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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
so will current rookie, sophomore, or competitive prep dots be at a disadvantage if not retired?
Lead Mod
Originally posted by gocanes0506
so will current rookie, sophomore, or competitive prep dots be at a disadvantage if not retired?

I dont believe so, if it is an advantage or disadvantage it will be very subtle.....I think they just are giving people that want to build dots last season or 2 ssns ago the chance to build them w/ the new system.
Will you still be able to boost from lvl 1-4 and be able to boost from 74-77?
Jack Daniels
Originally posted by drewd21

New league structure shouldn't cause a problem as far as building stadiums goes.

Well it all depends on which league a new bought team are placed in. This guide a great for a rookie team, but not all teams are bought as rookies.
Originally posted by tautology
A few questions:

1) When will the conversion be performed? Will it be day 42ish, so that folks can see what's what while signing new players? Or day -8 (rollover) ? Since the GLB clock cannot be turned back after it starts, I would recommend day 42ish, just in case we have some issues to sort through

2) When does a player get plateau boosts? Is he eligible immediately upon hitting day 281?

1. It'll be performed before season rollover. I would imagine sooner (day 41-42) rather then later.

2. As soon as they hit plateau they will be eligible to get them. We might end up putting a limitation on them though to only allow a player to reach a maximum level of 79, have to discuss with Bort.
Originally posted by ijg
So when the XP chart says

Level 16-31
500 Max Game XP

does that literally mean it is the same max XP at each of those levels as opposed to the current gradually declining max XP/level?

The reason I ask is this would imply there is no penalty for boosting from lvl 22 to 25 so it becomes an automatic decision. Amirite?

Yes it literally means that Max XP is the same at each of those levels as opposed to the current system.
Originally posted by Disastermaster
Will be the BT a player have in stock converted to the new system and what would be the mulitplicator?

Will be multiplied by 1.25. Clarified the OP on first page to say BT gain rate and existing BT values.
Edited by Catch22 on Jul 20, 2011 20:18:21 (correct error)

the 100% flex refund for less then 80 day dots does this also include custom equipment flex ?

I have not seen this answered but is there a specific cut off day that you will know for sure this will happen before season 24?

Or is it for sure happening before season 24?
Originally posted by Seric
Originally posted by Slow Children

Originally posted by Seric

Originally posted by Slow Children


What the fuck. I really enjoy the training and watching my XP gains. Kinda feel this may take away much of my fun.

Perhaps I don't fully understand this change, but I am one who enjoys the two year build. If they want to excelerate it, just double the XP gain and get us to higher levels faster.

Originally posted by Slow Children

money grab is not always best for a game, slight changes good, big changes for money grab not good.

Hmmm they're doing something that the VAST majority of GLB has wanted for well over 4 seasons, and you're trying to pull this one? Wow seems to me they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Give GLB what they want, get criticized, don't give GLB what they want, get criticized.

Looking at your sign up date, it explains why you feel this way, you haven't even had a player get to the plateau yet, much less go 10 seasons. Those of us who have been here since the beginning or have had a player go full turn, look forward to this. Less time to reach their peak.

First of all, Most of GLB wanted a longer platue along with excelerated player development. Second of all, This is a second account that I made after being absent for a while after RL issues. I have actually here since season 2. I missed a few seasons between late 2010 and Feb 2011.

Be that as it may, this move is a good one.

Yes, as the quote you have is from the beginning of this thread, before much of the modifications to this change had been made, so this quote is out of context and out dated.
Originally posted by joemalaka that some of the older players may get a few extra days of XP they were not expecting...any way to reverse cashing in the XP? Some people might have converted XP but now realize they might be able to be a level higher if they didn't and got that XP they were not expecting?

And FYI..I unfortunately am not in that boat. I will still miss going up a level. Just realize some might.

Originally posted by Catch22
Player Development Model (real estimated time in parentheses, 40 day season, 8 day pre-season, 8 day off-season):

Season 8-12 (393-672 days, player age 281-480):

No game or training XP. Player enters extended plateau dependent upon number of boosts as follows:

20 boosts = 200 days (5 seasons)
-10 days for each boost <20
0 boosts = 0 days

Season 13 (673+days, player age 481+):

No game or training XP. Player enters decline.

XP Breakdown

Level 1-40
50 XP daily for training

Level 41+
25 XP daily for training

Level 1-15
625 Max Game XP

Level 16-31
500 Max Game XP

Level 32-52
375 Max Game XP

Level 53-68
250 Max Game XP

Level 69+
125 Max Game XP

Including the 3 boosts when entering plateau ...

So, max level is level 83 based on this?
Edited by cheese sandwich on Jul 20, 2011 13:26:23
In the BT section you say we can unlock up to 8 attributes for Multi Training but only show the BT gain for training 4 attributes. My question is does the BT gain increase by 4? So for example you gain 12 BT for a 4 Multi Train, 16 BT for a 5 Multi, 20 BT for a 6 Multi etc. And also are the Training Points required for the Multi Train staying the same? 2 per attribute I think it is correct?
Originally posted by therichone
In the BT section you say we can unlock up to 8 attributes for Multi Training but only show the BT gain for training 4 attributes. My question is does the BT gain increase by 4? So for example you gain 12 BT for a 4 Multi Train, 16 BT for a 5 Multi, 20 BT for a 6 Multi etc. And also are the Training Points required for the Multi Train staying the same? 2 per attribute I think it is correct?

you cant multi train more than 4 at any time. like ever.
Originally posted by ricksta1975
you cant multi train more than 4 at any time. like ever.

I feel really stupid. I saw where you could by 8 attributes to multi train and thought that meant you could train more then 4 attributes at a time..... i guess that just means you can use one of those 8 in multi training.

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