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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This is the year of the Maraudernad Masterminds!
Jesus Christ this is getting out of hand. Look, the way in which MM beat the Bootleggerz can be looked at as an exploit in the current sim, but by no means was it cheating in any way. Was it the most gentlemanly thing to do... absolutely not and I am by no means defending that. But it was by no means cheating simply because the game allows it and is currently setup that way. Does anyone look around GLB?!? A number of top "PRO" teams use this strategy game in and game out and call themselves near unbeatable, you act like this is something that should get MM banned from GLB.

Myself, as well as everyone over at MM has a huge amount of respect for Oklahoma and what they have accomplished. Should they have moved up last year? Probably, but Lake Tahoe saw to making sure that did not happen and here we are with a huge gap in talent between Oklahoma and the rest of this league. In a show of friendly trash talking to begin the season, they decided to tell everyone that they were unbeatable and were gonna run the table as the greatest team in all of USA A leagues. MM used what it had at its disposal to try and make sure that did not happen, and squeaked by with a win in the end.

Will the Bootleggerz still have the top seed? Absolutely. Will they end up with the gold trophy for this season when all is said and done? Probably. But I doubt they are worried about having their feelings hurt over one measly loss. You wanna say we sold out for a win and took advantage of how unrealistic GLB is, then fine. But then go tell HHW, MEM, and everybody else who has ever done the same thing we just did, exactly what you are posting here and I'm sure they won't give a rat's ass what you think. I understand the complaints, but to think that a team can come out and claim invincibility and then when they are beat by an exploit they think the world is crumbling, is ignorant at best. Oklahoma understands that, has for awhile now, and it's time for everyone else to grow up and do the same damn thing.
Originally posted by Monoxide97
Originally posted by byrongame21

I'm hoping the Masterminds-Bootleggerz game can be used as an example in the forums as to how broken GLB currently is. The fact that all you need to do is run the ball up the gut the whole game and you are guaranteed victory is an absolute joke and needs to be addresed ASAP (along with a couple other HUGE bugs that come to mind, but this one is the most important). I'm not gonna call people out, but some of the "top teams" in GLB do that exact same thing MM just did... only they do it EVERY game! Maybe somebody will open up there god damn eyes and do something about this before GLB becomes one big joke.

I think its retarded. If you know its broken why do it? You act like your against it but do it anyways?lol what a joke. You wanted to win so you was all for it. Don't come on here saying how broken it is when you coulda spoke up on your message board before it happened.

Well I obviously missed this post so I'm gonna address this quick:

A.) If you look around the GLB forums I have been talking about this problem the entire season. This game has provided me with the perfect example to show individuals who think the system is not broken just how messed up everything is.

B.) Speaking of taking advantage of the system, this coming from the same guy who sent an entire BBB league into a fucking uproar because he took an entire team of players 5-6 levels higher than everyone else down to the league in order to get a trophy. You are the original fucking king of taking advantage of GLB, with multiple mods and Bort himself getting involved in the situation. Cmon mono, get your shit straight before you start attacking me again.
My opinion is that we don't have to apologize for anything. Frankly, if anything I think we've been too charitable in all this. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing - absolutely nothing - wrong within the confines of this game in running an AI that takes advantage of the opponents' weaknesses. The only thing we've exploited is the weak cry-baby mentality of people who aren't creative enough to respond to a loss in any way but bitching about it. For crying out loud grow up and grow a pair.

Since you're all too lazy and/or stupid to figure out how to shut down the SI OT run I'll give you all the information you need right here:

Cape Verde has figured it out and by shutting down my team's SI OT they beat us 24-20. We couldn't shut down their run game as well and so they won. You know what we did afterward? We said, "Good game. You kicked our ass." And next time we play them we'll have to adjust our game plan. Its as simple as that.

Last edited Mar 22, 2009 15:02:06
Originally posted by willie2604
You know whats sad, that you're so pathetic that your ego is so low that you must glitch a game to get a win just so maybe, just maybe you feel better about your life outside of your computer.

Even more sad that you come back and talk shit like you talk shit like you are a keyboard warrior.

Here's a tip bro, if you want to get in a battle of wits with me over a keyboard, I'll gladly do it. And after it is done and your internet ego takes a plunge and you feel the need for suicide since you have nothing left, I'll pat you on the butt, give you a cupcake and we'll call it good. Mmmkay?

Seriously man, STFU if you have nothing to offer in this convo but some 3rd grade schoolyard bullshit.

Actually, you hit my intention right on the head. My posts were intentionally "3rd grade"ish. I wanted to toss back some of the silliness that we are seeing from yourself and a few of your teammates. It is silly, and I"m glad you finally realize that. Maybe now you will adjust your posts accordingly and think about a response instead of spewing garbage.

If you honestly think your internetz are better then my internetz then I'll let you continue to think that way....I'm just some keyboard warrior who doesn't have a 50-60 hour a week job, a wife and child. I still pay my mom to keep the power on in the shed out back so I can have my alone time.....good call there Nostradamus.

Does it really hurt you that badly that you lost one single game in GLB? That you were outsmarted by a group that has several trophies between them and have been a part of the game for a long time, and that just shoved your "leet internetz" down your throat?
alright guys its over we settled it, lets move on now.
move on??? no, this has been the most action the board has seen all season and it's entertaining me, in the end, it's all about me..... carry on, hehe
Originally posted by Kolpaz
move on??? no, this has been the most action the board has seen all season and it's entertaining me, in the end, it's all about me..... carry on, hehe

agreed, hold up while I get more popcorn, and keep the game posts coming please!
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by willie2604

You know whats sad, that you're so pathetic that your ego is so low that you must glitch a game to get a win just so maybe, just maybe you feel better about your life outside of your computer.

