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You didn't get screwed when 15 out of your 22 trades "Went Sour" some how? If the people who you "know" treat you this way, I would hate to see what your enemies must be like.

I can relate to your other explanation better. If you would have just come out and said that when the issue of Helsinki starting with more money than everyone else,came up, I think it would have been a much easier pill to swallow.

However your continued evasiveness, and the unlikeliness of 15 out of 22 trades for max cash, "just not working out", makes the situation look very much like you knew that they money would give an advantage to the teams you sent it to, and that you had no real intention of keeping the players you traded for. I wonder what the players that you cut would say about how it all went down? Would they say "I was really excited when I asked to be traded to Springfield, but when I got there, it wasn't as fun as I expected" Or would they say something closer to "I woke up one day and I was traded to Springfield, then I got cut with no explanation?" Are you going to challenge me to contact them and ask?

Do you notice a pattern here? Every time you give an explanation other than "Yes, we bought players from Helsinki for the express purpose of giving them more money to start their season with." I then dig a little deeper into your financial transactions, and find things that make what you say seem not so earnest.

I don't consider it as getting screwed because I initiated the deal. Everyone has equipment, the stadium is built for the most part, and we took a chance with the extra cash we had.
I screwed up the quote here
Originally posted by Mookie75
Originally posted by neoliminal

Yes, my brother normally get's him GM trading privileges on the Cats revoked now after the play-offs. He's unintentionally bought players onto the Cats and then had to buy them back on his own team. If anything, it's the reverse of what you've done because his team is lower level... but it's his own fault. So now we just remove him from contract access on the Cats so he doesn't do it anymore.

We do have an arrangement with a higher level team where we hire their older players who aren't keeping up in level, but this arrangement doesn't pay out max cash.

There's no transfer simply for money as in your case.

Wouldn't that be a farm team of sorts? It is definitely collusion.

It is a farm team of sorts, but I believe it is of the sort that is condoned. The players are in a higher level league where they are not getting a chance to play, and are dropping down to a league where they are more level appropriate. It is however NOT collusion.

Collusion: Collusion is an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically involving fraud or gaining an unfair advantage. It is an agreement among firms to divide the market, set prices, or limit production. [1] It can involve "wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties."[2] All acts affected by collusion are considered void.[3]

From the Wikipedia definition.

Originally posted by Mookie75

That is how mine started. I started getting pain and numbness in my left arm all the way down to my fingers. On top of that my neck hurt like hell all the time. Then the migraines started and my god they suck. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

And also, thanks for the comment on serving. As a service member that never gets old and we are humbled by it every time someone says it. For us it turns into a day to day job after a while and that helps remind us what we are really doing.

On the issue of the left arm impinged nerve, one hope I can give you is that for the most part, I haven't had any trouble with mine for a couple of years now. Mine resolved without surgery but requires regular adjustments such as a chiropractor would do, that I have learned how to do myself. I am at the point now where I do stretches and "pop" my neck several times a day without thinking about it.

The migraine issue is new to me, as they symptoms only started about a month ago. Mine are of the "ocular sort" and mainly consist of visual disturbances, weakness, muscular spasms, and severe vertigo. I have had 2 minor and 1 major episode so far. Cat scan was negative, and my neurology consult at the VA is on the 21st. So we will see how that goes.

Which brings me to the last point, which is, that I am a Veteran myself, which is why I am fully aware of the sacrifices our service members make every day. Those who serve will always have my respect for that reason.
Last edited Apr 4, 2009 14:22:47
While I've never been in the military, I have always respected the esprit de corps and bortherhood. If there is anything I wish from my past, it would be to have been part of that brotherhood.

But back to what I see as collusion.

Would you say taking money from one team and giving it another is collusion? (Just money, forget the players for the moment.)
Originally posted by neoliminal

But back to what I see as collusion.

Would you say taking money from one team and giving it another is collusion? (Just money, forget the players for the moment.)

Let's just clear one thing up first. I have never offered max cash for a player that I didn't think would stay on my team. I don't trade for the sake of trading. It kills your chemistry. So I would not say that we are taking money from one team and giving it to another. We made trades for max cash. If you go to the forum, you will find plenty of fire sales that ask for max cash and you don't know what you are getting yourself into. At least with the teams you know, you don't have to worry about that.

Originally posted by Mookie75
Originally posted by neoliminal

But back to what I see as collusion.

Would you say taking money from one team and giving it another is collusion? (Just money, forget the players for the moment.)

Let's just clear one thing up first. I have never offered max cash for a player that I didn't think would stay on my team. I don't trade for the sake of trading. It kills your chemistry. So I would not say that we are taking money from one team and giving it to another. We made trades for max cash. If you go to the forum, you will find plenty of fire sales that ask for max cash and you don't know what you are getting yourself into. At least with the teams you know, you don't have to worry about that.

