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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I hope you guys are hungry...
Originally posted by Chet Avery
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by saltman241

Originally posted by RTJakarta

Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.

Sounds like insomnia and let me tell you that's some bad shit. Worst 6 months of my life. I really hope that's not what it is, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I've always had some bad problems with falling asleep. One time last summer I really couldn't fall asleep for like two days.

After my divorce i couldn't sleep for 2 days, as well. Worst 2 days ever.

After my divorce I had the same problem...But it was 48 hours of monster sex...With the twins from down the block...Best 48 hours of my life.

Chet Avery
I read the same thing in penthouse. lol!!
Originally posted by PinTBC

I personally am impressed by teams like the Bugeaters in the east, who aren't all high levels and still put together a group of game plans which keep them near the top of the East.

But that's my opinion.


Thanks Pin, I appreciate that. Some get their kicks out of pissing people off and starting riots, I get mine from recognition of a job well done. That means a lot coming from the type of owner you appear to be. You guys seem to be a lot like us. There are many classy teams in Lion, which is why I'm glad to be in the Lion.

As a Husker fan, I always appreciated the NU-OU rivalry. It was a good rivalry based on respect, not hate. The games were better, the crowds were better, the party was better, and the whole thing was more fun. The NU-Colorado "rivaly" was based on Colorado's hate and jealously and those games weren't much fun to attend. There fans were jackasses. The Lion seems to have a lot of respect rivals and the elephant seems to have a lot of hate rivalry.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by PinTBC

I personally am impressed by teams like the Bugeaters in the east, who aren't all high levels and still put together a group of game plans which keep them near the top of the East.

But that's my opinion.


Thanks Pin, I appreciate that. Some get their kicks out of pissing people off and starting riots, I get mine from recognition of a job well done. That means a lot coming from the type of owner you appear to be. You guys seem to be a lot like us. There are many classy teams in Lion, which is why I'm glad to be in the Lion.

As a Husker fan, I always appreciated the NU-OU rivalry. It was a good rivalry based on respect, not hate. The games were better, the crowds were better, the party was better, and the whole thing was more fun. The NU-Colorado "rivaly" was based on Colorado's hate and jealously and those games weren't much fun to attend. There fans were jackasses. The Lion seems to have a lot of respect rivals and the elephant seems to have a lot of hate rivalry.

SUCK ASS!!! Both of you, get a room!!!
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 13:32:31
Originally posted by tramiken
Originally posted by majech

Originally posted by PinTBC

I personally am impressed by teams like the Bugeaters in the east, who aren't all high levels and still put together a group of game plans which keep them near the top of the East.

But that's my opinion.


Thanks Pin, I appreciate that. Some get their kicks out of pissing people off and starting riots, I get mine from recognition of a job well done. That means a lot coming from the type of owner you appear to be. You guys seem to be a lot like us. There are many classy teams in Lion, which is why I'm glad to be in the Lion.

As a Husker fan, I always appreciated the NU-OU rivalry. It was a good rivalry based on respect, not hate. The games were better, the crowds were better, the party was better, and the whole thing was more fun. The NU-Colorado "rivaly" was based on Colorado's hate and jealously and those games weren't much fun to attend. There fans were jackasses. The Lion seems to have a lot of respect rivals and the elephant seems to have a lot of hate rivalry.


...note to self...make some depth chart changes, and some GM removals.
I play on the coyotes and on the forum aside from a couple of things about the USA org teams activities most of the other teams aren't really discussed.. Its about video games and one of the players builds. I know for a fact a large portion of the team was together before RTJ moved some of his players and a few other people onto the team. I know this because I was on it.

When you read what the guys say in the forum (private one) its hard to believe its the same people in these forums. I think its because of the attacks or whatever they have become very defensive in this open forum. Our team forum is a pretty cool place, its definitely the most active forum I am on.

I would also like to say I take great offense in being called a pedo, I have two small children and have been married for ten years. I don't like being called a cheater because I don't cheat. I understand the dislike associated with bringing in a large group of players from one team that was sold to a new team because I am dealing with a similar issue in BBB15 myself. I also think this is slightly different, they didn't bring in a full team of players, I think it was 10? maybe and a lot of them were RTJs. This is a PRO league there is no level cap for a reason everyone has high level players if this was an A league I would understand it for sure, but everyone can say "pro league looking for 20+ talent" in the players forums and get interest, especially when everyone wanted to get into africa..

Our owner is definitely weird, I won't argue that but most of the time its just funny good natured stuff until people get offensive. I also know that most of the people on the team are very helpful and cool to talk with. I don't post much on this forum or really the teams forum (I just observe) mostly because I have my own team and GM two others and am busy game planning etc.. but I think everyone is over reacting to a few statements made in jest and a couple of players moved to a PRO league from a AAA team.

Anyway if anyone actually took the time to read this whole thing thanks for your time and I hope people will actually stop attacking, get to know some of the people on the team and maybe let this all die.

Originally posted by jmsne
I play on the coyotes and on the forum aside from a couple of things about the USA org teams activities most of the other teams aren't really discussed.. Its about video games and one of the players builds. I know for a fact a large portion of the team was together before RTJ moved some of his players and a few other people onto the team. I know this because I was on it.

When you read what the guys say in the forum (private one) its hard to believe its the same people in these forums. I think its because of the attacks or whatever they have become very defensive in this open forum. Our team forum is a pretty cool place, its definitely the most active forum I am on.

