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I lol'd.

I've calmed down alot and assumed a different personality, at least on this section of the boards.
Quick FYI, for team owners and GM's: .
Last edited Jun 8, 2008 18:48:03
Originally posted by DaRealest
Quick FYI, for team owners and GM's:

Link goes to board index for me.
Holy Crap just looking at the Teams here makes me glad I didnt GM anything here.Coyotes are gonna Stomp all your asses and Im just an unbiased observer.
Last edited Jun 8, 2008 22:53:53
They look like they have a good team, but I wouldn't say they are going to stomp the whole league. We will hold our own.
Originally posted by meab
Originally posted by saltman241

Originally posted by meab

I think that it will be fun having them in the league. If they are as good as they think they are it will give the league something to strive for and a benchmark for the rest of the league.

Or make it a forgone conclusion and impossible for any NEW team to compete. With the way this game is setup it's impossible to "catch-up" to any one who is also willing to boost. Bringing an established team into a new league is crap and they know it. He guys lets all go pwn some noobs in Africa. So we can be guaranteed to win and we don't even have to be good.

What?? The games leveling structure is built off something very similar to an exponential curve so that it makes it easier to catch up. And when people say that it is impossible to beat a team that is higher levels than you I disagree, better builds are more important than better levels not saying they don't have good builds but it is not a foregone conclusion that they will win the 'ship, they think it is but everyone here has just as much chance as them to recruit.

Congrats to the USAORG though on a great recruiting job I look forward to our game against you. (Felix Rice HB Cairo Emperors)

I agree with the build being more important, but a bad 19 level build, no matter how bad would be better than a great lvl 8 build.
Well here is what I do know.....I have been recruiting since I was on the team waiting list...So thats about 2 weeks plus....I know how hard it is to sign high level guys to 3 year deals, without putting out massive money...I think I did a pretty good job, now I look at USA's roster most guys signed for 3 years but we are talking like level 18 guys who signed 3 year deals for minumum...So either A- Massive amount signing bonuses...Which I ask where did the money come from...Or B -Because the have USAORG for there name people flock to them....All I know is their is something going on, because I seriously have put in roughly 80 plus hours sending out recruit information...I look it like this way and it is only my opionon...I am a owner, who doesn't have a farm team, I only have a level 12 player and level 6 player...So I only own 2 players...I also have not had any help from another player who gutted a previous team and brought over any players....I am a true expansion team, who did it the way I think GLB was supposed to be runned....So Coyotes and USAOINK good luck to you, not that you needed it, but I think the Blood Diamonds will make a run during the season to make the playoffs.
I have been recruiting since I got on the waiting list. About half of my high levels I signed before the season even started. I convinced someone he would rather play on my team than his own, if that isn't a testament to hard work recruiting then I don't know what is.

It's certainly capable to recruit high levels now - hard - but capable. I've been rejected ALOT, but it's all worth it when that 17 WR finally signs with you. I'm so active on the boards and getting so much publicity now, I haven't actually recruited in a while. I get more offers of people wanting to join my team than I need.

If your not happy with your team, the last thing you should be doing is blaming others for recruiting better than you did. We're still in the offseason, free agents are posting every day, so get recruiting .

Also I have no players on my own team so we're in the same boat.
I am happy with my team, riddle me this Batman...Didn't you get fined 250 K????So how did that help in your recruiting.
250k fine was supposed to go to Jakarta because of the way he brought his players to my team - not for actually bringing players.

Jakarta however didn't have a team to fine, and somebody had to receive some kind of punishment, so I got 250k.

Doesn't help recruiting but doesn't hurt it either. Actually if anything it helped, since Jakarta's players made the depth chart look all that much more enticing.
I meant that since you got players from another team, you really didn't recruit them....But I guess I could find a owner and have him come to my team and take the best not recruiting, thats mergeing
I'm sure alot of your players played for a different team before.

Merging assumes the entire team comes to play for me, which isn't even close to true.

Again, like I've said, Jakarta is maybe 6/40 of my roster. Are you saying that getting 34 players isn't recruiting?
I still don't get why everyone thinks that Jakarta is our whole team lol
I'm saying if there was a fine involved someone did something wrong...and what levels were the 6?

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