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Originally posted by EMTARHEEL
On intense does your experience go up a considerable more compared to relaxed training? I'm just trying to see the benefits of intense training.

benifits of intense training is you get maybe a .10-.20 more in that stat than you would on relaxed or normal.

Think of it like real life

If your coach just lets you flag down passes you might get a little better but you wont be tired at the end of the day (relaxed=more energy less skill increase)

If coach does a few light drills with pads no contact, and some running. You will learn more than on a slacking day, and only be a little tired. (normal=medium energy but medium skill increase)

If the coach bust your balls on drills and plays and double teams you might learn alot more from that practice but your going to be dog tired. (intense=less energy moree skill)

The cost PAIN no pain no gain!!! YOU PAY TO PLAY!! the better you get the harder you train the more it cost!

I wonder if there is a % of pain incorporated in the game? Intense taining, playing on hard, etc. does that casue your player to age faster?
Nice last three posts. Very clearly explained for a guy that started four days ago.

Quick question on strategy...

background: A level 1 in the D leagues and he's on a CPU team where he's the starter.

(1) Would it be benefitial to play games on a "relaxed" play intensity? I don't care if the team wins or loses, but am solely concerned with his XP gain. So it seems that by putting him on "relaxed" play intensity he'll get more playing time.

(2) For energy management, do I want to make sure he's at a 100 energy level before games? If the difference between total energy level on "intense" and "normal" is 103 and 97, would it be more beneficial to just train "intensely" and go in the game at a 97, because the 103 will obviously be capped to 100 maximum? And how low would you be willing to go into a game? 95 into the game? 93? 90...?

Thanks for all of the explanations. Good advice so far. Hopefully you can answer some of the finer points of training/energy management.
I may be off on this since I am new but from what I have noticed as I gain in levels it effects the cost of my training greatly. On my level 3 just training at normal I am almost spending what I earn per day. If I was to try and train at intense I would actually be losing money per day.

So my suggestion is look at your player and keep an eye on what you earn per day then look at what it cost per day to train at the different intensity levels. It would suck to be broke by level 8 and not be able to afford new equipment.
intense is $200*(level)
Originally posted by Serenity
Originally posted by PERSON_OF_DOOM

I'm only level 2 but it costs $400 to train intensely?

intense is your level times $200

----Thanks--That makes more sense , I am hearing different cost but none at which I am Paying for Instance , Intense Training shows 800/Day----Yet, my Wallet has lost a great deal more than that..... My Question is the Settings automatically updated as your Level increases , so if it shows $800/Day is this your Real Cost...Thanks Kilroy......
Last edited Jul 9, 2008 05:44:11
all of you... just quit.
you are too stupid to play the game.
use common sense and it all makes sense.
if its still is too complicated, you're retarded and shouldn't be here.
if you are actually smart enough to understand the system, quit leveling the playing field for the tards, you equal opportunity SOBs.
Thank you, come again.

does $800/ per day = $800 per day? are you F'n kidding me? how do you even turn on your computer????!!!???
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 03:25:16
Originally posted by nodiggity
all of you... just quit.
you are too stupid to play the game.
use common sense and it all makes sense.
if its still is too complicated, you're retarded and shouldn't be here.
if you are actually smart enough to understand the system, quit leveling the playing field for the tards, you equal opportunity SOBs.
Thank you, come again.

Douche bag? Douche bag...
Douche bag? Douche bag...

Dumb ass that doesn't know how to add 10 plus .5? dumb ass...
Originally posted by nodiggity
Douche bag? Douche bag...

Dumb ass that doesn't know how to add 10 plus .5? dumb ass...

Why do you feel it necessarry to insult people who are asking sincere and innocent questions? Whatever way they go about learning the game's system, they are still learning, which shows an aptitude for intelligence. You hastily insult someone's mental capacity, and yet you fail to add any valuable information to the issue. By speaking unintelligent and insulting crap, you're proving yourself far less intelligent than those that you're attacking.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 03:41:28
Maybe to you this is some sort of knowledge sharing love fest, however, i choose to see this GAME as a competition... therefore, why would i tell everyone and anyone the easy way to excel without making some sort of effort to progress. Sorry I posted in the first place. Please continue supporting mediocrity and complacence.
Originally posted by nodiggity
Maybe to you this is some sort of knowledge sharing love fest, however, i choose to see this GAME as a competition... therefore, why would i tell everyone and anyone the easy way to excel without making some sort of effort to progress. Sorry I posted in the first place. Please continue supporting mediocrity and complacence.

I'm not supporting that at all. I never stated nor implied that at any time. I certainly see this as a "competition", and I've never given any significant hints or ideas on how I prefer to play the game. If you had looked beyond your assumptions of what I was speaking on, you would see that I was solely questioning your harassment of those that are asking for small, well-known facts on this game.
There is no harassment intended... I'm only expressing irritation. Rather than spending 2 mins looking at the basic guides under the GUIDES section to gain knowledge of how the game works, lazy newbies are relying on vets to build their players for them which pisses me off at the newbs and and vets... sorry... i'm venting.
relax buddy

Theres so much information out there now in thread after thread that it can be pretty imposing for a new'un to get a grip on the game. It's pretty easy to miss some important pieces of information and they should feel welcome to ask questions without fear of being flamed because their maths is bad
Originally posted by nodiggity
There is no harassment intended... I'm only expressing irritation. Rather than spending 2 mins looking at the basic guides under the GUIDES section to gain knowledge of how the game works, lazy newbies are relying on vets to build their players for them which pisses me off at the newbs and and vets... sorry... i'm venting.

I completely understand. It's not exactly the time of day that most people are in their best mood. I'm with you, though. I've always been the "trial by fire" kind of guy, and usually hate it when I recieve any type of advice from other users. I guess that I've gotten a bit used to scanning over the repetitive and lazy posts. But, the good news is that there seem to be alot of people who are learning alot slower than I did, which is an advantage.

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