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Forum > Prep Leagues > S31 Prep #1
Texas Bigga Bois got it done this week. With overall chemistry at 15, I'm impressed. Another 14-2 week for my predictions.
8th Wonder
nevar forget!
GG The Other Guys.
love the writeup summary, Buzz... you should do more IMO
Originally posted by Buzz42day
Texas Bigga Bois got it done this week. With overall chemistry at 15, I'm impressed. Another 14-2 week for my predictions.

that's cuz they have my QB dat 3 for 17
Edited by DarkRogue on Oct 17, 2012 21:00:24
Somewhat Interesting
Westoros Direwolves over "Hardcore" PLATINUM DOTS
Platinum Dots won last seasons regular game but just like other matchups, it's hard to beat a team that out levels you. And it's hard to overcome a couple of cpu dots in the secondary.

wow we got a buts whipped. Oc seems to gone awol and can not ind a steady d playbook i like this season. congrats to Westors we need to hit the class room asap
John Gray
GG Gongguan
Originally posted by DarkRogue
that's cuz they have my QB dat 3 for 17

Having a good QB always helps

GG Detroit Ambassadors, doesn't get much closer than that ...
Originally posted by 8th Wonder
GG The Other Guys.

u2 Bulls
Best of Week 3
Chupa Cabras over Da Shockas
The Cabras finally get their first real game of the season. And to make it more interesting, these 2 teams met in last season's championship game. This one could come down to who has the best rush defense. I'm giving Chupa the edge based on them winning last season and having a complete roster. This is the best game of the week, so if you're a dot junkie, get your snacks out and watch.

The Other Guys over Brotherhood of the Dot
Both teams coming off of close wins and.should be a little more battled tested and ready than other teams in the league. TOG has the #1 defense at the moment but not sure if that will continue after this one. Close match-up and should be the 2nd best game of the week.

Border Reivers over Detroit Ambassadors
Could be a low scoring game given the way Detroit plays this game. This one could be decided by special teams.

New York Red Bulls over Free Dots For Life
Even though the agent Runnin'Ute might display some more hate spilled verbage toward me, I'm picking the Bulls here. But only giving a slight edge. Neither team is in the upper echelon of this league so this could be a good game to make a statement.

Westoros Direwolves over Texas Bigga Bois
The 'wolves have had it easy up to this point and maybe they'll steam roll through this one. It's hard to know how good Texas is based on their game against Detroit. Texas will be the underdog against evenly matched teams all season because of their chemistry. Hopefully the hot dogs will help soothe over the fans in Texas if this gets ugly. Could be a close one if nothing can be exploited by either team. If I was Texas I would watch my tags, never know what position some of those dots are playing.

Tennessee Scorpions over D-Cup Dots
Great games this week compared to the last 2 weeks. And this one is definitely worth mentioning. But both teams could be exploited since it's hard to know who is trying early in the season. Do the D-Cup Dots run sweeps all day out of the GL formation? Does Tennessee counter by Slash on a lot of QB rollouts? This one could go either way.

I gave up on predicting every game. I don't have enough time right now so I'll write up what I can, when I can, to hopefully keep this league a little more interesting.
Edited by Buzz42day on Oct 18, 2012 18:38:17
Originally posted by Buzz42day
Best of Week 3
Chupa Cabras over Da Shockas
The Cabras finally get their first real game of the season. And to make it more interesting, these 2 teams met in last season's championship game. This one could come down to who has the best rush defense. I'm giving Chupa the edge based on them winning last season and having a complete roster. This is the best game of the week, so if you're a dot junkie, get your snacks out and watch.

The Other Guys over Brotherhood of the Dot
Both teams coming off of close wins and.should be a little more battled tested and ready than other teams in the league. TOG has the #1 defense at the moment but not sure if that will continue after this one. Close match-up and should be the 2nd best game of the week.

Border Reivers over Detroit Ambassadors
Could be a low scoring game given the way Detroit plays this game. This one could be decided by special teams.

New York Red Bulls over Free Dots For Life
Even though the agent Runnin'Ute might display some more hate spilled verbage toward me, I'm picking the Bulls here. But only giving a slight edge. Neither team is in the upper echelon of this league so this could be a good game to make a statement.

Westoros Direwolves over Texas Bigga Bois
The 'wolves have had it easy up to this point and maybe they'll steam roll through this one. It's hard to know how good Texas is based on their game against Detroit. Texas will be the underdog against evenly matched teams all season because of their chemistry. Hopefully the hot dogs will help soothe over the fans in Texas if this gets ugly. Could be a close one if nothing can be exploited by either team.

Tennessee Scorpions over D-Cup Dots
Great games this week compared to the last 2 weeks. And this one is definitely worth mentioning. But both teams could be exploited since it's hard to know who is trying early in the season. Do the D-Cup Dots run sweeps all day out of the GL formation? Does Tennessee counter by Slash on a lot of QB rollouts? This one could go either way.

I gave up on predicting every game. I don't have enough time right now so I'll write up what I can, when I can, to hopefully keep this league a little more interesting.

Much appreciated
Originally posted by Buzz42day
Best of Week 3

Westoros Direwolves over Texas Bigga Bois
The 'wolves have had it easy up to this point and maybe they'll steam roll through this one. It's hard to know how good Texas is based on their game against Detroit. Texas will be the underdog against evenly matched teams all season because of their chemistry. Hopefully the hot dogs will help soothe over the fans in Texas if this gets ugly. Could be a close one if nothing can be exploited by either team.

Love it, the hot dogs will hopefully be celebrating though!
Curious to see how the teams with rushing qb's fair after this season when they become useless...
Originally posted by vapor311
Curious to see how the teams with rushing qb's fair after this season when they become useless...

Originally posted by mangus7
Having a good QB always helps

GG Detroit Ambassadors, doesn't get much closer than that ...

GG guys, I forgot to adjust FG range settings. That was quite an exciting ending.
Originally posted by Buzz42day
Best of Week 3

I gave up on predicting every game. I don't have enough time right now so I'll write up what I can, when I can, to hopefully keep this league a little more interesting.

I think I can speak on behalf of all of us when I say that we all love to see these. Hope you can continue to make time to do these.

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