisely because the changes and decisions appear to be whimsical and haphazard.

And no, tanking a season is not a good thing, but that's precisely what this new system will encourage. You guys don't think about the consequences of your actions before you carry them out. You didn't think about how the cloud would destroy rivalries and suck the fun out of the early seasons of a player's career. You didn't think about how VAs you thought sounded cool could unbalance the game. You operate by the seat of your pants without thoughtful consideration of what else might happen beyond those surface intentions.

I object to this rule change because everyone hates the financial system. You guys made it so that teams have to get creative if they want to have everyone equipped at the Pro or World League level. You guys made it so that stadium building is a mindless exercise that doesn't enhance strategy or do anything but annoy the people trying to play this game. It's not fun. It's not even hard, it's just a nuisance. People don't want to go through that nuisance over and over again.
Originally posted by Voltron
Originally posted by reddogrw


read my other post

3 - my main complaints
3a - Catch 22 had me write a financial guide knowing that they are completely re-doing the money - what a fucking waste of time
3b - The new system looks to completely dumb down the game relative to money - something I enjoy doing for many teams since player building consists of training every 2-3 days (whoopee) so CFOing is (was?) keeping me interested in this game
3c - having DD and R87 make their snide comments towards me really doesn't do much for me either
3d - we have an entire re-do of the money system and we're getting it in pieces - we need fewer bandaids and more complete solutions

3b. You enjoy CFOing. So you should enjoy having it reset and working on it. It's easy to CFO when you have full stadium, fan support and 80+ million.

no, it's a challenge with high levels of equipment to pay for - the new system (from the bits and pieces we have seen) really dumbs down the system to where I could let my 13 year old handle it

I am already CFO-ing a few low level teams building stadiums - there is no lack of work there - that's not the point
Originally posted by chronoaug
I don't even think the new rules are strict enough. Not that big a deal to get 30 players averaging the suggested levels that are already way too low. I'd rather get rid of the reason behind these teams staying in these leagues with cpus.

Honestly, does anyone actually have fun with the current money system and stadium building? There isn't an art to it or anything. Build your stadium up before everything else, go a few years collecting money, drop down to start with full stadium and lots of money and then go from there. It's not fun or interesting. It's not an extra challenge or mental exercise. It's pointless and Bort i'm sure knows it is as he originally intended for money to do more things early on but i'm sure just got wrapped up in fixing the sim every season. I honestly would rather it go away altogether until a new system and new uses for money come out and then doll it out based on the team's lvl. It's just lame as is and not even worth keeping around if it's causing this much trouble

The two biggest reasons to try and do what red is doing is to stave off forced demotion long enough for their farm system to come into place/he can recruit enough guys.


so he can gain a high bank roll, request demotion, and be set.

one of those reasons has been eliminated from the equation. id say the other is his choice and not much you can do about it. 30 players on his team would be a the league cap and hes gonna have to win a game or 2 to survive.
A total reset is the way to go after all of these changes.

It puts everyone on a level playing field. There is no rational argument against it. In fact, it would infuse this game with a new level of hope & excitement and would create a buzz across the net that THIS is the time to join GLB.

Yet, a few backwards individuals keep posting "IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN". No logic to back up their point, no attempt to even debate it.....just a flat our rejection of the idea. That, more than anything, convinces me it is the right course for GLB to take.
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

No. A total reset won't happen.

Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07

and why not? whats the reasoning for not doing it?

still waiting....

you realize even with a full reset will not change anything...the tops teams will still kick the shit out of the scrubs and in 3 seasons every thing is back to what it is right now only lower level.
Originally posted by Lions2x
our little farm teams have 60 new dots created every season, they keep agents way more active them single teams ever do and there are and were a lot of groups doing it before us.... hell they were created to keep up with the larger organizations.... you cant blame us for trying to stay competitive.....

why cant you stay competitive? nobody is keeping you from doing so...
Originally posted by jdbolick

You can't win with that approach. You need a roster that peaks together or you have no legitimate chance of winning anything meaningful. And by the way, Alpine has well over half its roster between levels 69 and 71, so it's not accurate to suggest that you're bringing in people from a lot of different generations. You have a handful of S5 dots on offense, but that's it.

Under the current system, you are right.

Maybe these changes are meant to change the system? Something that would make the game better all around.
Originally posted by 5STAR
you realize even with a full reset will not change anything...the tops teams will still kick the shit out of the scrubs and in 3 seasons every thing is back to what it is right now only lower level.

My idea is kinda like a reset. My idea would make most everyone happy. Not sure why not many have liked it or commented on it.

inb4jd flame.
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Feb 24, 2010 11:01:24
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Originally posted by jdbolick

When even the co-owner of the game can't be bothered to read posts before responding to them, it's easy to understand why the game is mismanaged.

so you think tanking a season is a good thing?


+1 for DD!

ETA: Stabity stab stab
Edited by ImTheScientist on Feb 24, 2010 11:01:31

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