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alot of teams are getting alot better in A-3 outta no where so going undeafeated will be alot harder then i thought it would be and falcons are going against their first good team of the season but we gonna keep the wins comin.
Joe Buck
More Cowbells owner here checking in! What's up everybody! We face off against the Compton Cheaters, i mean Cougars , tmrw. Wow did that thing blow up in an evening. That thread was UNREAL.

I do feel bad for the Mojave players. Being stuck on an ownerless team. there really needs to be an auto sell back feature.
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
alot of teams are getting alot better in A-3 outta no where so going undeafeated will be alot harder then i thought it would be and falcons are going against their first good team of the season but we gonna keep the wins comin.

Yeah. We are eying the North Shore defense warily this week.
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
alot of teams are getting alot better in A-3 outta no where...

Yeah, and some of us are trying to figure out why we're 1-4 before we knew what hit us, after making the playoffs last year and keeping/improving most of our core.

Maybe that's punishment for owning and GMing the same team? How (and why) does one do that?

I certainly figured you to be better than 1-4 at this stage as well.
Originally posted by RunningMn9
Maybe that's punishment for owning and GMing the same team? How (and why) does one do that?

I certainly figured you to be better than 1-4 at this stage as well.

How and why?

Why not? If I'm shelling out real money, I want full control.

Originally posted by 32mewelde32
alot of teams are getting alot better in A-3 outta no where so going undeafeated will be alot harder then i thought it would be and falcons are going against their first good team of the season but we gonna keep the wins comin.

Haha, hope we can live up to your expectations.
Originally posted by Milo Meningocele
Originally posted by RunningMn9

Maybe that's punishment for owning and GMing the same team? How (and why) does one do that?

I certainly figured you to be better than 1-4 at this stage as well.

How and why?

Why not? If I'm shelling out real money, I want full control.

I've always wondered this also. I've seen a number of oweners also be GM of their team. As the owner, don't you have full control already? Are there specific powers that a GM has that an owner doesn't? That would be absurd. Seems unlikely.
Originally posted by Milo Meningocele
Why not? If I'm shelling out real money, I want full control.

I don't understand what a GM can do that an owner can't - or more specifically, what a Owner+GM can do that an Owner can't.

0-102, ouch.

3 times the opponent scored either a FG or TD, kicked off, forced fumble, recovered fumble, all for TD's.

falcons take on the Tricity Cardinals next prossibly the best defence in the east against one of if not the most high powered pass offence in this division any predictions? i see falcons winning 17-9 to remain undefeated.
27 receptions, 315 yards, 4 TDs for my WR. Decent game I'd say.
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
any predictions?

I predict the Pain will be studying this game pretty closely.
Originally posted by RunningMn9
Originally posted by 32mewelde32

alot of teams are getting alot better in A-3 outta no where so going undeafeated will be alot harder then i thought it would be and falcons are going against their first good team of the season but we gonna keep the wins comin.

Yeah. We are eying the North Shore defense warily this week.

heck of a team you got... our only saving grace is that we only lost 30-0 instead of 55-0 like your last 2 teams. We had no answer for your one WR... something egg shell or something? he burned every db we had at least once i think. Our offense just could not get a first down either... here's to you guys not being in our league next year! nice game guys.
Originally posted by ohmybriguy
heck of a team you got... our only saving grace is that we only lost 30-0 instead of 55-0 like your last 2 teams. We had no answer for your one WR... something egg shell or something? he burned every db we had at least once i think. Our offense just could not get a first down either... here's to you guys not being in our league next year! nice game guys.

We appreciate the thoughts. Considering the nonsense with some of the teams in the other division, we are proud of putting together a team the old fashioned way - by forcing my friends to join and boost players for us.

I really wasn't sure about how we would do against your defense. On paper you guys looked to be on par with our own defensive unit - which is even starting to scare us.

I figured that we would get a max of 24 points. And you did shut us down in the second half, limiting us to just a couple of FGs. Like I said though - our defense is scaring even us. We don't even like practicing against them, let alone playing against them. And don't feel bad about Egg Shen tearing you up - even we were surprised by that.

The PAIN has dispatched half of their scouting department to the Cardinals/Falcons game for Week 7. Should be one of the top games of the year. My feeling is that the Cardinals will sneak out of this game with a win, but I'm not sure how much of that bias is having spent 48 hours agonizing over how to beat them back in Week 2.

The Falcons are certainly impressive in their own right.

On to the Cheese Steaks!!

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