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Do you really want to get into a proper English debate here? First of all your ellipse is five periods long instead of the correct three, also it is used incorrectly. The purpose of an ellipse is to allude to an unfinished thought not to make it seem like you're muttering it under your breath.
Secondly your post before that includes two sentences which should actually be one, as it's part of a single concept. It should look like this:

"At least you admit that you're retarded, that's the first step."
"That's the first step, admitting that you're retarded."

I show you both ways as when using a comma, you should be able to reverse the sentence and it will still make sense. I tell you this because you make the same mistake somewhat consistently:

"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screens, yet we constantly win. That has no bearing on who wins."
Should be:
"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screen yet we win constantly, it has no bearing on who wins."
Granted it's a pretty cringe-worthy sentence to begin with and this only helps it mildly.

Third, a question mark denotes *gasp* a question.
"What the hell? Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."
Should be:
What the hell! Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."

I'm sorry I didn't feel it necessary to write in perfect grammatical form on a football forum, I'll keep it in mind from hence forth. You might want to rethink your own before you criticize anyone else though.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 23:19:21
*whisper* allude not elude
Originally posted by DragoonNite
Do you really want to get into a proper English debate here? First of all your ellipse is five periods long instead of the correct three, also it is used incorrectly. The purpose of an ellipse is to allude to an unfinished thought not to make it seem like you're muttering it under your breath.
Secondly your post before that includes two sentences which should actually be one, as it's part of a single concept. It should look like this:

"At least you admit that you're retarded, that's the first step."
"That's the first step, admitting that you're retarded."

I show you both ways as when using a comma, you should be able to reverse the sentence and it will still make sense. I tell you this because you make the same mistake somewhat consistently:

"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screens, yet we constantly win. That has no bearing on who wins."
Should be:
"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screen yet we win constantly, it has no bearing on who wins."
Granted it's a pretty cringe-worthy sentence to begin with and this only helps it mildly.

Third, a question mark denotes *gasp* a question.
"What the hell? Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."
Should be:
What the hell! Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."

I'm sorry I didn't feel it necessary to write in perfect grammatical form on a football forum, I'll keep it in mind from hence forth. You might want to rethink your own before you criticize anyone else though.

Too long, didn't read.
Sorry about that, I'm deaf so I just spell it how I think it should be and if the spell check doesn't catch it I assume it's correct.
I had a couple glasses of wine man...give me a break.
Originally posted by DragoonNite
Do you really want to get into a proper English debate here? First of all your ellipse is five periods long instead of the correct three, also it is used incorrectly. The purpose of an ellipse is to allude to an unfinished thought not to make it seem like you're muttering it under your breath.
Secondly your post before that includes two sentences which should actually be one, as it's part of a single concept. It should look like this:

"At least you admit that you're retarded, that's the first step."
"That's the first step, admitting that you're retarded."

I show you both ways as when using a comma, you should be able to reverse the sentence and it will still make sense. I tell you this because you make the same mistake somewhat consistently:

"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screens, yet we constantly win. That has no bearing on who wins."
Should be:
"We are outmatched all the time on the matchup screen yet we win constantly, it has no bearing on who wins."
Granted it's a pretty cringe-worthy sentence to begin with and this only helps it mildly.

Third, a question mark denotes *gasp* a question.
"What the hell? Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."
Should be:
What the hell! Does anybody write in proper English anymore? You young people really piss me off."

I'm sorry I didn't feel it necessary to write in perfect grammatical form on a football forum, I'll keep it in mind from hence forth. You might want to rethink your own before you criticize anyone else though.

Quit hating on Lawdog just b/c we beat you on your birthday! We feel awful about that..
To be fair, criticizing one's grammar on a internet forum is a pretty annoying thing to do. I usually have at least one typo per post, and it would suck if everybody called me out on it >_>.

And besides, that was a good game BB. Your slot receiver wrecked us good.
Originally posted by Jericoholic
To be fair, criticizing one's grammar on a internet forum is a pretty annoying thing to do. I usually have at least one typo per post, and it would suck if everybody called me out on it >_>.

And besides, that was a good game BB. Your slot receiver wrecked us good.

I don't care about a missing period or comma, it's when I can't understand wtf somebody is trying to say.

I don't know...maybe I'm getting to old for the internets.
Last edited Jul 1, 2008 00:09:22
Originally posted by lawdog
Originally posted by Jericoholic

To be fair, criticizing one's grammar on a internet forum is a pretty annoying thing to do. I usually have at least one typo per post, and it would suck if everybody called me out on it >_>.

And besides, that was a good game BB. Your slot receiver wrecked us good.

I don't care about a missing period or comma, it's when I can't understand wtf somebody is trying to say.

I don't know...maybe I'm getting to old for the internets.

You're too old for some of the internets but not all of them.

Okay, someone punch me for another grammar joke. Definitely not the thread for that.

Originally posted by DragoonNite
Ah now that I go back I didn't realize it was a multi-quote. I've never really seen your team talk much crap man, but you are making somewhat outlandish claims.

It's a fact that if we played that guy's RB that GLB would have its first injury ever--we would end the career of that whiny motherfucker!!

Originally posted by panfan32
Dude give me a break. My team has only one win in the last 24 games. My team is still fighting to get better each and every week. Just fight damn it and make the right changes on your roster.

Amen to that. We are 0-9 and we are still keeping our heads up.Cant everyone have the outlook that the rest of the losing teams have?

Jeez we struggle just to get that first W of the season and last year we went to the playoffs. The Devils just cant take it to lose and now they are fucking pissed...AWWW SHAME!!!
Should have expected as much from a Cowboys Fan. Get me off this team someone.
Bo Oso
Originally posted by killertoad
Should have expected as much from a Cowboys Fan. Get me off this team someone.

Last edited Jul 1, 2008 12:15:03
Originally posted by killertoad
Should have expected as much from a Cowboys Fan. Get me off this team someone.

I'm a Cowboys fan and I don't quit!

You should come over to my team
Originally posted by killertoad
Should have expected as much from a Cowboys Fan. Get me off this team someone.

We've tried. Your owner refuses to acknowledge in PM that he's quitting even though he started a thread entitled "I quit." LAME

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