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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Bringing up league structure again
Originally posted by reddogrw
many times it is 2 teams with the same situation fixing it for both

most swaps we have done have been with Mauler or RC

other than those 3 groups, there are only 7-8 other teams that can compete for a CL title

there is a reason that season 78 was the last season someone other than Mauler, RC and Tom-Red have won WL/CL

My point is this exactly, why do we allow special rules to help the top 3 groups who are dominating anyhow? It makes more sense to let the promoting teams choose their conference than it does for the perennial championship contenders to choose their conference.

And Red while you guys deserve all the props in the world for the s89 ship and s105 lolcats domination of War Machine it's worth noting that since s83 it's been...

RC & Friends = 10 ships
OG Mauler/Steve = 6 ships
Tom/Red = 2 ships

Though since DP it's been:
RC & Friends = 2 ships
Tom/Red = 1 ship
Since Mauler 2.0 <<< Mauler 1.0 quite apparently

So when the cutoff is matters a bit. I don't expect Tomcic to advocate for a rule (teams can't swap conferences) that hurts him, but lets at least be intellectually honest that implementing such a rule would take away a small bit of edge from the top teams.
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
There are 11 good teams in AAA 1 alone. Not many are WIN gold at CL level but all are good enough to complete. Heck even with our build hiccups on Mayan a couple of seasons ago we had a big lead on you guys late in the game. 24 teams could definitely happen.

Go look down at AAA and you'll see tons of full, capable teams.

yes - if Tom forgets to tag a rushing QB you have a chance to make it a good game - congrats
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
My point is this exactly, why do we allow special rules to help the top 3 groups who are dominating anyhow? It makes more sense to let the promoting teams choose their conference than it does for the perennial championship contenders to choose their conference.

And Red while you guys deserve all the props in the world for the s89 ship and s105 lolcats domination of War Machine it's worth noting that since s83 it's been...

RC & Friends = 10 ships
OG Mauler/Steve = 6 ships
Tom/Red = 2 ships

Though since DP it's been:
RC & Friends = 2 ships
Tom/Red = 1 ship
Since Mauler 2.0 <<< Mauler 1.0 quite apparently

So when the cutoff is matters a bit. I don't expect Tomcic to advocate for a rule (teams can't swap conferences) that hurts him, but lets at least be intellectually honest that implementing such a rule would take away a small bit of edge from the top teams.

I'm just going back to when the last time someone else won - we have 5 titles since then

we also don't have as many teams as others - but that is our choice

whatever league setup we end up with doesn't change any of this and I like what Tom put together but if we change it or don't change it it isn't the end of the world

- it's the off season and there is nothing better to do than argue until rollover happens
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
God how I loathe the arrogance of a few who play at the top of the game. There's a ton of good squads, owners and coordinators in that list and your reaction says it all.

you bragged up the ladder how awesome you were because you had a 5 level advantage on most and said you were going to keep beating us in plateau - you can dish it out but you can't take it
OC/DC Guru
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
My point is this exactly, why do we allow special rules to help the top 3 groups who are dominating anyhow? It makes more sense to let the promoting teams choose their conference than it does for the perennial championship contenders to choose their conference.

And Red while you guys deserve all the props in the world for the s89 ship and s105 lolcats domination of War Machine it's worth noting that since s83 it's been...

RC & Friends = 10 ships
OG Mauler/Steve = 7 ships
Tom/Red = 5 ships

Though since DP it's been:
RC & Friends = 2 ships
Tom/Red = 1 ship
Since Mauler 2.0 <<< Mauler 1.0 quite apparently

So when the cutoff is matters a bit. I don't expect Tomcic to advocate for a rule (teams can't swap conferences) that hurts him, but lets at least be intellectually honest that implementing such a rule would take away a small bit of edge from the top teams.

Considering s78 was the last time an owner not named Ryan/Mauler/Red, I've got different numbers

Was it an advantage for dsl to swap to alpha last season? No.
You wanted to have your coaching staff (DC in that case) being able to avoid conflict of interest. Same do Ryan/Mauler and Red.
Ryan is separating his teams to devide them equally by conference. Mauler is separating teams if 3 end up in one conference. We are separating teams if 2 end up in the same conference.
So again, if you don't want to swap, don't agree to a swap.

Personally, i am fine with whatever. I thought Option B would let a bigger number of teams compete for a CL title and simply juice up the competition in forums/etc. But if guys in this thread already brag about potentially going 3-13 in the new format, then we can stay put and continue as is without a change.
Originally posted by reddogrw
you bragged up the ladder how awesome you were because you had a 5 level advantage on most and said you were going to keep beating us in plateau - you can dish it out but you can't take it

I can't believe you are still so butt hurt over some smack talk up the ladder. Jeez, menopause must really suck for ya.

If you brush up on your reading comprehension skills you would understand I was talking about other squads and not my own. We completely owned our shortcomings when we got to PRO (honestly it was Semi Pro I discovered the issue). But to dismiss that many solid squads with good dots, coordinators and owners tells me that your arrogance at the top is out of control.

