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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > ********ALL CANDA A OWNERS PLEASE READ**********
This was posted in Canada A4 forums also.

Ok so I sat down and decided to average out top teams in our league and than average teams in their league and here is some stuff.

Yellowknife's levels added together
Offense 165
Defense 140
Yellowknife team average level is 13.86

Thunderbay, I hope I got that right sorry
Offense 149
Defense 145
Team Average level 13.36

Offense 148
Defense 140
Team Average level 13.09

Offense 142
Defense 135
Team Average level 12.59

Ottawa Bears in AA2, they are 8-7 and in the 9th seed, they won't make the playoffs
Offense 209
Defense 204
Team Average level 18.77

So the most average team in AA2 is 5 levels average higher than the most leveled team in Canada A4. Most of my team has not boosted but still that is asking for slaughter.
All the owners who say they can win in AA without completely overhauling their rosters are just kidding themselves. My team has several lvl 20+ players in backup positions and they all have solid builds.
Going to put this here also for you to see. Why would you choose the #9 team in the AA#2 league to show that you can't compete. You can choose the #13 and 14 teams and see you are not far behind them.

Peg City Guns:14th place West
Offense Average: 15.22
Defense average: 16.26
total average ~15.78

Moose jaw Mauraders:13th place West
Offense Average: 14.52
Defense Average: 16.57
Total Average: 15.83

Concordia Tornados: 14th place East
Offense Average: 13.71
Defense Average: 15.24
Total Average: 14.60

Toronto Blitz: 13th Place east
Offense Average: 14.4
Defense Average: 16.22
Total Average: 15.33

I went in and did the work for ya these are the teams that will not be relegated this year but finished at the bottom of their respective conferences in Canada AA#2. Are you saying that a team going up that are maybe 2 levels below atm will not be able to compete with these teams especially if the ones being promoted can sign a few more players of higher levels since they don't have a cap??

I say just quit whining and try to play the game as it was intended. There were teams that came out season 1 and only had 8 games and I didn't see this type of complaining. Your not going to only be there for one year and than have to move back if you know how to manage your team correctly.
No promotion! Keep the level cap til half way through the next season too .. we deserve a full season unmolested. Balanced competition requires players about the same age.

You dont see pro players licking their chops to go back to college ... but I see it all over GLB lol
So, it sounds like a majority is against promotion for this season, with some that are for it? How many owners (out of a total of 256 teams) have signed off on the idea?

We could skip the Canada A level in promotions, but I have a feeling that bottom of the barrel Canada AA teams (some of whom have CPU players) might not like the idea.

This was sort of an expiriment to see if we could add teams mid-season in a better way; seems like it worked out ok, except you didn't have 8 more games to play catchup with the higher league.

We're going to lift the cap next season, so you are all probably going to have to do some recruiting since some higher level guys will be able to move in. Will it really make a difference if you're moved up and recruit or stay in the same spot and recruit? Thoughts?
^ I think i speak for most when i say, if promotion happens, we must be able to have grace period, as our Chem will be extremely screwed up if we get promoted and then have to kill chem to build a team by signing/releasing/trading. We would also need some sort of $$ i believe as well, our stadiums are petite even to the weakest of canada AA teams in my opinion...

The player market is kinda intense right now, especially with some owners paying real money to recruits... That's a serious problem in my book, but their own stupidity as well.

I feel there's no reason to skip promotion, while there's a good chance the A teams will end up right back here after season 4, it's still not a good enough reason to skip it.

The real problem is everything that works now getting nerfed in season 4, no reason to make major changes like that 3 seasons into the game.
Yukon Don
Originally posted by Bort
So, it sounds like a majority is against promotion for this season, with some that are for it? How many owners (out of a total of 256 teams) have signed off on the idea?

We could skip the Canada A level in promotions, but I have a feeling that bottom of the barrel Canada AA teams (some of whom have CPU players) might not like the idea.

This was sort of an expiriment to see if we could add teams mid-season in a better way; seems like it worked out ok, except you didn't have 8 more games to play catchup with the higher league.

We're going to lift the cap next season, so you are all probably going to have to do some recruiting since some higher level guys will be able to move in. Will it really make a difference if you're moved up and recruit or stay in the same spot and recruit? Thoughts?

If we stay and recruit we all are on a level playing field with our competition in regards to chemistry, finances, etc.

If we move up and recruit or stay with one team that comes down we have an extremely unlevel playing field.
It would be easier for Canada A teams to recruit "tweeners" by keeping a more even distribution of levels if the Canada A teams didnt get bumped, IMO. By this I mean that the level 14-16 players will have a home and more of a shot to be a starter rather than looking up at the AA squads and realizing that if they could get onto a AA squad they would serve as depth instead of starters...unless they joined on to an underachieving team that will probably not do better than 11th or 12th.

It wouldn't be fantastic for the AA teams looking for relegation, but they will get an influx of players that are looking for the next level of play. Imo keeping champion A teams in conference would promote more team unity, foster rivalry and allow enough time for Canada A to not be outclassed in levels or stadium/money.

My first player grew up in D league and jumped into the fire on a really torn apart AAA team, and its been tough keeping up a good attitude when we are seriously outmatched in 70% of our games. I really like the teams I'm on in Canada A and I'd rather not feel that were being pushed off an inevitble cliff because weve accomplished so much.

Besides, it sucks that I'm seeing threads in private Canada forums asking the teams opinion on thowing the important game so as to not be promoted.

Thanks for your attention, and the effort youve put into the game. Its been a blast playing here

Last edited Jul 12, 2008 17:58:58
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 18:10:53
If Bort is looking for a vote on promotion or no promotion,

I vote NO to promotion, who's with me?
I'm not an owner, but am a GM and am definitely against promotion after just half a season. We need to go another season before being promoted.
I'm all for promotion and don't think we need any sort of coddling like chemistry grace periods or delayed promotion. Higher level players will move in and disrupt the balance of the current A league regardless of who is demoted and promoted. Because of this, the Canadian A League that we see today will be completely different 15 days from now after the cap has been lifted and all teams have had a chance to retool. If we allow promotion this season or if promotion is put off for next season, the balance of power will shift in the A leagues one of three ways: solely through recruiting, AA teams being demoted, or both. Lack of parity is inevitable in either situation and preventing promotion/demotion or removing chemistry hits will not change that fact.

The threats most people focus on are the threats posed by external teams like the ones relegated from AA. If the chemistry hit is removed, the greatest threat we could face next season is the super-stacked team who recruited efficiently in the non-capped offseason and has no chemistry problems. I think a lot of people are hoping we get chemistry exemptions so they can take a shot at being that team and eat cupcakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

We don't need special permission to cheat the system so we can upgrade our teams without penalty. Treat us like everyone else.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 19:11:03
I think this was a good experiment and IMO this is what is showed.

Creating a mid season league with level cap....not promoting and giving that league a 2nd season with no cap......and then promoting should give the teams in the new league an excellent opportunity to develop their new teams both financially and with chemistry. Giving them 1.5 seasons to develop is a great idea.

Obviously I vote NO on promotion.
Oh yeah. Thanks Bort for answer our threads.

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