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Originally posted by IIAMLEGEND
GG team with the exact same roster as LoDD not named LoDD who beat NNP just like LoDD

Fixed yer post.
Originally posted by IIAMLEGEND
GG team with the exact same roster as LoDD not named LoDD

Nothing to see here... Move along
Originally posted by AngryDragon
GG Manchester Titans.

That game was too close for comfort until the last 2 minutes.

Wow, man, I HATE your defense. I had a scary feeling I still didn't have it figured out, and looks like I was right.

Good game, Regensburg.
GG Drink A Forte
Rnk ..... Off ..... Def .... SoS ........... W-L-T... Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.333 ........ 3-0...... The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas
2.. ........ 7 ........ 3 ........ 0.444 ........ 3-0...... Regensburg Steel Rain
3.. ...... 15 ........ 2 ........ 0.222 ........ 3-0...... Beer Pong All Stars
4.. ........ 4 ........ 6 ........ 0.222 ........ 3-0...... Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane
5.. ...... 13 ...... 11 ........ 0.222 ........ 3-0...... Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
6.. ...... 14 ........ 4 ........ 0.778 ........ 2-1...... Axis: Destroyers
7.. ...... 17 ........ 5 ........ 0.333 ........ 3-0...... The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen
8.. ........ 3 ........ 8 ........ 0.333 ........ 3-0...... Hellas Hoplites
9.. ...... 18 ........ 7 ........ 0.444 ........ 2-1...... Manchester Titans
10 ........ 5 ........ 9 ........ 0.556 ........ 2-1...... COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS
11 ...... 16 ...... 12 ........ 0.556 ........ 2-1...... North Shore Sandy Bottom
12 ........ 8 ...... 14 ........ 0.333 ........ 2-1...... Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
13 ...... 12 ...... 19 ........ 0.444 ........ 2-1...... SLAP Old-Stars
13 ........ 6 ...... 17 ........ 0.333 ........ 2-1...... Nerfed Team
13 ........ 2 ...... 13 ........ 0.333 ........ 2-1...... Clay's Hammer
13 ...... 21 ...... 21 ........ 0.444 ........ 2-1...... The Midnight Rockers ™
13 ...... 20 ...... 18 ........ 0.667 ........ 1-2...... Detroit Deadites
13 ...... 23 ...... 15 ........ 0.444 ........ 1-2...... Munich Lions
13 ...... 10 ...... 20 ........ 0.444 ........ 1-2...... Cagayan A-Bombs
13 ...... 24 ...... 23 ........ 0.667 ........ 0-3...... Bionic Chronic
13 ...... 11 ...... 22 ........ 0.222 ........ 2-1...... Fat Jaws Badness
13 ...... 19 ...... 10 ........ 0.556 ........ 1-2...... Newport Newz Pitbullz
13 ........ 9 ...... 16 ........ 0.667 ........ 1-2...... Windsor Nobles
24 ...... 22 ...... 28 ........ 0.556 ........ 1-2...... SO CAL MARAUDERS
25 ...... 26 ...... 27 ........ 0.778 ........ 0-3...... Drink A Forte
26 ...... 29 ...... 25 ........ 0.556 ........ 1-2...... RNG Chaos
27 ...... 27 ...... 24 ........ 0.778 ........ 0-3...... D-Town Destruction
28 ...... 30 ...... 30 ........ 0.778 ........ 0-3...... Dallas Mustangs
29 ...... 28 ...... 29 ........ 0.889 ........ 0-3...... Empire Records
30 ...... 25 ...... 26 ........ 0.556 ........ 0-3...... Parrot Bay Rumrunners
31 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.667 ........ 0-3...... Wuppertal Jackalopes
32 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.444 ........ 0-3...... Punxsutawney Groundhogs

Exp Score  Matchup
  50 -     3    Beer Pong All Stars def. Bionic Chronic
  33 -   13    Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane def. North Shore Sandy Bottom
  48 -   22    COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS def. SLAP Old-Stars
  41 -   40    Nerfed Team def. Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
  61 -   15    Clay's Hammer def. The Midnight Rockers ™
  72 -     2    Detroit Deadites def. Empire Records
  60 -     8    Munich Lions def. Parrot Bay Rumrunners
  76 -     2    Cagayan A-Bombs def. D-Town Destruction
  32 -     8    The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas def. Hellas Hoplites
  18 -   10    Regensburg Steel Rain def. Axis: Destroyers
185 -     0    The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen def. Punxsutawney Groundhogs
  45 -   24    Sao Luis Duct Tapirs def. Fat Jaws Badness
  86 -     3    Manchester Titans def. Drink A Forte
132 -     0    Newport Newz Pitbullz def. Wuppertal Jackalopes
186 -     0    Windsor Nobles def. Dallas Mustangs
  63 -     9    SO CAL MARAUDERS def. RNG Chaos
Originally posted by AngryDragon
GG Drink A Forte

