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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Sooooo, how can you fix this mess America?
Originally posted by Djinnt
The difference between you and me is that I take the word racist seriously.
Kind of like how I take Hitler comparisons seriously.
Some people are willing to throw them around without any regard for the truth. Hitler is responsible for ~11 million deaths in extermination camps, 10 million Russian civilians and around 52 million combatants.
Racism means hating or finding one or more races inferior. We have some really compelling examples throughout history of real racism, like seeing people as subhuman - even possibly members of a different species, or lynching people because of their membership to a race.
That's pretty fucking starkly contrasted to anything Trump has said or done. Citing that illegal immigrants (not a race) from Mexico (not an origin of any particular race) in particular are responsible for a disproportionate number of rapes, murders and drug crimes especially in border states (a fact,) is not racist. It's simply something people don't want to hear because of a political bias.
That doesn't sound anything like hating a race or finding them inferior to me.
Or when he says that inner city blacks are treated as second class citizens, something he (admittedly vaguely) claimed he wanted to right. Oh my, what vitriol! Give this guy a rope, he clearly has some hanging to do!

Sorry I actually care what words mean. Give me a fucking break.

Show me the numbers of crimes committed by immigrants of Mexico in border states.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Show me the numbers of crimes committed by immigrants of Mexico in border states.

As a Native American ... please provide the statistics of immigrant crimes committed in North America since 1492.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Show me the numbers of crimes committed by immigrants of Mexico in border states.

According to the FBI, criminal gangs – in some regions comprised significantly of illegal aliens – are wreaking havoc in the U.S., with 65 jurisdictions nationwide reporting gang-related offenses committed with firearms account for at least 95 percent of crime in those areas.

The FBI further documented gangs in Southwestern border regions consisting of up to 80 percent illegal aliens were committing a multitude of crimes in America, “including drug-related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering.”

The information was contained in the FBI’s 79-page National Gang Report published in 2013, the most recently released extensive agency report providing an overview of gang activities and trends in the United States.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases initiated by federal prosecutors last fiscal year, more than 40%—or 24,746—were filed in court districts neighboring the Mexican border. This includes Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, Western Texas and Southern Texas. The two Texas districts each had more than double the convictions of all four federal court districts in the state of New York combined, according to the DOJ report. The Western Texas District had the nation’s heaviest crime flow, with 6,341 cases filed by the feds. In Southern Texas 6,130 cases were filed, 4,848 in Southern California, 3,889 in New Mexico and 3,538 in Arizona.

54 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population had from one to five arrests in their arrest history record. About 9 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population (about 23,000) had one arrest. About 60 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population had from 1 to 10 offenses in their arrest history record. Our analysis includes criminal aliens with arrests dating from August 1955 to April 2010. About 90 percent of the arrests in our study population occurred after 1990.

About 75 percent of criminal aliens in our study population were arrested in one of three states—California, Texas, and Arizona. About 66 percent of the SCAAP criminal aliens incarcerated in state prison systems from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009, were born in Mexico.

Illegal immigrants were responsible for 18 percent of drug trafficking; 30 percent of kidnapping/hostage taking; 75 percent of drug possession; 10 percent of money laundering; 21 percent of national defense; and 5 percent of murder sentences.

Those classified as "illegal aliens" accounted for 25,670, or 37 percent, of 70,225 individuals convicted of all federal crimes in the 12 months through September 2015.
Originally posted by Djinnt
The difference between you and me is that I take the word racist seriously.
Kind of like how I take Hitler comparisons seriously.
Some people are willing to throw them around without any regard for the truth. Hitler is responsible for ~11 million deaths in extermination camps, 10 million Russian civilians and around 52 million combatants.
Racism means hating or finding one or more races inferior. We have some really compelling examples throughout history of real racism, like seeing people as subhuman - even possibly members of a different species, or lynching people because of their membership to a race.
That's pretty fucking starkly contrasted to anything Trump has said or done. Citing that illegal immigrants (not a race) from Mexico (not an origin of any particular race) in particular are responsible for a disproportionate number of rapes, murders and drug crimes especially in border states (a fact,) is not racist. It's simply something people don't want to hear because of a political bias.
That doesn't sound anything like hating a race or finding them inferior to me.
Or when he says that inner city blacks are treated as second class citizens, something he (admittedly vaguely) claimed he wanted to right. Oh my, what vitriol! Give this guy a rope, he clearly has some hanging to do!

Sorry I actually care what words mean. Give me a fucking break.

You'll say that these arent examples of being racist and I can see the counter argument for some points... but a good half a dozen of them are clear cut.
Originally posted by nsully89

You'll say that these arent examples of being racist and I can see the counter argument for some points... but a good half a dozen of them are clear cut.

Fake News! Only TT a subsidiary of RT is the real news.
Originally posted by nsully89

You'll say that these arent examples of being racist and I can see the counter argument for some points... but a good half a dozen of them are clear cut.

Which ones?

Originally posted by Djinnt
Which ones?

Saying a Judge can't do his job because he (born in Indiana) is Mexican is a good start. And discriminating against black people when looking to lease apartments. Twice. Posting a photo from a neo-nazi website of Hilary with a Jewish star & pile of cash over it. Saying he hates black guys touching his money and that laziness is ingrained in being black. When asked to disavow the KKK - Trump said he "couldn’t condemn a group he hadn’t yet researched".

