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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Ozmosis night out last night story
Goat Father
I wasn't stereotyping anyone Wanker. you posted a comment that included the phrase "the Man" this is considered a poke at the black community and has no place here in these forums. we all sort of go overboard at times with the gay thing and I will apoligize for that if I ever offended anyone. But cracking on someone's race shortly after your tyrade about your almighty tax dollars was not only disrespectful but completely uncalled for. Good luck to you and your team wanker
Actually, "The Man" is known as corporate America.

You can view it however you want. Take it as a racist comment, it certainly was not used in that context.

I was not using it as a racist remark. I am not racist.

I'm curious, would you treat that statement differently if you thought I was a different race? You have no idea what race I am.
Originally posted by hatchman
I wasn't stereotyping anyone Wanker. you posted a comment that included the phrase "the Man" this is considered a poke at the black community and has no place here in these forums. we all sort of go overboard at times with the gay thing and I will apoligize for that if I ever offended anyone. But cracking on someone's race shortly after your tyrade about your almighty tax dollars was not only disrespectful but completely uncalled for. Good luck to you and your team wanker

I hate to jump in the middle of you guys. I've heard the phrase "the Man" before, but never with a racial connotation. It's always been used to describe the establishment or government in comparison to the everyman, Joe Plumber if you will excuse the horrible phrase. Now that I know that is has a connotation, I certainly won't be using it anymore. I believe wanker, like me, was unaware of any racial overtones.
Goat Father
No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.
Originally posted by hatchman
No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

I think you are taking things a little too literally my friend... Ever see Empire Records? Was he being racist?

The "man" is someone or something that holds you down or supresses you. Damn The Man is basically a way of saying screw whatever's holding you back and going for it.
Damn the Man, save the Empire!

If it is your judgment that "the Man" is more often used as racist slang, then I think you have got the wrong message COMPLETELY about its use. "The Man", aka the police, corporate HQ, bosses, anyone above you in power, has been used for years as a completely non racist way. Hell, I say "the man" all the time! I have never had one of my African-American friends ever accuse me of being racist...
Originally posted by hatchman
No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Then I suggest we keep everything PG, you can take any context of words and form them into being racist, sexist, etc. comments.
Last edited Apr 16, 2009 14:49:00
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by hatchman

No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

I think you are taking things a little too literally my friend... Ever see Empire Records? Was he being racist?

The "man" is someone or something that holds you down or supresses you. Damn The Man is basically a way of saying screw whatever's holding you back and going for it.
Damn the Man, save the Empire!

If it is your judgment that "the Man" is more often used as racist slang, then I think you have got the wrong message COMPLETELY about its use. "The Man", aka the police, corporate HQ, bosses, anyone above you in power, has been used for years as a completely non racist way. Hell, I say "the man" all the time! I have never had one of my African-American friends ever accuse me of being racist...

Wow an Empire Records reference on GLB! All I have to say about this whole thing is this....

Ow Rexy your so Sexy....

Great movie!
Goat Father
Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by hatchman

No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Then I suggest we keep everything PG, you can take any context of words to form them into being racist, sexist, etc. comments.

wanker while you were trying to defend yourself you made my point for me. I am not trying to be a asshole with you or anyone else. I am just asking that some subjects not be touched upon and racism is one. You may not have meant it that way but reading the thread does paint that picture to some extent. from your rant about your tax dollars to our discussion. baby tigas even took it that you made a remark that shouldn't have been used. again maybe we misunderstood. but in reality I don't know you all I can do is read the words you type. And from those words we draw a picture of what you are trying to say. sometimes that picture is totally different from what you meant. again I wasn't pointing fingers at you or anyone else I was just asking that we don't tread on certain subjects. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else so I will not say anything else on this matter as I guess I should have just stayed out of it to begin with.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by hatchman

No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Then I suggest we keep everything PG, you can take any context of words to form them into being racist, sexist, etc. comments.

wanker while you were trying to defend yourself you made my point for me. I am not trying to be a asshole with you or anyone else. I am just asking that some subjects not be touched upon and racism is one. You may not have meant it that way but reading the thread does paint that picture to some extent. from your rant about your tax dollars to our discussion. baby tigas even took it that you made a remark that shouldn't have been used. again maybe we misunderstood. but in reality I don't know you all I can do is read the words you type. And from those words we draw a picture of what you are trying to say. sometimes that picture is totally different from what you meant. again I wasn't pointing fingers at you or anyone else I was just asking that we don't tread on certain subjects. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else so I will not say anything else on this matter as I guess I should have just stayed out of it to begin with.

I know exactly what your point was but if there's so many shades of gray maybe we should just all hold hands and paint pretty rainbows.
There have been worse things said on this forum than what you misinterpreted and I'm the one being attacked? That's my point.