I don't know what was so good about it on our end, but thanks anyway.
GG Axis: Destroyers
Rnk ..... Off ..... Def .... SoS ........... W-L-T... Team
1.. ...... 12 ........ 5 ........ 0.438 ........ 4-0...... Regensburg Steel Rain
2.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.438 ........ 4-0...... The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas
3.. ...... 11 ........ 7 ........ 0.875 ........ 2-2...... Axis: Destroyers
4.. ...... 19 ........ 6 ........ 0.375 ........ 3-1...... Manchester Titans
5.. ........ 5 ........ 4 ........ 0.500 ........ 3-1...... Hellas Hoplites
6.. ...... 10 ........ 2 ........ 0.250 ........ 4-0...... The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen
7.. ........ 6 ...... 16 ........ 0.500 ........ 3-1...... SLAP Old-Stars
8.. ........ 9 ........ 9 ........ 0.250 ........ 4-0...... Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane
9.. ...... 20 ........ 3 ........ 0.188 ........ 4-0...... Beer Pong All Stars
10 ........ 7 ...... 11 ........ 0.313 ........ 3-1...... Fat Jaws Badness
11 ........ 4 ...... 10 ........ 0.438 ........ 3-1...... Clay's Hammer
12 ...... 18 ...... 12 ........ 0.688 ........ 2-2...... North Shore Sandy Bottom
13 ...... 17 ...... 19 ........ 0.375 ........ 3-1...... Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
14 ...... 13 ........ 8 ........ 0.438 ........ 2-2...... Newport Newz Pitbullz
15 ........ 8 ...... 14 ........ 0.625 ........ 2-2...... COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS
16 ........ 3 ...... 15 ........ 0.375 ........ 3-1...... Nerfed Team
17 ...... 23 ...... 21 ........ 0.563 ........ 2-2...... The Midnight Rockers ™
17 ...... 16 ...... 13 ........ 0.438 ........ 2-2...... Detroit Deadites
17 ...... 14 ...... 17 ........ 0.438 ........ 2-2...... Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
17 ...... 15 ...... 22 ........ 0.313 ........ 2-2...... Cagayan A-Bombs
17 ...... 25 ...... 18 ........ 0.438 ........ 1-3...... Munich Lions
17 ...... 22 ...... 23 ........ 0.750 ........ 0-4...... Bionic Chronic
17 ........ 2 ...... 20 ........ 0.438 ........ 2-2...... Windsor Nobles
17 ...... 21 ...... 28 ........ 0.500 ........ 2-2...... SO CAL MARAUDERS
25 ...... 24 ...... 25 ........ 0.500 ........ 1-3...... Parrot Bay Rumrunners
26 ...... 27 ...... 26 ........ 0.750 ........ 0-4...... Drink A Forte
27 ...... 26 ...... 24 ........ 0.688 ........ 0-4...... D-Town Destruction
28 ...... 28 ...... 30 ........ 0.688 ........ 0-4...... Dallas Mustangs
29 ...... 29 ...... 27 ........ 0.438 ........ 1-3...... RNG Chaos
30 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.625 ........ 0-4...... Wuppertal Jackalopes
31 ...... 30 ...... 29 ........ 0.688 ........ 0-4...... Empire Records
32 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.688 ........ 0-4...... Punxsutawney Groundhogs