Feb 18, 2009
Darrell Strausser (Lv18 CB)
Retired Player (Lv13 SS)
Retired Player (Lv13 FS)

Cobden Muskrats $1014100

Your so full of shit.
Originally posted by Davidpop
Originally posted by Mookie75

Originally posted by neoliminal

But back to what I see as collusion.

Would you say taking money from one team and giving it another is collusion? (Just money, forget the players for the moment.)

Let's just clear one thing up first. I have never offered max cash for a player that I didn't think would stay on my team. I don't trade for the sake of trading. It kills your chemistry. So I would not say that we are taking money from one team and giving it to another. We made trades for max cash. If you go to the forum, you will find plenty of fire sales that ask for max cash and you don't know what you are getting yourself into. At least with the teams you know, you don't have to worry about that.

Feb 18, 2009
Darrell Strausser (Lv18 CB)
Retired Player (Lv13 SS)
Retired Player (Lv13 FS)

Cobden Muskrats $1014100

Your so full of shit.

Wow, that is a very strong opinion, lol. I'm not going to argue about this anymore. I told you why things are the way that they are and if you can't accept that I'm sorry you feel that way.
Originally posted by Mookie75
Originally posted by Davidpop

Originally posted by Mookie75

Originally posted by neoliminal

But back to what I see as collusion.

Would you say taking money from one team and giving it another is collusion? (Just money, forget the players for the moment.)

Let's just clear one thing up first. I have never offered max cash for a player that I didn't think would stay on my team. I don't trade for the sake of trading. It kills your chemistry. So I would not say that we are taking money from one team and giving it to another. We made trades for max cash. If you go to the forum, you will find plenty of fire sales that ask for max cash and you don't know what you are getting yourself into. At least with the teams you know, you don't have to worry about that.

Feb 18, 2009
Darrell Strausser (Lv18 CB)
Retired Player (Lv13 SS)
Retired Player (Lv13 FS)

Cobden Muskrats $1014100
Your so full of shit.

Wow, that is a very strong opinion, lol. I'm not going to argue about this anymore. I told you why things are the way that they are and if you can't accept that I'm sorry you feel that way.

Dude. I went to PM to try to save you from this, but you did not head my warning.

The evidence is not just a few cases of you helping out other teams, It is pervasive.

Your continual denial of intention is not only disturbing, it is insulting, to anyone who can look at your teams trading.

I tried to talk to you in private about this, but you continued to deny any intention, so it must go to the court of opinion.

Dude. You can stop now, I mean it's pretty clear what happened on the 18th of Feb. Your team didn't need anyone at 18th level much less 13th. You were giving money to Helsinki, then the players retired. Wouldn't be surprised if the players were owned by a GM or owner on Helsinki or your team.

Doesn't matter. Wont have to worry about your team next season and you wont be able to do anything like this anymore. The teams you play will be on your level and your lack of skill in coaching and reliance on over-leveling your opponents to win will prove itself.
Sounds like y'all have this all figured out and that's the verdict. I think it's kind of funny that you admit to having a farm team though and I'm the one that is in the wrong here.
And another thing while it's still on my mind. None of you know me as a person, you only know me as a made us screen name on an internet website. I'm an E5 in the Navy and waiting on results for E6. This is only after 6 years of service. I have a Navy/Marine Corps Achievement medal, two Good Conduct Medals, an Overseas Deployment medal, a Global War on Terrorism Medal, two Warfare Qualifications, a two time Junior Sailor of the Quarter and two time Junior Sailor of the Year Nominee. I've also been to the Persian Gulf 3 times. For you to sit here and call me a liar, a cheater, and anything else you can think of is an insult. I know what integrity is and I find it appalling that you would question mine.

I've been pretty civil about this and explained my stance, but that isn't good enough for any of you. I could have just taken the high road and ignored the thread all together, but I figured after reading what you said that you at least deserved an explanation. If it's not the answer you wanted to hear, sorry about that. I won't admit to any wrong doing because there wasn't any. You can take it as high as you feel necessary and I'll tell the same story because it is the truth. I have bigger things to worry about than what a couple of guys on the internet think of me.
Originally posted by neoliminal
Dude. You can stop now, I mean it's pretty clear what happened on the 18th of Feb. Your team didn't need anyone at 18th level much less 13th. You were giving money to Helsinki, then the players retired. Wouldn't be surprised if the players were owned by a GM or owner on Helsinki or your team.

Doesn't matter. Wont have to worry about your team next season and you wont be able to do anything like this anymore. The teams you play will be on your level and your lack of skill in coaching and reliance on over-leveling your opponents to win will prove itself.

If you read my earlier post, I was trying to get the entire team under lvl 24.

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