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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Good game all have a very solid team...
Originally posted by onepeat
yeah, they really didnt appreciate that whole bit did they...

VT, i say we merge our teams and become voltron...

That would be HUGE..who could stop us?

As long as dolfan retains his OC status, he's the best in the biz.

Last edited Aug 8, 2008 17:13:28
i wanna know the damn defensive settings. our QBs play damn near perfect until they meet up with you guys...
Im not tellllling...
Originally posted by onepeat
i wanna know the damn defensive settings. our QBs play damn near perfect until they meet up with you guys...

i think VT might have stole the shocker from u guys.
douche bags...
Hey Peat....sign up for the A#8 fantasy league...
i dont have the time to dedicate to it bro, sorry. get one of my other players to do so though. we should be represented in some form or fashion...
Originally posted by Fish.SR

There are enough people on our team that know him in real life

I'm sorry but I literally laughed out loud when I read this. You ARE comedians!

I'm glad I could make you laugh, but I don't get the joke.
Originally posted by 504dude
Originally posted by Fish.SR

There are enough people on our team that know him in real life

I'm sorry but I literally laughed out loud when I read this. You ARE comedians!

you are comedians? that guy is so funny he is plural? you are dumbasses...

welcome douche nozzle. would you like me to share with everyone how you are a drama queen, little bitch, who is pissy because i have blocked you from contacting me? how about I tell them how you blasted me on a private forum thinking i couldnt respond, and when i did, you deleted the entire thread. perhaps i should tell them how you sabatoged your own team to make me look bad. maybe i will mention how you are sweating a girl that put your dumb ass in the friend zone, but you think that will change one day. i know i know, i will tell everyone how you claim to know what i do but have no fucking earthly idea. no, no, no i will tell...
nah, i will just keep it all to myself...

get of my nuts you little bitch. they are far too big for your little ass to be riding on...
Yeah plural, I was referring to you and your SR cronies.
You sure you want to sling at me? I just ask this because you got more skeletons than St. Louis No. 1 brah.

I’m a bitch? Sure, whatever you say, but let me tell you what I am not.

I’m not the guy who runs to Iraq to hide from real life and then expects to have people view him as a hero.

I’m not the guy who meets all of his friends via the internet and then claims to have a real relationship with them. I doubt if they really knew the truths being hidden they would associate with "that guy", similar to how "that guys" real life friends don't anymore.

I’m not the guy who hides as an admin on saintsreport (a status obtained by slinging cash to a website) and puts someone I allegedly love on blast countless times then blocks and bans people from telling the REAL truth about who you are and what really has happened.

I’m not the guy who leads a woman on for years promising marriage only to trap her into having my child then runs off because I am afraid I will be a 3rd time loser in the “ability to keep a marriage going” department.

I’m not the guy who blocks people because he can’t stand the fact that the reality of who he is and what he is , is too much to hear from someone else.

I’m not the guy who sabotaged the team either, you were also informed of this by the team owner aka “the girl I sweat” who is just a friend I look out for when it comes to losers like I mentioned above.

Would YOU like me to continue? Because there is plenty more.

Your nuts are big? Too bad your ability to do the right thing and be a real man is not. Keep hiding, hero.
Last edited Aug 14, 2008 09:13:55
Amazing drama that resulted from a simple original congratulatory post to the Marauders.
Originally posted by enoch101
Amazing drama that resulted from a simple original congratulatory post to the Marauders.

It is our charm and wit that disturbs them all.....

Really don't know who this 504dude guy is, but he is almost making me like onepeat, and that is starting to make me a bit queasy. I rather liked it when I just thought he was an ass now I am thinking a poor misunderstood soul....


i love it when my little slut follows me around e-stalking...

i didnt run to iraq you douche bag, my line of work leads me to iraq.

i could care less if people think im a hero or not. it really doesn't bother me either way...

meet all of my friends on the internet? are you fucking serious? i have had the same group of friends for over 15 years now. sure, i have met a few folks with common interests, but i would hardly say i meet all my friends online...

i dont hide as a fucking admin (actually mod dumbasses) i just dont flaunt it around and i didnt ban anyone. the mods at the time banned you and your puke buddies for being douchebags. i wasnt even a mod then...

oh, and i didnt "sling" cash at the site to become an admin. I have always DONATED cash to that site, as I do a few others:

a) because i am not a broke dick little bitch living at my mom's house (if the shoe fits, cock gobbler)

b) I pay to keep a damn good service going because I enjoy it, and broke dick little bitches living at their mom's house wont pony up some cash to keep the site up. you know the same site you frequent. Without donations, it wouldnt exist. oh BTW, i know who you are on there but didnt bother to boot your ass because, well, im not a stalking little bitch like yourself.

i didnt trap anyone into having a kid you moron. she wanted a KID!!! and i didnt lead her on. if things didnt go the way they have over the course of time, things would be different. again, none of your fucking business, but i know there are bon bons to be eaten and young and the fuckless just isnt doing it for you anymore...

have no fear buddy. i am a taxpaying guy with enough money to take care of my responsibilities. i ALWAYS do the right thing and that is why i am in the position i am in, not living at my momma's house and SWEATING a girl that thinks you are a "nice guy". that is why I can afford to do what i please, when i please. that is why i can buy houses all over the fucking place and drive passed them in a 45k sports car, looking at my rolex, wondering if i should buy a benz or a BM. that is why i take vacations that equal your income. that is why i am me, and you are you, and its better to be me. dont believe me? ask your friend...

at the end of it all, everyone can see just how much of a douche you really are. you shit on a thread, on a board, that you have no association with. why? because you will do anything to have your cute and sweet little whispers heard. its ok princess, next time i take your manhood, we can have some pillow talk. no need to spew filth in front of company.

Awww, are you guys fighting over a girl on the internet? That's sweet, but it really doesn't belong here. 504dude, did you come into this thread specifically to pick a fight? What you did is really creepy. Some people just don't know where the line is. It's one thing to make fun of PinTBC's signoff, or to call PapaBear old, or to tell me I'm stupid, but to bring up the kind of stuff you did is really pathetic, and doesn't belong here.

BTW, I wear a Seiko and drive an F150. Someone hook me up with them Rolexes and sports cars.

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