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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Are you ready for the MONKEEZ!!!!!!!!!!! We are about to light it up! Angola Spider Monkeez We are here
Sweet Daddy
Perception is reality.

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.
All of you guys are missing the point bigtime. Nobody in the real south considers Arkansas a southern territority, it's widely held as a lower midewestern colony.
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by Sweet Daddy
Perception is reality.

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.

As a United States Marine, I believe he would command a lot more respect than you. The guy explained himself. Drop it.

Back to the sister, mother, grandmother, inbred, grammar, dot smack. The heavy stuff isn't as fun.

Cape Town sucks!

Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

Perception is reality.

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.

As a Arkansan of dubious genealogy, I believe he would command the same amount of respect as a Clinton. The guy explained himself. Try not to laugh too loud.

Back to the sister, mother, grandmother, inbred, grammar, dot smack. The heavy stuff isn't as fun.

The Hogs suck!


I was pretty wasted when i whent on the simple man rant hahaha. but its somwhat valid, at least to me. but yea, i got outa here when it got too deep and shit, not tryin to make enemies, just gettin laughs at good shit talkin. oh yea, fuck arkansas
Sweet Daddy
Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

Perception is reality.

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.

As a United States Marine, I believe he would command a lot more respect than you.

Really? What do you know of me? Do you know where or if I've served? Do you know if I'm someone that does something important or noble, or if I'm just a fry cook at McDonald's?

Originally posted by
The guy explained himself. Drop it.

a.) He did a pretty poor job, considering the explanation offered doesn't really play in the real world.
b.) You're not my commanding officer, you're not my mother, and you're not my wife. You're just another person on the other end of an internet message board. You've got no "rep" with me, nor credibility. Give me orders all you like, but you're a fool if you expect me to "drop it" because you feel you're in charge.

I'm pretty sure that if a guy walked into a black bar with stars and bars, there wouldn't be a ton of people that would really care so much if he was a marine or not. It's not like every single person that has ever donned a uniform has been Captain America.

By the by, you did nothing to rebut any assertion that I've made.
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by Sweet Daddy
Originally posted by Paul Kemp

Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

Perception is reality.

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.

As a United States Marine, I believe he would command a lot more respect than you.

Really? What do you know of me? Do you know where or if I've served? Do you know if I'm someone that does something important or noble, or if I'm just a fry cook at McDonald's?

Originally posted by

The guy explained himself. Drop it.

a.) He did a pretty poor job, considering the explanation offered doesn't really play in the real world.
b.) You're not my commanding officer, you're not my mother, and you're not my wife. You're just another person on the other end of an internet message board. You've got no "rep" with me, nor credibility. Give me orders all you like, but you're a fool if you expect me to "drop it" because you feel you're in charge.

I'm pretty sure that if a guy walked into a black bar with stars and bars, there wouldn't be a ton of people that would really care so much if he was a marine or not. It's not like every single person that has ever donned a uniform has been Captain America.

By the by, you did nothing to rebut any assertion that I've made.

Okay. Then don't drop it, but you won't be finding a real debate with me here any time soon. So, I hope getting that all off of your chest made you feel better or more in the right than you would have been had you just dropped it.

Go Spider Monkeez! Oh were not talking about that any more.....

I would just like to say my ass still hurts from the whipping delivered by Cape Town. Please mommy make the bad man stop.

hahaha, yea, we never did settle the bet. hope to see yall again in the playoffs. on the other talk, like i said, i had a drunken, passionate sourthern moment. im proud of my heritage, im proud of what we fought for, im proud of the men that stood for what they believed in, and im proud of the way of life that the flag represents. im not a big city kinda guy. ill retire one day on a ranch in Texas with my wife and children, and ill fly the flag proudly. its just more than a flag to me, it represents a way of life too. just my feelings. im not a racist, i dont want to secede frow the union. im leaving this thread, wont be back. im sorry it turned into a bigger dick contest, was all supposed to be in fun.
Pride you did nothing wrong at all, it was supposed to be in fun but as usual someone made it bigger than what it was. That flag doesn't bother me and I know your a great dude. Im gonna contact a mod and get this thread locked its not fun anymore.
Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

Perception is reality.