Exp Score  Matchup
  27 -   13    Beer Pong All Stars def. Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
  36 -   26    Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane def. Nerfed Team
  66 -     6    SLAP Old-Stars def. D-Town Destruction
  41 -   10    Clay's Hammer def. Munich Lions
  45 -   13    COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS def. The Midnight Rockers ™
  51 -   10    Detroit Deadites def. Bionic Chronic
  32 -   25    North Shore Sandy Bottom def. Cagayan A-Bombs
  73 -     3    Parrot Bay Rumrunners def. Empire Records
  42 -     9    The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen def. Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
  32 -     8    The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas def. Newport Newz Pitbullz
245 -     0    Regensburg Steel Rain def. Punxsutawney Groundhogs
210 -     0    Fat Jaws Badness def. Dallas Mustangs
172 -     0    Manchester Titans def. Wuppertal Jackalopes
151 -     0    Hellas Hoplites def. RNG Chaos
101 -     2    Axis: Destroyers def. Drink A Forte
190 -   25    Windsor Nobles def. SO CAL MARAUDERS
Rnk ..... Off ..... Def .... SoS ........... W-L-T... Team
1.. ........ 5 ........ 2 ........ 0.400 ........ 5-0...... Regensburg Steel Rain
2.. ...... 10 ........ 7 ........ 0.720 ........ 3-2...... Axis: Destroyers
3.. ........ 7 ........ 1 ........ 0.360 ........ 5-0...... The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen
4.. ........ 2 ........ 4 ........ 0.480 ........ 4-1...... The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas
5.. ...... 12 ........ 3 ........ 0.320 ........ 4-1...... Manchester Titans
6.. ........ 1 ........ 5 ........ 0.400 ........ 4-1...... Hellas Hoplites
7.. ...... 13 ........ 8 ........ 0.360 ........ 5-0...... Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane
8.. ...... 18 ...... 10 ........ 0.600 ........ 3-2...... North Shore Sandy Bottom
9.. ...... 11 ........ 6 ........ 0.560 ........ 3-2...... Newport Newz Pitbullz
10 ........ 9 ...... 17 ........ 0.480 ........ 4-1...... SLAP Old-Stars
11 ........ 3 ...... 11 ........ 0.240 ........ 4-1...... Fat Jaws Badness
12 ........ 8 ...... 12 ........ 0.360 ........ 4-1...... Clay's Hammer
13 ...... 20 ........ 9 ........ 0.280 ........ 4-1...... Beer Pong All Stars
14 ...... 15 ...... 14 ........ 0.560 ........ 3-2...... COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS
15 ...... 14 ...... 15 ........ 0.440 ........ 3-2...... Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
16 ........ 6 ...... 16 ........ 0.520 ........ 3-2...... Nerfed Team
17 ...... 19 ...... 21 ........ 0.520 ........ 3-2...... Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
18 ...... 22 ...... 19 ........ 0.640 ........ 2-3...... The Midnight Rockers ™
19 ...... 17 ...... 13 ........ 0.320 ........ 3-2...... Detroit Deadites
19 ...... 16 ...... 22 ........ 0.400 ........ 2-3...... Cagayan A-Bombs
19 ...... 21 ...... 25 ........ 0.400 ........ 2-3...... Parrot Bay Rumrunners
19 ...... 25 ...... 18 ........ 0.520 ........ 1-4...... Munich Lions
19 ........ 4 ...... 20 ........ 0.360 ........ 3-2...... Windsor Nobles
24 ...... 27 ...... 26 ........ 0.720 ........ 0-5...... Drink A Forte
25 ...... 24 ...... 23 ........ 0.680 ........ 0-5...... Bionic Chronic
26 ...... 26 ...... 24 ........ 0.720 ........ 0-5...... D-Town Destruction
27 ...... 23 ...... 27 ........ 0.440 ........ 2-3...... SO CAL MARAUDERS
28 ...... 29 ...... 30 ........ 0.680 ........ 0-5...... Dallas Mustangs
29 ...... 28 ...... 28 ........ 0.480 ........ 1-4...... RNG Chaos
30 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.680 ........ 0-5...... Wuppertal Jackalopes
31 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.760 ........ 0-5...... Punxsutawney Groundhogs
32 ...... 30 ...... 29 ........ 0.600 ........ 0-5...... Empire Records

