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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Season 3 Oceania Pro Thread
udder pressure
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001
Originally posted by iowastylee

Originally posted by tobias funke

Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

GG Pride...way to hold your heads up high...

If you continue to be a snarky douchebag, you're not going to have accomplished your goal.

Your team is awesome. We have no problem admitting this.

No offense, but we're still going to laugh at the guy who owns all his own players.

I'd rather say it up front instead of being really nice and then doing it behind your back like we're going to anyway.

Like I said before, I don't think there is anything wrong with it, it just makes the game a hell of a lot easier. Even if I wanted to waste the cash I think I would miss the social aspect part of it. That being said I think the Mustangs will be really tough to beat.

Take the time and click on the owners name...or my name...or the other GM's name and see that we are into the social aspect of the game on other teams...

Excellent point
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001
...that's all I'm saying about it all year...(Mustangs RULE)

nice game today lukin...

This is the best post in this thread so far. Mustangs.
GO MUSTANGS!!! being a private team won't help us here. we wanted to come and play with the experts, where the competition would be fierce. i see nothing but worthy opponents, well built players, and a multitude of successful GM's. i don't expect to hear any of the veiled excuses and sour grapes we got in the AAA. looking forward to tough battles with all of you...especially a rematch against the 'Nites.... best of luck to everyone.

Originally posted by tobias funke
Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

GG Pride...way to hold your heads up high...

If you continue to be a snarky douchebag, you're not going to have accomplished your goal.

Your team is awesome. We have no problem admitting this.

No offense, but we're still going to laugh at the guy who owns all his own players.

I'd rather say it up front instead of being really nice and then doing it behind your back like we're going to anyway.

Exactly. Your team kicks ass, nobody's taking anything away from that. You stomped us hard, and if we played 10 more times you'd probably stomp us about 9 of them. We just think it's pretty funny that you're willing to drop the cash that you drop to keep all those guys flexed up, just so that you can bend the game mechanics to the point of breaking to ensure that you'll have the "gr34t3z7 t34m 3v4r".

Credit where credit's due, though- anyone *can* take the game to that ludicrous extreme... you're just the few who are actually willing to.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 12:34:40
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Originally posted by tobias funke

Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

GG Pride...way to hold your heads up high...

If you continue to be a snarky douchebag, you're not going to have accomplished your goal.

Your team is awesome. We have no problem admitting this.

No offense, but we're still going to laugh at the guy who owns all his own players.

I'd rather say it up front instead of being really nice and then doing it behind your back like we're going to anyway.

Exactly. Your team kicks ass, nobody's taking anything away from that. You stomped us hard, and if we played 10 more times you'd probably stomp us about 9 of them. We just think it's pretty funny that you're willing to drop the cash that you drop to keep all those guys flexed up, just so that you can bend the game mechanics to the point of breaking to ensure that you'll have the "gr34t3z7 t34m 3v4r".

Credit where credit's due, though- anyone *can* take the game to that ludicrous extreme... you're just the few who are actually willing to.

I do think eventually most of the teams will be just one or two people with all of the players on the team. The extreme players will take over.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 12:45:22
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Originally posted by tobias funke

Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

GG Pride...way to hold your heads up high...

If you continue to be a snarky douchebag, you're not going to have accomplished your goal.

Your team is awesome. We have no problem admitting this.

No offense, but we're still going to laugh at the guy who owns all his own players.

I'd rather say it up front instead of being really nice and then doing it behind your back like we're going to anyway.

Exactly. Your team kicks ass, nobody's taking anything away from that. You stomped us hard, and if we played 10 more times you'd probably stomp us about 9 of them. We just think it's pretty funny that you're willing to drop the cash that you drop to keep all those guys flexed up, just so that you can bend the game mechanics to the point of breaking to ensure that you'll have the "gr34t3z7 t34m 3v4r".

Credit where credit's due, though- anyone *can* take the game to that ludicrous extreme... you're just the few who are actually willing to.

sorry to hear that, but it's funny coming from a guy with 3 lvl 20+'s on the team you GM. you are a lesser version of that which you condemn. but saying "bending game mechanics" is a bit of a joke if you ask me. it's one thing for buddy to throw out the ever so smart "make fun of studmuffin so he boosts all our backups" strategy c/o Tobias, but to complain about a more aggressive version of yourself is just a little strange. i think in the longrun, the whole point of league divisions is to openly accept all levels interest, investment, and activity. afterall...if this game and it's creators didn't make hefty profit, it may not have existed in the first place. i hope this is the end of this silly the end of the day, the comments are only coming after losses for immediate gratification...let's face it.

once again, best of luck to all. hope to have some tough battles, there are teams here that have the tools to beat on us, and you will get nothing but sportsmanship and admiration from us as a result.
Originally posted by iowastylee
Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by tobias funke

Originally posted by cowtesticles2001

GG Pride...way to hold your heads up high...

If you continue to be a snarky douchebag, you're not going to have accomplished your goal.

Your team is awesome. We have no problem admitting this.

No offense, but we're still going to laugh at the guy who owns all his own players.

I'd rather say it up front instead of being really nice and then doing it behind your back like we're going to anyway.

Exactly. Your team kicks ass, nobody's taking anything away from that. You stomped us hard, and if we played 10 more times you'd probably stomp us about 9 of them. We just think it's pretty funny that you're willing to drop the cash that you drop to keep all those guys flexed up, just so that you can bend the game mechanics to the point of breaking to ensure that you'll have the "gr34t3z7 t34m 3v4r".

Credit where credit's due, though- anyone *can* take the game to that ludicrous extreme... you're just the few who are actually willing to.

I do think eventually most of the teams will be just one or two people with all of the players on the team. The extreme players will take over.

Exactly, that's what I'm kinda worried about. It's a shame, but that's where it's headed.

Also, having 3 level 20s on an account isn't a big deal- there are a ton of players in this league alone who can rival that. To say that I'm complaining about a 'more aggressive version of myself' is a bit of a slippery slope, since you could say the same thing about someone who has one level 20 on a team that they GM and the difference wouldn't even be significant.

I agree, though, that this debate doesn't have a whole lot of a point. Rather than drag it out for pages, I'm content to drop it. I'm not a huge fan of the trend, but complaining about it is pretty much sour grapes. You do what you have to do to win, and you seem to be pretty good sports about it. Best of luck over the rest of the season, and hopefully we'll get a chance to get even in the playoffs.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 13:25:22
i think the Pride played a spectacular game. they controlled our run, and made a great deal of air gains on us. without the interceptions this may have been a much different game. GG guys, hope to play you again.
Originally posted by n8dog

once again, best of luck to all. hope to have some tough battles, there are teams here that have the tools to beat on us, and you will get nothing but sportsmanship and admiration from us as a result.

This is true. These guys were harrassed all season in AAA as they went undefeated, but when they finally did lose in the championship game they stepped up and showed their respect for us.
To be totally honest, I wish that was true, but I have no problem accepting that might is definitely the operative word there. We're a good team, but the Mustangs are on another level. I'll be pretty surprised if you don't win pro this year.
Dr Pacheco
I actually welcome this new blood. The Forum is more interesting with a bit of vitriol.
Except when it devolves into a 50 page thread about collusion. That's not very interesting at all

thats all i have to say about this crap....

Originally posted by BradyFTW
Except when it devolves into a 50 page thread about collusion. That's not very interesting at all

It was so uninteresting that people kept it going for 50 pages...

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