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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Elusive pathing and vision discussion (with a foreword about spin)
Originally posted by Bort
Guys like PP and hazy are happy to do that, and are trustworthy sources.

It's me. I'm the reliable and trustworthy source.
lounge guy
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by CinTex

Not the water... its just that you never post here anymore and when you don't then anything goes because this game is so secretive....

Good to see you in the real forums....

I don't mind conversing, but I hardly ever have the time to sift through all the crap that gets posted any more...80 page threads are not exactly easy reading. And every time I log on and start reading forums, especially if I'm replying, I end up being on for 5-6 hours doing nothing but that. Those hours could be better spent actually getting something done, such as looking at a bug or adding a new feature. I get more done when I have others help me boil it down to snippets, and have them relay info back to you (which is a common suggestion I have seen: "get others to help relay info for you.") Guys like PP and hazy are happy to do that, and are trustworthy sources.

Also, all the negativity does tend to get very tiresome after a point. I'd rather just use my time effectively, and read the pertinent points. and not have to read 50 posts about how the testers, mods, and I are all idiots in the middle.

amen Bort, make the game better, screw the whiner
Originally posted by Gart888
It's me. I'm the reliable and trustworthy source.

Source of headaches. Amirite?
Well we also get tired of being called conspiracy theorists, when we suspect that something was changed mid-season.

Because let's be honest here, it wouldn't be the first time that something was changed without us being told. It would also not be the first time that something wasn't working like you swore it was, kind of like the weight bug (x-factor).

So maybe there is some compromise on both sides, because your side definitely isn't without fault. And to speak of the change-log as if it is updated every single time something is updated, is laughable. There have been countless times where people in the forums have brought up issues that were changed, only to look in the change-log, and it not be there.
Originally posted by Bukowski
Well we also get tired of being called conspiracy theorists, when we suspect that something was changed mid-season.

Because let's be honest here, it wouldn't be the first time that something was changed without us being told. It would also not be the first time that something wasn't working like you swore it was, kind of like the weight bug (x-factor).

So maybe there is some compromise on both sides, because your side definitely isn't without fault. And to speak of the change-log as if it is updated every single time something is updated, is laughable. There have been countless times where people in the forums have brought up issues that were changed, only to look in the change-log, and it not be there.

some truth in here
jumpin da snark
The FB not blocking was a conspiracy?

3 spins in one play just the other day, +1 power through for good measure.
NFL Replacement Refs SUCK
Originally posted by foofighter24
The FB not blocking was a conspiracy?

I'm pretty sure he didn't say that. He addressed that problem as soon as he became aware of it. He was talking about this thread (Spin being stealth nerfed).

See: Jones, Anthrax
Originally posted by DL24

See: Jones, Anthrax

Yeah, he's been killing it the last few weeks.

The only thing I see, when looking at his game-log, is a serious YPC drop-off, within the last 4 games or so.

In the last 4 games, he's averaged 0.8, 3.6, 3 and 2.6 per carry. In the regular season games before that, he only has one game under 5.8 YPC.
Edited by Bukowski on Dec 30, 2009 19:05:46
Edited by Bukowski on Dec 30, 2009 19:05:33
Originally posted by thehazyone
I'm pretty sure he didn't say that. He addressed that problem as soon as he became aware of it. He was talking about this thread (Spin being stealth nerfed).

he said "theories", plural. not sure what he was talking about besides spin.
Originally posted by Bukowski
Well we also get tired of being called conspiracy theorists, when we suspect that something was changed mid-season.

Because let's be honest here, it wouldn't be the first time that something was changed without us being told. It would also not be the first time that something wasn't working like you swore it was, kind of like the weight bug (x-factor).

So maybe there is some compromise on both sides, because your side definitely isn't without fault. And to speak of the change-log as if it is updated every single time something is updated, is laughable. There have been countless times where people in the forums have brought up issues that were changed, only to look in the change-log, and it not be there.