Seems like a good start, is nowhere near the finish, however.
Originally posted by nsully89
Saying a Judge can't do his job because he (born in Indiana) is Mexican is a good start. And discriminating against black people when looking to lease apartments. Twice. Posting a photo from a neo-nazi website of Hilary with a Jewish star & pile of cash over it. Saying he hates black guys touching his money and that laziness is ingrained in being black. When asked to disavow the KKK - Trump said he "couldn’t condemn a group he hadn’t yet researched".

Seems like a good start, is nowhere near the finish, however.

Do you have a good understanding of all of these issues? I could jump into each one assuming you are ignorant to all of the facts but that would be a waste of time if you've heard all of the counter-arguments (which are present for all of these points,) but still believe that they are racist.
Originally posted by Djinnt
Do you have a good understanding of all of these issues? I could jump into each one assuming you are ignorant to all of the facts but that would be a waste of time if you've heard all of the counter-arguments (which are present for all of these points,) but still believe that they are racist.

Please, tell me the counter-argument for not distancing himself from the KKK.
Originally posted by Vuijox
According to the FBI, criminal gangs – in some regions comprised significantly of illegal aliens – are wreaking havoc in the U.S., with 65 jurisdictions nationwide reporting gang-related offenses committed with firearms account for at least 95 percent of crime in those areas.

The FBI further documented gangs in Southwestern border regions consisting of up to 80 percent illegal aliens were committing a multitude of crimes in America, “including drug-related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering.”

The information was contained in the FBI’s 79-page National Gang Report published in 2013, the most recently released extensive agency report providing an overview of gang activities and trends in the United States.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases initiated by federal prosecutors last fiscal year, more than 40%—or 24,746—were filed in court districts neighboring the Mexican border. This includes Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, Western Texas and Southern Texas. The two Texas districts each had more than double the convictions of all four federal court districts in the state of New York combined, according to the DOJ report. The Western Texas District had the nation’s heaviest crime flow, with 6,341 cases filed by the feds. In Southern Texas 6,130 cases were filed, 4,848 in Southern California, 3,889 in New Mexico and 3,538 in Arizona.

54 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population had from one to five arrests in their arrest history record. About 9 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population (about 23,000) had one arrest. About 60 percent of the criminal aliens in our study population had from 1 to 10 offenses in their arrest history record. Our analysis includes criminal aliens with arrests dating from August 1955 to April 2010. About 90 percent of the arrests in our study population occurred after 1990.

About 75 percent of criminal aliens in our study population were arrested in one of three states—California, Texas, and Arizona. About 66 percent of the SCAAP criminal aliens incarcerated in state prison systems from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009, were born in Mexico.

Illegal immigrants were responsible for 18 percent of drug trafficking; 30 percent of kidnapping/hostage taking; 75 percent of drug possession; 10 percent of money laundering; 21 percent of national defense; and 5 percent of murder sentences.

Those classified as "illegal aliens" accounted for 25,670, or 37 percent, of 70,225 individuals convicted of all federal crimes in the 12 months through September 2015.

are they all from mexico? and what makes them disproportionate? since that was the claim and all...
Originally posted by nsully89
Please, tell me the counter-argument for not distancing himself from the KKK.

That's pretty much the easiest one. Years ago shitting on David Duke. 2 days before the controversial "confusion" clip, disavowing David Duke.
Originally posted by Djinnt
That's pretty much the easiest one. Years ago shitting on David Duke. 2 days before the controversial "confusion" clip, disavowing David Duke.

So he disavowed him 2 days earlier? So why was his response when asked "I dont know anything about David Duke". Why did he say that he couldn't condemn the KKK because he didnt know enough about them?

Your counter argument against not disavowing the KKK is complete bullshit. He had the chance to and didnt.
Originally posted by nsully89
So he disavowed him 2 days earlier? So why was his response when asked "I dont know anything about David Duke". Why did he say that he couldn't condemn the KKK because he didnt know enough about them?

Your counter argument against not disavowing the KKK is complete bullshit. He had the chance to and didnt.

Well, he just didn't know enough about the KKK to say one way or another.
Originally posted by nsully89
So he disavowed him 2 days earlier? So why was his response when asked "I dont know anything about David Duke". Why did he say that he couldn't condemn the KKK because he didnt know enough about them?

Your counter argument against not disavowing the KKK is complete bullshit. He had the chance to and didnt.

When did he say he couldn't disavow?
It's funny, you have him clearly disavowing Duke in a press conference and years earlier calling him a racist bigot, but that's not good enough. He had to do it in the one interview. And I'd guess that even if he disavowed them in 20 interviews if there were even one where he skirted the question it would be called a "refusal" to disavow.
Originally posted by Djinnt
When did he say he couldn't disavow?
It's funny, you have him clearly disavowing Duke in a press conference and years earlier calling him a racist bigot, but that's not good enough. He had to do it in the one interview. And I'd guess that even if he disavowed them in 20 interviews if there were even one where he skirted the question it would be called a "refusal" to disavow.

TAPPER: Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don't want their support?
TRUMP: Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about. You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.
TAPPER: The Ku Klux Klan?
TRUMP: But you may groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.
TAPPER: OK. I mean, I'm just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here
TRUMP: I don't know any - honestly, I don't know David Duke. I don't believe I have ever met him. I'm pretty sure I didn't meet him. And I just don't know anything about him.

Its funny, you have him (allegedly) disavowing David Duke and then the next day saying he doesnt know him, never met him, doesnt know anything about him and can't disavow the KKK because he hasn't "researched" them.
Edited by nsully89 on Feb 8, 2017 19:13:04

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