Originally posted by Rickey-P
Big brickhouse white boi and hes pissed. the conversation went somfin like dis,

and its the whiteboi from da house

Are those not racial connotations?
Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by hatchman

No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Then I suggest we keep everything PG, you can take any context of words to form them into being racist, sexist, etc. comments.

wanker while you were trying to defend yourself you made my point for me. I am not trying to be a asshole with you or anyone else. I am just asking that some subjects not be touched upon and racism is one. You may not have meant it that way but reading the thread does paint that picture to some extent. from your rant about your tax dollars to our discussion. baby tigas even took it that you made a remark that shouldn't have been used. again maybe we misunderstood. but in reality I don't know you all I can do is read the words you type. And from those words we draw a picture of what you are trying to say. sometimes that picture is totally different from what you meant. again I wasn't pointing fingers at you or anyone else I was just asking that we don't tread on certain subjects. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else so I will not say anything else on this matter as I guess I should have just stayed out of it to begin with.

I know exactly what your point was but if there's so many shades of gray maybe we should just all hold hands and paint pretty rainbows.
There have been worse things said on this forum than what you misinterpreted and I'm the one being attacked? That's my point.

Originally posted by Rickey-P

Big brickhouse white boi and hes pissed. the conversation went somfin like dis,

and its the whiteboi from da house

Are those not racial connotations?

Last edited Apr 16, 2009 15:16:27
Wanker, stop trying to win the argument. You aren't even in one!
Originally posted by TheMightyOkra
Wanker, stop trying to win the argument. You aren't even in one!

No. Yes, I am!
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

If it is your judgment that "the Man" is more often used as racist slang, then I think you have got the wrong message COMPLETELY about its use. "The Man", aka the police, corporate HQ, bosses, anyone above you in power, has been used for years as a completely non racist way. Hell, I say "the man" all the time! I have never had one of my African-American friends ever accuse me of being racist...

It is a miscommon stereotype that places this in a racist context. It really shouldn't be taken as such.

I talk about "The Man" a lot, in jokes, and more jokes.

Goat Father
Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by hatchman

No I do not know what race,creed or nationality you are. and I would not read it any other way the man has always been a slang term for the people who regress or hold back certain races in america. I will be the first to tell you that I am not being a smart ass here I am just asking for a little respect for everyone in the forums. I did not take this personally and I wasn't upset. I was just trying to bring it to your attention that your words even though they may not have been meant as such could certainly be read and thought to mean this very thing. the way you spoke of your tax dollars being wasted and such is a opinion of yours and I will respect that but again I just ask that you choose your words a little better so that we do not get into any racial conflicts here as this isn't the place for any of that.

Again I am not accusing you of being a racist I am just trying to show you that your words can be costrude that way.

Then I suggest we keep everything PG, you can take any context of words to form them into being racist, sexist, etc. comments.

wanker while you were trying to defend yourself you made my point for me. I am not trying to be a asshole with you or anyone else. I am just asking that some subjects not be touched upon and racism is one. You may not have meant it that way but reading the thread does paint that picture to some extent. from your rant about your tax dollars to our discussion. baby tigas even took it that you made a remark that shouldn't have been used. again maybe we misunderstood. but in reality I don't know you all I can do is read the words you type. And from those words we draw a picture of what you are trying to say. sometimes that picture is totally different from what you meant. again I wasn't pointing fingers at you or anyone else I was just asking that we don't tread on certain subjects. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else so I will not say anything else on this matter as I guess I should have just stayed out of it to begin with.

I know exactly what your point was but if there's so many shades of gray maybe we should just all hold hands and paint pretty rainbows.
There have been worse things said on this forum than what you misinterpreted and I'm the one being attacked? That's my point.

Originally posted by Rickey-P

Big brickhouse white boi and hes pissed. the conversation went somfin like dis,

and its the whiteboi from da house

Are those not racial connotations?

First off I didn't attack you secondly I have tried to be as mature and sensible as possible. I was trying to discuss how this could be taken a different way than you meant. I have repeatedly said I wasn't calling you racist. You haven't been attacked by anyone you just perceive that when someone doesn't agree with you that that is the case which is not. I was just trying to bring to your attention the possibility of the way people might perceive your statement. I was in a league a couple seasons ago that a few statements were made and it ended up being a forum of nothing but racial slurs and stereotyping. I left that league because of the stupid crap. I just wanted to try to make sure it didn't happen here also. I apoligize that you feel I attacked you as I did not. I was just trying to make sure there was no problems in the forum was all.
Hatchman, I can see how you made that assumption. I have heard it used both ways. Aholewanker is family and I can say that he is by no means a racist and didn't mean it to be offensive to anyone.

I agree with the Green Carrot, fighting on the internet is more remedial than this thread!

Let's try to keep this forum about what it should be and try to limit the talk about politics, religion, race, etc. I'm not telling people what to do; rather, asking that we keep it about little dots running around on our monitors.

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