I would also like to say I take great offense in being called a pedo, I have two small children and have been married for ten years. I don't like being called a cheater because I don't cheat. I understand the dislike associated with bringing in a large group of players from one team that was sold to a new team because I am dealing with a similar issue in BBB15 myself. I also think this is slightly different, they didn't bring in a full team of players, I think it was 10? maybe and a lot of them were RTJs. This is a PRO league there is no level cap for a reason everyone has high level players if this was an A league I would understand it for sure, but everyone can say "pro league looking for 20+ talent" in the players forums and get interest, especially when everyone wanted to get into africa..

Our owner is definitely weird, I won't argue that but most of the time its just funny good natured stuff until people get offensive. I also know that most of the people on the team are very helpful and cool to talk with. I don't post much on this forum or really the teams forum (I just observe) mostly because I have my own team and GM two others and am busy game planning etc.. but I think everyone is over reacting to a few statements made in jest and a couple of players moved to a PRO league from a AAA team.

Anyway if anyone actually took the time to read this whole thing thanks for your time and I hope people will actually stop attacking, get to know some of the people on the team and maybe let this all die.


Haha you come in here with the same attitude I did. You'll learn that these guys don't care about little things like "truth" and "perspective." They just want to bash us. Just ignore it dude; it's fine.

Last edited Jul 16, 2008 14:39:39
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by jmsne

I play on the coyotes and on the forum aside from a couple of things about the USA org teams activities most of the other teams aren't really discussed.. Its about video games and one of the players builds. I know for a fact a large portion of the team was together before RTJ moved some of his players and a few other people onto the team. I know this because I was on it.

When you read what the guys say in the forum (private one) its hard to believe its the same people in these forums. I think its because of the attacks or whatever they have become very defensive in this open forum. Our team forum is a pretty cool place, its definitely the most active forum I am on.

I would also like to say I take great offense in being called a pedo, I have two small children and have been married for ten years. I don't like being called a cheater because I don't cheat. I understand the dislike associated with bringing in a large group of players from one team that was sold to a new team because I am dealing with a similar issue in BBB15 myself. I also think this is slightly different, they didn't bring in a full team of players, I think it was 10? maybe and a lot of them were RTJs. This is a PRO league there is no level cap for a reason everyone has high level players if this was an A league I would understand it for sure, but everyone can say "pro league looking for 20+ talent" in the players forums and get interest, especially when everyone wanted to get into africa..

Our owner is definitely weird, I won't argue that but most of the time its just funny good natured stuff until people get offensive. I also know that most of the people on the team are very helpful and cool to talk with. I don't post much on this forum or really the teams forum (I just observe) mostly because I have my own team and GM two others and am busy game planning etc.. but I think everyone is over reacting to a few statements made in jest and a couple of players moved to a PRO league from a AAA team.

Anyway if anyone actually took the time to read this whole thing thanks for your time and I hope people will actually stop attacking, get to know some of the people on the team and maybe let this all die.


Haha you come in here with the same attitude I did. You'll learn that these guys don't care about little things like "truth" and "perspective." They just want to bash us. Just ignore it dude; it's fine.


James, well written. I hope you have noticed that much of the vitriol has died down of late so you'll find that most of the rest of us are reasonable people, BTW I've never called you pedo's. that's beyond the pale.

Soap, I think I've been very clear in my thoughts and opinions. Not once have I called out a player on your team other than the owner and there I called BS on his bragging. That is all. I suspect that by the beginning of next season you will struggle to maintain that kind of dominance, I know that there are at least 2 teams that will have a significant influx of starters who will match or exceed your levels in season 4. Mainly because your owner has been such a braggart that they wanna shut him down.
I guess I generalized too much. There are reasonable people but I'm saying the fanatics that make 80% of the posts don't really care about what we have to say. I didn't mean everyone is irrational

I welcome competition with open arms.
Good post. Good people do bad things sometimes, and not always intentionally. Live and learn.
Wow you're an asshole RT, the ONLY reason my QB sucked on your team was because of your god awful ability to prepare for games and allow him to perform at his best. You even admitted you sucked at this yourself, it's not even my fault he sucked, sure 19 TDs compared to 16 INTs isn't great either, but hell, its a positive ratio and at least my team made the playoffs...
So Jakarta moves on to co-own a 16-0 pro team, while you throw a 19:16 TD/INT ratio in AA, making playoffs in 6th place?

l00l0l0l0l0l0l yes good bragging
Originally posted by sniper24
Wow you're an asshole RT, the ONLY reason my QB sucked on your team was because of your god awful ability to prepare for games and allow him to perform at his best. You even admitted you sucked at this yourself, it's not even my fault he sucked, sure 19 TDs compared to 16 INTs isn't great either, but hell, its a positive ratio and at least my team made the playoffs...

Really? I seem to recall trying to pass with some awful outcomes...
Originally posted by sniper24
Wow you're an asshole RT, the ONLY reason my QB sucked on your team was because of your god awful ability to prepare for games and allow him to perform at his best. You even admitted you sucked at this yourself, it's not even my fault he sucked, sure 19 TDs compared to 16 INTs isn't great either, but hell, its a positive ratio and at least my team made the playoffs...

LOL at this guy.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by sniper24

Wow you're an asshole RT, the ONLY reason my QB sucked on your team was because of your god awful ability to prepare for games and allow him to perform at his best. You even admitted you sucked at this yourself, it's not even my fault he sucked, sure 19 TDs compared to 16 INTs isn't great either, but hell, its a positive ratio and at least my team made the playoffs...

Really? I seem to recall trying to pass with some awful outcomes...

And what were you doing? 80-20 Passing? Like that's gonna do anything.

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