Exp Score  Matchup
  54 -   15    Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane def. Cagayan A-Bombs
  25 -   23    North Shore Sandy Bottom def. SLAP Old-Stars
228 -     0    Clay's Hammer def. Empire Records
  23 -   23    Beer Pong All Stars ties Nerfed Team
  27 -   26    Detroit Deadites def. Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
  31 -   11    COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS def. Munich Lions
  27 -     7    The Midnight Rockers ™ def. D-Town Destruction
  34 -   32    Bionic Chronic def. Parrot Bay Rumrunners
227 -     0    The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen def. Dallas Mustangs
  56 -     8    Regensburg Steel Rain def. Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
255 -     0    The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas def. Wuppertal Jackalopes
  17 -   12    Manchester Titans def. Axis: Destroyers
  52 -   17    Hellas Hoplites def. Windsor Nobles
176 -   11    Fat Jaws Badness def. SO CAL MARAUDERS
171 -     0    Newport Newz Pitbullz def. RNG Chaos
  22 -     0    Drink A Forte def. Punxsutawney Groundhogs
GG Punxsutawney Groundhogs
gg tebow
GG Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
Rnk ..... Off ..... Def .... SoS ........... W-L-T... Team
1.. ........ 4 ........ 2 ........ 0.417 ........ 6-0...... Regensburg Steel Rain
2.. ........ 8 ........ 8 ........ 0.778 ........ 3-3...... Axis: Destroyers
3.. ...... 12 ........ 6 ........ 0.389 ........ 5-1...... Manchester Titans
4.. ........ 5 ........ 1 ........ 0.278 ........ 6-0...... The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen
5.. ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 0.417 ........ 5-1...... The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas
6.. ........ 1 ........ 3 ........ 0.444 ........ 5-1...... Hellas Hoplites
7.. ........ 9 ...... 17 ........ 0.472 ........ 5-1...... SLAP Old-Stars
8.. ........ 7 ........ 5 ........ 0.500 ........ 4-2...... Newport Newz Pitbullz
9.. ...... 14 ........ 7 ........ 0.361 ........ 6-0...... Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane
10 ........ 2 ........ 9 ........ 0.250 ........ 5-1...... Fat Jaws Badness
11 ...... 18 ...... 12 ........ 0.639 ........ 3-3...... North Shore Sandy Bottom
12 ........ 6 ...... 10 ........ 0.306 ........ 5-1...... Clay's Hammer
13 ...... 13 ...... 13 ........ 0.472 ........ 4-2...... Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses
14 ...... 10 ...... 16 ........ 0.556 ........ 4-2...... Nerfed Team
15 ...... 15 ...... 14 ........ 0.500 ........ 4-2...... COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS
16 ...... 23 ...... 19 ........ 0.528 ........ 3-3...... The Midnight Rockers ™
17 ...... 20 ...... 22 ........ 0.583 ........ 3-3...... Sao Luis Duct Tapirs
18 ...... 22 ...... 11 ........ 0.361 ........ 4-2...... Beer Pong All Stars
19 ...... 17 ...... 18 ........ 0.417 ........ 3-3...... Detroit Deadites
19 ...... 16 ...... 20 ........ 0.500 ........ 2-4...... Cagayan A-Bombs
19 ...... 11 ...... 23 ........ 0.389 ........ 3-3...... Windsor Nobles
22 ...... 26 ...... 15 ........ 0.528 ........ 1-5...... Munich Lions
23 ...... 24 ...... 21 ........ 0.611 ........ 1-5...... Bionic Chronic
24 ...... 21 ...... 25 ........ 0.389 ........ 2-4...... Parrot Bay Rumrunners
25 ...... 19 ...... 26 ........ 0.583 ........ 1-5...... Drink A Forte
26 ...... 27 ...... 24 ........ 0.667 ........ 0-6...... D-Town Destruction
27 ...... 25 ...... 27 ........ 0.500 ........ 2-4...... SO CAL MARAUDERS
28 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.722 ........ 0-6...... Wuppertal Jackalopes
29 ...... 28 ...... 28 ........ 0.500 ........ 1-5...... RNG Chaos
30 ...... 29 ...... 29 ........ 0.722 ........ 0-6...... Dallas Mustangs
31 ...... 30 ...... 30 ........ 0.583 ........ 0-6...... Empire Records
32 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.639 ........ 0-6...... Punxsutawney Groundhogs

Exp Score  Matchup
  31 -   16    Arkham Home for the Criminally Insane def. SLAP Old-Stars
  70 -   11    Clay's Hammer def. Bionic Chronic
  54 -   24    Nerfed Team def. Cagayan A-Bombs
  86 -   18    Windsor Flying HOOD Walruses def. Parrot Bay Rumrunners
170 -     0    COLUMBUS SHENANIGANS def. Empire Records
  20 -   19    Detroit Deadites def. Beer Pong All Stars
  24 -   14    North Shore Sandy Bottom def. The Midnight Rockers ™
  20 -     7    Munich Lions def. D-Town Destruction
186 -     3    The Globedotters: Stirling Four Horsemen def. SO CAL MARAUDERS
255 -     0    Regensburg Steel Rain def. Dallas Mustangs
  19 -   11    The LEGION'S Vancouver Gorillas def. Manchester Titans
  27 -   14    Hellas Hoplites def. Fat Jaws Badness
  82 -   14    Newport Newz Pitbullz def. Windsor Nobles
  66 -   42    Sao Luis Duct Tapirs def. Drink A Forte
249 -     0    Axis: Destroyers def. Punxsutawney Groundhogs
  11 -     0    RNG Chaos def. Wuppertal Jackalopes
These forums sure are boring since all of these teams left...
Originally posted by jace0221
Rnk ..... Off ..... Def .... SoS ........... W-L-T... Team
1.. ........ 4 ........ 2 ........ 0.417 ........ 6-0...... Regensburg Steel Rain
2.. ........ 8 ........ 8 ........ 0.778 ........ 3-3...... Axis: Destroyers
3.. ...... 12 ........ 6 ........ 0.389 ........ 5-1...... Manchester Titans

Crack computer is on crack.

First of all, Manchester too high.

Second of all, LOL at Axis being ranked 1 spot higher despite losing to us by 11 and having 2 fewer wins than us.

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