Talk smack about my team's downfall all you want but dismissing that many good teams when we are discussing whether there are enough teams to expand the top is not a reflection on the shortcomings of my own squad but your limited window of success you view this dying game. Pathetic IMO.

Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
I can't believe you are still so butt hurt over some smack talk up the ladder
. Jeez, menopause must really suck for ya.

If you brush up on your reading comprehension skills you would understand I was talking about other squads and not my own. We completely owned our shortcomings when we got to PRO (honestly it was Semi Pro I discovered the issue). But to dismiss that many solid squads with good dots, coordinators and owners tells me that your arrogance at the top is out of control.

Talk smack about my team's downfall all you want but dismissing that many good teams when we are discussing whether there are enough teams to expand the top is not a reflection on the shortcomings of my own squad but your limited window of success you view this dying game. Pathetic IMO.

I am mocking your chest beating when you could beat teams when you had a 5-level advantage over them - it was hilarious
Originally posted by reddogrw
I am mocking your chest beating when you could beat teams when you had a 5-level advantage over them - it was hilarious

Thanks. I thought it was pretty funny myself.

Originally posted by reddogrw
I am mocking your chest beating when you could beat teams when you had a 5-level advantage over them - it was hilarious

In reality I was just trying to draw out some gameplay out of the crew (yourself included) that only care about the top, actually hurting competition up the ladder as well. At least got a reaction out of some of you.

You guys care only the top. Honestly I like the ladder and building most but my son wanted to push for the highest level and I went along with it.

My point of there is enough teams to expand to at least 24 teams was valid. Enough said.

Originally posted by Tomcic

Personally, i am fine with whatever. I thought Option B would let a bigger number of teams compete for a CL title and simply juice up the competition in forums/etc. But if guys in this thread already brag about potentially going 3-13 in the new format, then we can stay put and continue as is without a change.

Fwiw I'm pretty sure TJ is the only person in this thread who has stated they are against a change because pro teams can't compete with WL teams or whatever he's trying to say. Don't become jaded from a minority squibbling on things. Talking to most owners of top or middling pro teams, they'd prefer the additional competition and then the chips fall where they may.

Truth is that s104 was fun, active, and competitive and had the format you're proposing (two pro leagues as the top level).
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Fwiw I'm pretty sure TJ is the only person in this thread who has stated they are against a change because pro teams can't compete with WL teams or whatever he's trying to say.

That's kind of dick-ish. I specifically said I didn't vote because I'm not for or against this change. It don't believe it'll be an improvement, but it would be something new and different

The TL;Dr version of my suggestion was to stop having teams demoted out of CL. Let them stay there as a reward for rising above the 95%. If a team doesn't want to be in CL, they can request a reset.

The difference between Pro and CL is razor thin. RC's Florida Frenzy were there last season. So was your Sno team. As matter of fact, your team was 1 dropped pass away from being demoted back down to Pro again.
Instead a receiver who doesn't catch over 50% of his targets happened to hang onto that one, after firing off a lucky Catch Fake.

You ended up 9-7 instead of 8-8 and demoted on tie breakers.

It's so simple to add another Pro intead of rearranging everything. The number of quality teams is growing anyway. It will keep growing until the s111 decline for this generation of dots.

Actually I like this one better. Add another Pro league instead of AAA and promote those teams that reach league final (2 from each Pro).
Originally posted by TJ Spikes
That's kind of dick-ish. I specifically said I didn't vote because I'm not for or against this change. It don't believe it'll be an improvement, but it would be something new and different

The TL;Dr version of my suggestion was to stop having teams demoted out of CL. Let them stay there as a reward for rising above the 95%. If a team doesn't want to be in CL, they can request a reset.

The difference between Pro and CL is razor thin. RC's Florida Frenzy were there last season. So was your Sno team. As matter of fact, your team was 1 dropped pass away from being demoted back down to Pro again.
Instead a receiver who doesn't catch over 50% of his targets happened to hang onto that one, after firing off a lucky Catch Fake.

You ended up 9-7 instead of 8-8 and demoted on tie breakers.

It's so simple to add another Pro intead of rearranging everything. The number of quality teams is growing anyway. It will keep growing until the s111 decline for this generation of dots.

Originally posted by Kenshinzen
Actually I like this one better. Add another Pro league instead of AAA and promote those teams that reach league final (2 from each Pro).


London finished With one win, HHWC with 6, and Cherokee with 7. How do you see demotion in there?

I'm all for whatever will make this game more interesting and fun. A larger league has proven to make the forum more active, and in my opinion the game better. Yes, you will have teams that win 3 games, and that's okay. They will hopefully learn, get better, and still have fun.
Please no to adding an additional league. Adding another league weakens the game. You SHOULD have talent in AAA to make the ladder work. If you add another Pro league, you end up with cpu teams in AAA which is what we want to avoid. AAA is competitive and fun, keep it that way. Cream rises to the top.

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