Even more sad that you come back and talk shit like you talk shit like you are a keyboard warrior.

Here's a tip bro, if you want to get in a battle of wits with me over a keyboard, I'll gladly do it. And after it is done and your internet ego takes a plunge and you feel the need for suicide since you have nothing left, I'll pat you on the butt, give you a cupcake and we'll call it good. Mmmkay?

Seriously man, STFU if you have nothing to offer in this convo but some 3rd grade schoolyard bullshit.

Actually, you hit my intention right on the head. My posts were intentionally "3rd grade"ish. I wanted to toss back some of the silliness that we are seeing from yourself and a few of your teammates. It is silly, and I"m glad you finally realize that. Maybe now you will adjust your posts accordingly and think about a response instead of spewing garbage.

If you honestly think your internetz are better then my internetz then I'll let you continue to think that way....I'm just some keyboard warrior who doesn't have a 50-60 hour a week job, a wife and child. I still pay my mom to keep the power on in the shed out back so I can have my alone time.....good call there Nostradamus.

Does it really hurt you that badly that you lost one single game in GLB? That you were outsmarted by a group that has several trophies between them and have been a part of the game for a long time, and that just shoved your "leet internetz" down your throat?

Glad to have this out of the way.

BTW, tell mom I said sup and the bitch better have my turkey pot pie ready for later.

And again, I will repeat -- I DO NOT CARE THAT I LOST. Jesus Christ man, freakin' read something. I do however have a problem with those that justify it as if you are not glitching the game and just playing it the way it is supposed to be played. I would have even handled some BS'ing about it and even a cheap laugh, but not some bullshit how nothing was wrong with it. You will figure out that the majority of my posts are tongue in cheek and of the parody variety. But in this case, actions by your the other team after the fact were weak and lame. Take note when I chimed in on this. I did not even care we lost and was not even going to post until I saw some of the posts by one certain member.

Again bro, I take nothing in this game seriously. Unlike most, I have not wasted away hours on these boards and hundreds of dollars in an endless online game. Now if only we could say the same thing for everyone else ..
Originally posted by willie2604
Originally posted by PACharger

Originally posted by willie2604

You know whats sad, that you're so pathetic that your ego is so low that you must glitch a game to get a win just so maybe, just maybe you feel better about your life outside of your computer.

Even more sad that you come back and talk shit like you talk shit like you are a keyboard warrior.

Here's a tip bro, if you want to get in a battle of wits with me over a keyboard, I'll gladly do it. And after it is done and your internet ego takes a plunge and you feel the need for suicide since you have nothing left, I'll pat you on the butt, give you a cupcake and we'll call it good. Mmmkay?

Seriously man, STFU if you have nothing to offer in this convo but some 3rd grade schoolyard bullshit.

Actually, you hit my intention right on the head. My posts were intentionally "3rd grade"ish. I wanted to toss back some of the silliness that we are seeing from yourself and a few of your teammates. It is silly, and I"m glad you finally realize that. Maybe now you will adjust your posts accordingly and think about a response instead of spewing garbage.

If you honestly think your internetz are better then my internetz then I'll let you continue to think that way....I'm just some keyboard warrior who doesn't have a 50-60 hour a week job, a wife and child. I still pay my mom to keep the power on in the shed out back so I can have my alone time.....good call there Nostradamus.

Does it really hurt you that badly that you lost one single game in GLB? That you were outsmarted by a group that has several trophies between them and have been a part of the game for a long time, and that just shoved your "leet internetz" down your throat?

Glad to have this out of the way.

BTW, tell mom I said sup and the bitch better have my turkey pot pie ready for later.

And again, I will repeat -- I DO NOT CARE THAT I LOST. Jesus Christ man, freakin' read something. I do however have a problem with those that justify it as if you are not glitching the game and just playing it the way it is supposed to be played. I would have even handled some BS'ing about it and even a cheap laugh, but not some bullshit how nothing was wrong with it. You will figure out that the majority of my posts are tongue in cheek and of the parody variety. But in this case, actions by your the other team after the fact were weak and lame. Take note when I chimed in on this. I did not even care we lost and was not even going to post until I saw some of the posts by one certain member.

Again bro, I take nothing in this game seriously. Unlike most, I have not wasted away hours on these boards and hundreds of dollars in an endless online game. Now if only we could say the same thing for everyone else ..

I don't take this game seriously either, but that game was played fair and square, no cheating or glitching. The best team won end of story. And it was a fun win because it was against the Bootlickers. So we will enjoy it, and all the crying that continues to come from the win or your defeat. Either GG .
Last edited Mar 22, 2009 20:35:41
Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Originally posted by badmotorfinger
Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

A win
lol, Suuuuuuuuure ya did.
Originally posted by badmotorfinger
Wow.. So I had no ideah this crap was going on.. I don't understand why there's so much arguing over whether it's cheating/glitch/whatever.. It's all moot. What this all really boils down to is; Masterminds = Children.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luter King, Jr.

Seriously, what do you 'boys' feel you've accomplished?

Seriously...quoting MLK, while talking about GLB...

What do you feel you have accomplished with your post? Besides getting in on a little shit talking?

And how does using a gameplan ONCE make someone children? Were the Dolphins "children" for using the Wildcat when it appeared to be effective? I could go on and on with the examples, but it looks like effective management to me. Now all of you are curious if we are going to use it again on you will have to plan for it....or maybe we'll just start throwing long bombs.....who knows....
Last edited Mar 23, 2009 12:40:42
The source of the quote, doesn't make the quote any less true. The mentality is the same... You are what you are.

Next time I'll try and quote something from Sesame Street to try and bring it down to your level.
Originally posted by badmotorfinger
lol, Suuuuuuuuure ya did.

Sure did.

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