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Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
All I hear is you know you suck at this game and you want to milk being 10+ levels over a bunch of dots. You are down there with the SSB scum. Stop making excuses and man up and get yourself in a league you belong in scrub.

There is no such thing as SSB and there hasnt been for at least 5 seasons now. The fuck you talking about? Did you just wake up from a semen induced coma?

And are you really comparing E peen trophies?

what a Delta Bravo.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
I've helped take 3 teams to WL. Osaka with SLAP gold sharing OC duties with 5Star. Then with the Sunami when they were in APL. And lastly my own Squall team in WEPL when we started the season with 90% of the roster not level 72 and we won Gold there too. So my question to you is what the hell have you done in this game? While I've been out winning pro trophies youve been slumming up the minor leagues gaming the promotion system so you can actually have a winning record.

Osaka went GOLD with you DOING NOTHING, I know that for a fact ya gravy train.

Tsunami? Please, APL was a shit conference for several seasons and WEPL is a joke.

I looked in your case and you have a couple of OC labels but the rest are either LOL gm or asst,coat tail riding trophies. Every trophy Ive gotten has been earned and I can do it from top to bottom. You sure brag a hell of a lot for a bandwagon riding gravy training tool.

But the important thing is Im just doinitfortehlulz, good to see u so srs.

srs gm is srs
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 09:02:37
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 08:45:44
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 08:18:54
Bugs Moderator
Link this team finished in 8th place, lost in the first round of the playoffs, and is now stuck in WL demotion hell of SEAPro. They have an average level of 64, EL < 1000. But I'm pretty sure they arent complaining about playing in national pro
Originally posted by The Big Cack Envy
If losers like you want to believe in fantasies like Chemistry has little to no effect well that, fine.

i genuinely lol'd.

im imagining the "its still real to me dammit! guy
Originally posted by ronmexico7
i genuinely lol'd.

im imagining the "its still real to me dammit! guy

why imagine? look in the mirror and there you are.
Originally posted by The Big Cack Envy
why imagine? look in the mirror and there you are.

good comeback Fonzy

but gotta give it to you your now my 2nd favourite person in all of GLB!
Originally posted by ronmexico7
good comeback Fonzy

but gotta give it to you your now my 2nd favourite person in all of GLB!

Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 10:10:06
This convo = hilarious.

Originally posted by backstop
Our coordinating is fine and you'll have your opportunity to see it 1st hand soon enough. There's no "out" here. We should win this conference chemistry or not. Can't wait for a shot at you 2 lovely ladies

But seriously? 10 levels? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Pray you dont lose or forum ban yourself
Originally posted by The Big Cack Envy
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike

I've helped take 3 teams to WL. Osaka with SLAP gold sharing OC duties with 5Star. Then with the Sunami when they were in APL. And lastly my own Squall team in WEPL when we started the season with 90% of the roster not level 72 and we won Gold there too. So my question to you is what the hell have you done in this game? While I've been out winning pro trophies youve been slumming up the minor leagues gaming the promotion system so you can actually have a winning record.

Osaka went GOLD with you DOING NOTHING, I know that for a fact ya gravy train.

Tsunami? Please, APL was a shit conference for several seasons and WEPL is a joke.

I looked in your case and you have a couple of OC labels but the rest are either LOL gm or asst,coat tail riding trophies. Every trophy Ive gotten has been earned and I can do it from top to bottom. You sure brag a hell of a lot for a bandwagon riding gravy training tool.

But the important thing is Im just doinitfortehlulz, good to see u so srs.

srs gm is srs

Acutally Mike helped Osaka quite a bit. He has done the rushing part of our OAI for many seasons including the Gold SLAP season. Not sure where you got your information from.
favorite prism
Originally posted by The Big Cack Envy
Osaka went GOLD with you DOING NOTHING, I know that for a fact ya gravy train.

Tsunami? Please, APL was a shit conference for several seasons and WEPL is a joke.

I looked in your case and you have a couple of OC labels but the rest are either LOL gm or asst,coat tail riding trophies. Every trophy Ive gotten has been earned and I can do it from top to bottom. You sure brag a hell of a lot for a bandwagon riding gravy training tool.

But the important thing is Im just doinitfortehlulz, good to see u so srs.

srs gm is srs


Black Sea Squall in WEPL - OC
Black Sea Sunami in APL/EEPL- OC
Osaka Buckeyes in SLAP - OC

Get it right bro. The rest of the trophies besides my Pee Wee ones I could care less about.

You just a forum troll that thinks he knows more than what he really does.

<---thinks he knows more than what he really does.

Originally posted by 5STAR
Acutally Mike helped Osaka quite a bit. He has done the rushing part of our OAI for many seasons including the Gold SLAP season. Not sure where you got your information from.

I made it up.
favorite prism
Originally posted by The Big Cack Envy
<---thinks he knows more than what he really does.

Yeah for a dude with 2 dots you sure do talk big. You just another troll.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Yeah for a dude with 2 dots you sure do talk big. You just another troll.

That's not the worst of it, the Ass Whole dot was the free one they gave us a few seasons back.

I got more trophies than dots, so get your crayon back out and factor that into your equation.
favorite prism
Too bad they don't give out troll trophies or you'd have more of those too.

Get a job and buy some flex.

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