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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Man you guys are cool!
Originally posted by hatchman

Hell they won't let the creepy little bastard anywhere near them anyway. Phin is the little piece of crap that has to sleep with the nasty old lunch room lady to lose his virginity.

Case Study example #1

Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Xero00

I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

You, fortunately, are a exemption.

Exception to what?

Phin, I have a BA in BS.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by Inebriated

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Originally posted by Rickey-P

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?

Well, if you want to be the grammar "goon", you'd better start using complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, so on and so forth.
Also, "shit talking" is a term, look it up gangster, see what's happening in your hood.
I only correct women when they don't use my proper name................. GOD........... Trust me, it works

As in "Oh my God get the hell away from me you creep!"....

Hell they won't let the creepy little bastard anywhere near them anyway. Phin is the little piece of crap that has to sleep with the nasty old lunch room lady to lose his virginity.

I hardly believe the wife of the Lord of the Nunavut would agree that she is a "Lunchlady" or that I, Phinphan54, is either "little" or a "piece of shit". Just so you know hatch, contrary to your belief, you do not lose your virginity when you suck on your mom's tit. So, come up with another story about your first experience before you tell that one...

To the people who keep their srs face on all the time. ⌂_⌂
I understand where hatch is coming from. The difference between talking shit for fun and talking shit for the sake of talking shit. Most people here I really dont have a problem with as they are capable of having a good back and forth. PhinPhan on the other hand is the main one I have an issue with because he always falls back on calling someone a PEON, saying the death ray will end someone or correcting their grammar. Ive been around more message boards than I can count for a variety of games. The people who can talk smack for an extended period of time while using fresh retorts are the ones who I enjoy the most. Its the people who try to talk shit and then when its dealt back to them they revert to their trusty standard lines that are old and played out who just make themselves look foolish in the end. Ricky-P, despite his neglect of correct grammar and spelling, has a way of creating activity on the boards that keeps things entertaining without being a dick to others.
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 12:55:42
Originally posted by Anebriated
See I understand the difference between talking shit for fun and talking shit for the sake of talking shit. Most people here I really dont have a problem with as they are capable of having a good back and forth. PhinPhan on the other hand is the main one I have an issue with because he always falls back on calling someone a PEON, saying the death ray will end someone or correcting their grammar. Ive been around more message boards than I can count for a variety of games. The people who can talk smack for an extended period of time while using fresh retorts are the ones who I enjoy the most. Its the people who try to talk shit and then when its dealt back to them they revert to their trusty standard lines that are old and played out who just make themselves look foolish in the end. Ricky-P, despite his neglect of correct grammar and spelling, has a way of creating activity on the boards that keeps things entertaining without being a dick to others.

Well stated. I do like watching people get all worked up over LXA. This is going to be a colorful forum this season.
i personally think phinphan is a 35 year old perv. who plays dungeons and dragons on his free time while living at his parents house still.(or whatever you call that shit)

Shit he was prob on Dateline as well for trying to get with 12 yr. old boys. hahah
Originally posted by kdpat15
i personally think phinphan is a 35 year old perv. who plays dungeons and dragons on his free time while living at his parents house still.(or whatever you call that shit)

Shit he was prob on Dateline as well for trying to get with 12 yr. old boys. hahah

You got a problem with D&D and living with parents?
yea if your 35 years old like he prob is
Goat Father
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by Inebriated

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Originally posted by Rickey-P

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?

Well, if you want to be the grammar "goon", you'd better start using complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, so on and so forth.
Also, "shit talking" is a term, look it up gangster, see what's happening in your hood.
I only correct women when they don't use my proper name................. GOD........... Trust me, it works

As in "Oh my God get the hell away from me you creep!"....

Hell they won't let the creepy little bastard anywhere near them anyway. Phin is the little piece of crap that has to sleep with the nasty old lunch room lady to lose his virginity.

I hardly believe the wife of the Lord of the Nunavut would agree that she is a "Lunchlady" or that I, Phinphan54, is either "little" or a "piece of shit". Just so you know hatch, contrary to your belief, you do not lose your virginity when you suck on your mom's tit. So, come up with another story about your first experience before you tell that one...

Again you prove that you are a brother of boltz that is living in a fantasy world. Look my friend there are drugs that a real doctor can give you to slow your problems. I mean I know you are one of those pathetic little geeks that stay home and pound the pud on friday nights while everyone else is out having a good time. we sympathize with you but man come on the momma jokes, the constant stupidity of the death ray it is played out. find some new material we are all for having fun and the trash talking is fine it keeps the forums active and that is cool. but the constant belittling of people's intellect and use of grammar is getting repulsive and making the game alot less fun for me and I am sure others as well. So keep talking shit but let's knock down on the personal attacks some there junior.
Knock down on the personal attacks after you made a personal attack?

Sometimes I wonder about ya Hatch. I think there is truely an asshole deep inside of you that is yearning to break out but you somehow manage to keep him locked away once he sniffs day light.
Just let him free Hatch. Embrace it, let it be joyous and rampant.
Originally posted by kdpat15
i personally think phinphan is a 35 year old perv. who plays dungeons and dragons on his free time while living at his parents house still.(or whatever you call that shit)

Shit he was prob on Dateline as well for trying to get with 12 yr. old boys. hahah

You saw that episode?

And in calm and witty retort to my bud, Inebriated. I hardly think that my banter has been "falling back on my standard lines." Granted, I have used the Peon saying for some time, but have introduced many classics. Such as:

The Lord of the Nunavut
"grammar goon" as your buddy Ricky-P called it
Rips on you, KD, Aholewanker, and many others.

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

So, here's the deal. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to have fun. If you don't like that, guess what... TOUGH SHIT... and frankly, I thought we had some witty banter going back and forth with each other, so it disappoints me GREATLY that you felt the desire to say how much you "have a problem" with me....

KD gets it Inebriated, maybe it's time you get a clue and realize that this is for fun. BEING AN ASSHOLE IS WHY I SIGNED UP FOR A TEAM CALLED THE ASSHOLES, CAPISH?

Freaking Peons.... pissing me off...


Again you prove that you are a brother of boltz that is living in a fantasy world.
Look my friend there are drugs that a real doctor can give you to slow your problems.
I mean I know you are one of those pathetic little geeks that stay home and pound the pud on friday nights while everyone else is out having a good time.
Its the people who try to talk shit and then when its dealt back to them they revert to their trusty standard lines that are old and played out who just make themselves look foolish in the end.

I COUNT 5....
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 13:14:08
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Knock down on the personal attacks after you made a personal attack?

Sometimes I wonder about ya Hatch. I think there is truely an asshole deep inside of you that is yearning to break out but you somehow manage to keep him locked away once he sniffs day light.

Man I have wondered about you since you came into this forum. you throw me for a loop I have seen alot of screwy kids on this game. I have even seen alot of Older guys that think they are internet bad ass's but you are one of the few that just blow me away. You are so disrespectful and I guarantee if I met you in real life you wouldn't be this way. you would show some respect towards others. Just because you will probably never meet someone in real life doesn't mean you have to be so disrespectful. try to have fun by all means but what fun is it to constantly try to tear people down. that isn't funny it is pathetic.
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces I hardly think my face is ugly my good sir, I have been told I could be a model for the homeless mutt shelter
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?


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