Sim stuff like changing a skill's effectiveness is ALWAYS listed. Little stuff like fixing some database error isn't (because nobody cares about that). For the last several seasons, updates have pretty much come as big bunches once or twice a season, and bugfixes here and there, and they have all been accompanied by changelog entries. The day-to-day "tweaking" I did during the first 3-4 seasons just doesn't happen any more; I've been more worried about "big picture" ideas these days and fixing major interactions.

There are so many times I have seen people swear up and down something has been changed during periods I have been away, like during Christmas, or when I have been out of town, or had friends visiting. Times when I couldn't have even gotten to a computer to change anything, or I haven't even been working with the sim. It's pretty laughable, tbh. Just because your guy did something different, doesn't mean I "stealth changed" something to screw you over. Random numbers cause random outcomes. That's how it goes. I know a lot of people like to blame stuff on "big bad Bort" when it doesn't go their way, but it's usually just not the case.
Originally posted by Bort
I don't mind conversing, but I hardly ever have the time to sift through all the crap that gets posted any more...80 page threads are not exactly easy reading. And every time I log on and start reading forums, especially if I'm replying, I end up being on for 5-6 hours doing nothing but that. Those hours could be better spent actually getting something done, such as looking at a bug or adding a new feature. I get more done when I have others help me boil it down to snippets, and have them relay info back to you (which is a common suggestion I have seen: "get others to help relay info for you.") Guys like PP and hazy are happy to do that, and are trustworthy sources.

Also, all the negativity does tend to get very tiresome after a point. I'd rather just use my time effectively, and read the pertinent points. and not have to read 50 posts about how the testers, mods, and I are all idiots in the middle.

Well if you ever want o good spin doctor to help keep the masses calm just have Pallow PM me.... spin is my specialty....

and the masses need some type of Admin to post everyday to tell them that everything is OK.... or in the event that its not OK, that everything will be OK in a day or two.... to just hold your Horses!!!!
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Bukowski

Well we also get tired of being called conspiracy theorists, when we suspect that something was changed mid-season.

Because let's be honest here, it wouldn't be the first time that something was changed without us being told. It would also not be the first time that something wasn't working like you swore it was, kind of like the weight bug (x-factor).

So maybe there is some compromise on both sides, because your side definitely isn't without fault. And to speak of the change-log as if it is updated every single time something is updated, is laughable. There have been countless times where people in the forums have brought up issues that were changed, only to look in the change-log, and it not be there.

Sim stuff like changing a skill's effectiveness is ALWAYS listed. Little stuff like fixing some database error isn't (because nobody cares about that). For the last several seasons, updates have pretty much come as big bunches once or twice a season, and bugfixes here and there, and they have all been accompanied by changelog entries. The day-to-day "tweaking" I did during the first 3-4 seasons just doesn't happen any more; I've been more worried about "big picture" ideas these days and fixing major interactions.

There are so many times I have seen people swear up and down something has been changed during periods I have been away, like during Christmas, or when I have been out of town, or had friends visiting. Times when I couldn't have even gotten to a computer to change anything, or I haven't even been working with the sim. It's pretty laughable, tbh. Just because your guy did something different, doesn't mean I "stealth changed" something to screw you over. Random numbers cause random outcomes. That's how it goes. I know a lot of people like to blame stuff on "big bad Bort" when it doesn't go their way, but it's usually just not the case.

Well, all of those instances early in the game have apparently stuck in peoples heads. You can't blame people for being paranoid, when things like Head Fake and Juke were nerfed to hell for multiple seasons, without anyone accepting any blame.

Do you remember that? Remember when you suddenly realized that HeadFake/Juke were turned down to basically 0? Because I do.

I also remember you not believing any of us that some players had extreme advantage over others, when it turned out that some players weighed basically nothing.

So you can not want people to be paranoid all you want, but you need to accept some of the blame as to why it's happening.

This didn't happen overnight.
Make fakes inherent abilities like breaking tackles imo.

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