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Originally posted by Mookie75
Originally posted by neoliminal


It's the 2% rule.

I have another league to try and dominate. L8r guys.

Considering you guys started this thread, pressed the issue even after a resolution was presented, and continue to beat a dead horse, you are just as much at fault. Sorry I'm not the guy that is going to back down and admit to something I didn't do because I'm bullied.

"You guys" might mean you are lumping me in with my brother. I'm not assuming you are like every sailor I've ever met, so please don't lump me in with other people. When you said you were going to the admins I shut up and when you showed proof that it was cool with them I stopped saying you were wrong. We have similar icons be we aren't the same person.

I thought, at the time, that what you did was wrong and I hope you would do the same if you were in my situation. I don't back down either. Glad it's over and happy to move on.

The 2% rule is of my devising and it simply states that there are 2% of the internet that will hate you no matter what. (there's a corollary that 2% will love you... but that's not important here.) Soooo with so many people on GLB, you're going to run into your 2% sooner or later.

Good luck this season and with the various medical issues we've already covered.
Lol, gotcha and touche on the grouping comment. It seems when you have your back against the wall the only thing to do is fight back, so sorry about that.
Originally posted by Mookie75
Originally posted by Davidpop

Originally posted by Mookie75

Originally posted by Davidpop

Originally posted by Mookie75

I'm just trying to give you some advice, take it for what it's worth. I remember being young and when the older guys would tell me something I would shrug it off. Those old people don't have any idea what they are talking about right? Guess what, we do.

Im 32 and frankly i dont need advice from someone who fought for Bush.

I didn't fight for Bush, I'm an American that wanted to do his part after 9/11. You can sit and complain about the way things are going, but what have you done to help?

I didnt rush out to start the 3rd world war thats for sure.

Fact is the Iraq war got fuck all to do with 9/11 and everyone who got half a brain knows that.

And tbh americans wanting to do their part scares the shit out of me, more than Al-Qaeda ever will, you guys will get us all killed sooner or later.

Wow, you are a piece of work. Iraq is it's own set of issues and problems. I never said I joined because of Iraq. We still have the Taliban in Afghanistan and other terrorists groups worldwide. You should try and keep up here, it will help your argument.

This arent really the place to discuss politics, and you dont want to discuss american interventionism with me anyway, because then we would be here for the next decade

One sides terrorits is the other sides freedom fighters its all in the eye of the beholder, keep fighting the good fight and make the world a "safer" place for all of us.....

Last edited Apr 9, 2009 01:46:27
I hear ya and you are right about this not being the place for that. My stories were more along the lines for establishing background, but it snowballed fast. That is true about "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." I've actually used that line in the military and caught hell for it. Honestly, I'm more worried about North Korea and Iran, but we won't go there.

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