No, perception is how an object is currently viewed. It is colored by ignorant fools that don't know, nor care about the history of silly things such as signs and symbols. I fault the education of our youth that they largely have no freakin clue about our history. I was lucky enough to have a history teacher in High school that managed to get through to even a hard headed bastard like myself. He managed to get me interested, and instead of just swallowing the spoonfeeding the media likes to do with everyone, I like to actually read history.

Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

The swastika was a symbol of luck and good fortune. It is no longer perceived as such.

I wasn't speaking about the swastika, and by internet rules of debate, the first person to refer to the nazis or anything related to them automatically looses any internet debate. I didn't make them up, sorry. Yes the swastika has become synonymous with Nazi Germany. It now stands for the atrocities commited by that regime, because it was adopted as a symbol by one of the worst organizations in that regime, the SS.

Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

The Stars and Bars was representative of a faction that may have fought for state's rights, may have fought for slavery under the auspices of fighting for state's rights. Doesn't really matter now, as it is no longer perceived as such.

Except that the southern flag was never adopted by anything even remotely as bad as the SS until the KKK decided to try to rally support in the south by wrapping themselves in that flag. You still seem to believe that the Civil war was a war over slavery. It wasn't. Go find yourself a real history book, and do some research. It is actually kind of interesting.

The North was in the midst of the industrial revolution, and the South had most of the raw materials needed. The problem was that England and France wanted to buy and sell their goods to america, and the northern factories coudln;t compete with their pricing. The Federal Government stepped in and forced tariffs to "encourage" the Southern states to sell to and buy from the Northern states.

South Carolina actually went so far as to declare Charleston a Tariff free zone, and when threatened by the Federal Government they declared their independence by firing on Fort Sumter.

The slavery issue was a sticky issue as the southern states needed a balance in non slave states and slave states so the Federal Government couldn't abolish slavery. They believed it a state issue, and not one to be decided by the government. Hell when Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, he only freed those slaves in the south.

It really irritates me when schools today pin the civil war as the battle for and against slavery, as they are simplifying it and really removing the main reasons for the conflict.


Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

Go running around with stars and bars into a black bar and talk to them about how it's about state's rights and see how receptive people are.

Oddly, when I was younger, that wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

Originally posted by Paul Kemp

The guy explained himself. Drop it.

Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

a.) He did a pretty poor job, considering the explanation offered doesn't really play in the real world.
b.) You're not my commanding officer, you're not my mother, and you're not my wife. You're just another person on the other end of an internet message board. You've got no "rep" with me, nor credibility. Give me orders all you like, but you're a fool if you expect me to "drop it" because you feel you're in charge.

OK how about if I tell you to drop it. I am not saying that it is a smart thing to wear a swastika for luck, or run around in a black bar with a southern flag. I simply thought it might be interesting to point out that the rationale for hating the southern flag is misguided, and a product of a very poorly taught American History course.

No orders, no "rep" involved as I really couldn't care less who you are. You've proven by your statements that you would rather suck at the tit of a bad public education system than go look for yourself.

Originally posted by Sweet Daddy

By the by, you did nothing to rebut any assertion that I've made.

The only "assertion" you made was that there are alot of ignorant people out there that have no clue about history. I acvtualy agree with you in that.

Last edited Jun 16, 2008 17:53:32
My apologies.

I'm done.

Good luck this season.

Sweet Daddy
Originally posted by PinTBC
My apologies.

I'm done.

Good luck this season.


I in no way meant to dispute the facts of the history, nor invoke Godwin's Law. I wasn't the one who brought up the swastika, either. I was pointing out that regardless of what the facts may be, the Stars and Bars are still perceived to be a symbol or tyranny and racism. Therefore, anyone who displays them proudly runs the real risk, and likelihood of being perceived as racist and treated as such.

I like history, too. I read about all kinds of eras (and as far as the history of the War Between the States, Harry Turtledove has written some nifty alternative fictions about that that you may enjoy).
locked... keep it respectful fellas

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