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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Pewntenheimer Pewnts will take first L in TEXAS (USA A #4)
Don't worry big boy, your time is coming, just keep your mouth shut and manage your team.
Originally posted by evilrubberducky
LoL... Hmmmmm.... not even a topic about the Monkeys and your all over OUR nuts... you've only played one team that was worthwhile and here you are blah blah blahing... take your blah's and #gtfo K? We will see you soon enough on the 25th.. you really aren't all that you think you are COACH.... and btw your beatdown video's...yeah im sure you all look like the monkey's you decided to show in those videos as well.. not to mention I know your talking out your ass cuz you really didn't just try and think your gonna come up in here and out do the pewnts right?? right?? sit down boys.. your days are numbered. One thing I love about the trash talk..usually the nervous one's bark the loudest... or in your case sound like a monkey and a spider monkey at best and I hear spider monkey's just love banana's, Well I got a special one just for you monkeys.

Shit i am not ashamed to be a Spidermonki, i will pounce your D-linemens ass if they come near my QB!
Oh, and thanks for the Bulletin board material. Just what we needed
What's a Pewnt, anyway?

Eh, who cares. Remind me to rush for 200 yards on their punkasses, jfbueno.

Last edited May 13, 2008 12:04:01
udder pressure
I don't think there is anyone worth while in this league...perhaps when we move up a division we'll get some competition...
Just looking at talent I think the only team that is going to give the MONKEYS a real game is the Bengals. Pretty solid team with some real players.

The pewnts on the other hand with ONLY ONE PLAYER AT A 15 don't strike me as a real challenge.

They have about the same talent as the BOLTS AND Raiders TWO TEAMS WE PIMP SLAPPED

I mean seriously, you'll get your wish come May 25th. Not saying we're going to win but don't talk shit about the team until you play the team. And as far as saying we're nervous. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!? Look at our roster and tell me what I'm nervous about, thanks.
Originally posted by evilrubberducky
Originally posted by jfbueno

Nothing personal but somebody makes fun of my lineman I call them out. Not calling you a bitch personally just a knee jerk reaction. That's all.

he's a big boy, can't talk for himself??? He brought up stats and I mentioned nothing about them. I simply brought up the fact this thread had nothing to do with your team at all and your gonna jump to his defense for him running his mouth.. gg dude... in my book that makes him your bitch.

I am sorry i had to go to lunch
i cannot sit here all day and see what you write about me
My bad

Last time i checked he was on my team
and Good team stick up for each other
So i got no problem with that

I mean that is what AMAZING teams do
which is something you have yet to experience
With that being said, I'm looking more forward to our playoff game then our regular season game with you guys.
Originally posted by jfbueno
I mean seriously, you'll get your wish come May 25th. Not saying we're going to win but don't talk shit about the team until you play the team. And as far as saying we're nervous. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!? Look at our roster and tell me what I'm nervous about, thanks.

First off, you guys are the ones that starter running you pie holes. You just think you're so good, well guess what? GOODY! You're the only ones. I'm still trying to figure out if any of you have even hit puberty yet. I mean, look at all your posts, oh look at us we're soooooo good, oh blah blah blah. My 13 yr old daughter is more mature, lol.
well that is good considering i am 11
Would you like a cookie?
Originally posted by jfbueno
Oh, and thanks for the Bulletin board material. Just what we needed

Your more than welcome..... I'm glad that your case of the bighead will be your undoing. You guys are talking about stats and players and im talking about YOU not your effing toon player you created. It's asshats like you that make this place unejoyable for other's that try and have a goodtime, but your so fucking arrogant that you don't take the time to think about what you post. You know why no one other than pig has commented, your not worth our time, but I didn't want anyone thinking that we didn't see you running your big mouths.

Hey beuno, I bet if I grabbed you by both ears and shook you, candy would fall out of your ass. Now I can sit here all day and slam you lil faggots but im done. I made my point... Your true colors is all I wanted everyone to see.

Now then take your ass back to your team and manage the size 14 I just stuck up your ass and stfu KK thx.

I would highly doubt that since this is a game. Not much maturity needs to be showed over the internet. Sorry, but I have more maturity then either you or your daughter. I'm not saying we're the almighty best. I just enjoy talking some smack considering that I started this "smack" talk forum. I mean if you don't like it then don't post on here.
Originally posted by evilrubberducky
Originally posted by jfbueno

Oh, and thanks for the Bulletin board material. Just what we needed

Your more than welcome..... I'm glad that your case of the bighead will be your undoing. You guys are talking about stats and players and im talking about YOU not your effing toon player you created. It's asshats like you that make this place unejoyable for other's that try and have a goodtime, but your so fucking arrogant that you don't take the time to think about what you post. You know why no one other than pig has commented, your not worth our time, but I didn't want anyone thinking that we didn't see you running your big mouths.

Hey beuno, I bet if I grabbed you by both ears and shook you, candy would fall out of your ass. Now I can sit here all day and slam you lil faggots but im done. I made my point... Your true colors is all I wanted everyone to see.

Now then take your ass back to your team and manage the size 14 I just stuck up your ass and stfu KK thx.

Im not sure its even worth it to bother talking to you, Evil Ducky, you're one of those dudes that no matter what somebody says, your in your own world. In a sense its like talking to a urinal except that a urinal serves more of a purpose in its existence then you will
Originally posted by evilrubberducky
Originally posted by jfbueno

Oh, and thanks for the Bulletin board material. Just what we needed

Your more than welcome..... I'm glad that your case of the bighead will be your undoing. You guys are talking about stats and players and im talking about YOU not your effing toon player you created. It's asshats like you that make this place unejoyable for other's that try and have a goodtime, but your so fucking arrogant that you don't take the time to think about what you post. You know why no one other than pig has commented, your not worth our time, but I didn't want anyone thinking that we didn't see you running your big mouths.

Hey beuno, I bet if I grabbed you by both ears and shook you, candy would fall out of your ass. Now I can sit here all day and slam you lil faggots but im done. I made my point... Your true colors is all I wanted everyone to see.

Now then take your ass back to your team and manage the size 14 I just stuck up your ass and stfu KK thx.

"your not worth our time" says evilrubberducky

How are we not worth your time if you keep posting?
Just a question

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