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Originally posted by Exar0s
Originally posted by bashemgud

Are you saying I'm not Brad Pitt?


what are you talking about? I'm Brad Pitt!

Well This is me and I am... well you know....
I have no words....truly.

Oh and my av, that's not Timbaland, it's, yeahhhh, that's right.

Think I'll make an alt to come in here and defend my aggrieved Badgers now.
Originally posted by jstuart66

Am I dreaming or is this really happening....the Rams throw the game, some cute girl named Jodas all of a sudden shows up and starts defending Buxx, and Buxx is no where to be found. I have heard it all now - Canada A3 is really the place to be.

Can you build players like Buxx? If so I want to sign your TE now. 3yr deal. Does he/she boost? I won't have to worry about you giving Buxx my GP because he will throw the game anyway.

I thought I covered this already? Buxx isn't much of a talker to begin with. I am..which is why I'm all over 3 pages of this forum lol .

Technically I can build like Buxx, because he helps me build my TE up lol. Minus the spending money, this game isn't that important to me haha.

Originally posted by DeejKas
I have no words....truly.

Oh and my av, that's not Timbaland, it's, yeahhhh, that's right.

Think I'll make an alt to come in here and defend my aggrieved Badgers now.

Hmm people must be a little dense, or can't read. I'll try explaining this again, for the slow people. First of all the pic is me, getting into a 2004 red Jeep Rubicon outside my condo in Florida. I'm secure enough with how I look, to not fake pictures...Secondly, I'm not his multiple or alt account. Go on, message the admins as I challenged other people with this thought to do. If you aren't going to message the admins of this site to find the truth...quit talking out of your ass .

Last edited Sep 11, 2008 07:18:23
Oh Jodas, you're at that stage where Ken is now... and where I was about 4 years ago. That stage where you actually spent real time (more than the 2 minutes it's taking me to write this) and you actually got emotionally involved in a discussion about an online game. Quoting and highlighting and bolding your responses and italicizing words and making sure you spell-check and grammar edit so that your arguments look to have more merit. Who are you? You have two players - one in Australia and one in the D-League. Why do you care? You mentioned earlier you think its sad if people need to work to gain respect of people in an online game whom they will never meet. Isn't it equally sad for you to enter a discussion to defend somebody who is losing that respect in an online game? Why don't you just drop it. You're not going to change the opinions of anybody in this league who feel cheated that they spent their money to play in a fun competitive environment. This isn't about Buxx gaining respect, this is about 4th quarter, and bashemgud, and Exar0s and all of the other owners who paid their money and put in their time expecting a fair, fun, competitive league and then having their money and hard work undermined by something like this.

And one thing I've learned through my traveling across online games is that the only people who feel it necessary to say things like "run along now" and call people "kids" are kids themselves. So lets just all calm down here and move on to season 5.
Wow... just wow.

I'm surprised Pete hasn't requested the pic our new hypocrite with an "I love Peeeetar" written across her bare chest as proof.

I really hope Buxx doesn't care about internet respect, because having a girl defend him on the internet, while pulling a no show, isn't going to get any of that respect back.
LOL nano. Emotionally involved?? LMAO! I find it amusing, this thread is actually the most fun I have had on this game. I find it rather boring...You seem to be the only one here taking anything serious. *pats your head*

Show me where I highlighted, bolded, or italicized any of my words O.o Pretty sure I didn't. Do I use correct grammar and spell correctly? Yes, of course. Its how I type, I make a mistake and I immediately hit the backspace button. Is that a problem? First time I've ever been ridiculed for typing correctly LOL.

I don't care, I was bored and decided to post my opinion . Buxx is also a friend of mine, so against his wishes I posted. I think it is very sad that people care what other people online think. I think it is quite obvious, I couldn't give a fuck less what you or anyone else here thinks of me . Equally sad? Nah I'm not jumping on one person, over game actions. Just the fact that they are taking this game wayyyyy too seriously.

I may not change their opinion, but I'm allowed to voice my own. How the hell does losing a game, affect ANYONE else besides the team that lost? The team that won, gets to move on, which was the goal if I am not mistaken. The rest of you...who cares.

If you learned people saying 'run along now', are kids. Then you are mistaken. I'm 19, however as I stated earlier I was and am having fun. So I will say silly things . My players name is Squishy Squishalot and Squishy Squishalittle. Do you really think I am a serious player?? I mean come on haha

JSin...he doesn't care, obviously. And again, he didn't have me defend him lol. I did this out of my own boredom.
I like short shorts.
Last edited Sep 11, 2008 15:48:06
Me too
"I think it is very sad that people care what other people online think."

And yet, you were quick to upload a picture when someone mentioned that you might be fat. Maybe you care about what online people think more than you realize my young naive friend.
Proving someone wrong, is different than caring what they think.
Sure, whatever you say. Me thinks thou dost protest too much.....

And Buxx is still a jerk for doing what he did, your flawed and shot full with contradiction defense notwithstanding.

Not only did he drive himself through the mud, he also brought the entire league and my team in particular along for the ride as unwitting accomplices. THAT'S what has everyone upset. We could give a flip about you or your friend or how you care to spend your time on the internet. That's your business. It became mine, however, when through your pal's actions it cast a shadow of doubt on the accomplishments of a bunch of good people (the Yukon Badgers) who played hard, played to win, had a good time and expected a fair match.

It seems, alas, that this concept--sportsmanship, you might want to look that word up--escapes Buxx and you as well. Perhaps another game would be more fitting for you both to play. May I suggest this one:

Oh, and don't bother with some juvenile retort, I won't be around to read it. I'll be in the Canada AA forums where your buddy would have been had he not pissed down his leg in fear of moving up and obviously thrown the game.
Last edited Sep 12, 2008 12:12:28
Originally posted by Jodas
Proving someone wrong, is different than caring what they think.

Yeah, okay. The only person you are fooling is yourself.
Originally posted by 4th Quarter


ps, I can smell your vagina from here. Go take a shower.

With a face like that, I highly doubt you have smelled a vagina since you popped out the one whence you came from. Good day!

Lol, Deejkas...played hard? This is a computer click buttons lmao..please realize this is game, not something to get upset about when someone doesn't play to your standards. Won't be around to read it? Yay I win! lol *does a dance*

*pats JSins head*

Dryvein!!! Behave!!! Haha

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