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Originally posted by erbinator79
He told you all the concrete stuff he knew, just because he has his own team doesn't mean he is gonna throw a fit just because he didn't go there, if he says "their your players, do what you want" that means it's your choice and I'll have to deal with the decision wether I like it or not. He gave no indication of taking oof his equiptment and all that to us, that was totally of his doing. Yes, we did know he wanted his own team but once we couldn't get a deal done we had no clue he would do what we did.

you act like we knew what he would do all along, WE DIDN'T, nobody did. We figured since he said "do what you want", he didn't care and would deal with whatever happened, not act like a pus wad and throw a temper tantrum like a little 3 year old who doesn't get their own way

Sorry, but it is really not our fault, if anything blame GRID

Originally posted by theinfamous
Im out, dont waste your time replying cause Im not gonna read it. Just use caution when dealing with this guy.

no, you're "out" because you now know that you are WRONG, you can't blame it on us that we traded a player that says "do what you want", and that is exactly what we did, what we wanted. This is now between you and GRID, he is your player and we can't help that once we traded him he acted like that, we were given no warning just as you were. He acted cool with the trade when we talked to him, if he didn't want it that badly he should've stayed and worked out a deal to get him to his own team because I'm sure Vegas would've done it if GRID was fair, which he wasn't to begin with.

So moral of the story, GRID can't be trusted when he says he doesn't care and now I suspect him of having bi-polar disorder
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 09:40:58
I know I'm late to the party but it's true. GRID is the one acting like a child... Should it have been mentioned that he wanted his players? Maybe yes and maybe no. That's not the point.

However, the point is that GRID needs to be dealt with not the us. Starting a thread and smearing not only our name but the name of our owner and leadership is just plain rude. You could have done all this through private mails. You talk about hoping the 140K was worth it to us for trying to screw you... Well, that 140K seems really worth it to you to not only start a huge pile of crap but to keep on stirring it, keeping the stink fresh...

It was certifiable that GRID was acting childish when you dealt with him in the beginning. That should have been the end of it there. We are not his keeper and he can run his guys anyway he wants. He'd been active on our forums and nothing led us to believe that he'd act so childish. So, apparently we agree on this point so how did we get to the sixth page in this thread?
Get the word out? OO were scared, It doesnt matter what "word" you get out, with a team and owners like we have we will be able to sign plenty of talent. This GRID guy never once the whole season was a disgruntled player, so there was no way of knowing this was going to happen. This post should have been directed toward him, he gets 100% of the blame. Vegas should get absolutely none!
Africa Pro controversy is BACK!!! LOL
the shit is hitting the fan again. Welcome to the APL
Originally posted by throughyperspace
First off: Buyer beware.

Secondly: She Vegas, did you really think he wouldn't be a malcontent after you traded him? I mean, seriously?

Finally.. I will release players from my own team, within reason. If I paid for lvl 24 upgrades then I expect them to play out their contract. A lvl 11-13 LB, though? Is it
worth the headache?

^^^same sentiments

Considering the levels I would've released him for putting in work for my team especially since he got his own but that's just me.
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 17:39:54
Originally posted by theinfamous
If a player keeps attempting to get his own player and you know he wants him why would you trade him to another team without a mention of it?

Why would you trade for a player without talking to him first? Do you think a players that wants out is sharing everything with the team he wants to leave?

You need to take responsibility for your own actions.

Vegas and Lorenzo have been outstanding owners. As far as I'm concerned, they've been up front about everything.

This is a game, you make a deal ... you take a risk. Are you getting Terrel Owens, Jeremy Shocky or a Ladamian Tomlinson? Don't expect that an owner knows everyones intentions. How well do you know everyone on your team? I don't suspect very well, especially when you don't talk to them before you trade for them.

This is getting really silly. Quit with the smear campaign and move on.
Hate to beat a dead horse but I find it funny theinfamous one who is holier then anyone...ended up trading this "disgruntled player".
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Now, his new owner, who is truly coming off as an ass and quite naive (to put it nicely!) is trying to bash us? Again, do your homework. I always get to know the player, as every good GM/owner does.

I agree with that sentiment. That's why the first words of my post were buyer beware. I meant it mostly as "be aware of the agent, there may be a reason he's on the market".. Like I said, not saying you guys aren't ethical. I just would have handled it differently considering his level and the team investment required for that level.

Originally posted by Lorenzo Express

Must be pretty effective because people buy in and are ready to perform. Isn't this the case there throughhyperspace, I mean I landed someone you really wanted this year!

Did you really? We all know how competitive recruiting is, so all I can say is congratulations.

Originally posted by alifornia

Love how you're rockin' the Wu avatars.

Originally posted by SheVegas
Hate to beat a dead horse but I find it funny theinfamous one who is holier then anyone...ended up trading this "disgruntled player".

That is funny. Renders this whole thread moot.
If I were you I would

BLAME CANADA!! Just as Cartman he knows!
Am I the only one that is luling because this entire thing started over a level 12 LB.
Originally posted by Laggo
Am I the only one that is luling because this entire thing started over a level 12 LB.

level 12 LB's are people too, man!

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