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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #7 > USA 7 (West)- Rivalries
Originally posted by sunder B
Originally posted by johnbarber

In this young season I say our first rival is Las Vegas because the game was so close and bad calls (kicking, going for it, etc) at the end of the game made it more heated.

Who is your rival?

Dallas Red Raiders-----------------------Las Vegas Stunners

Although I think both sides are class acts, I still have to agree with this. While we won our playoff game as payback for that week 4 mess, our whole team is still complaining about that game costing us home game revenue in the playoffs. I don't think we'll ever get over it (heck I'm still not over Macho Grande Surely I'm serious ) We'll have a bitter taste for a long time.

I know we will be pumped to play you guys next season. We didn't put our best foot forward in our last meeting and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Originally posted by rj414
Originally posted by martig101

Im going to have to say the n00bs rival has to be Waco.
whether we get another shot at them next year or not, 2 L's to Waco by way of field goal will definately start a it next season or a couple season from now....were gonna get ya!!

I don't hold out much chance for us to move up - Bel Air is on a roll. But at this point, I hope we do, only because I don't want the headache of playing New Brunswick again.

We just get up to play you guys. It's weird. We're looking forward to finally breaking through next season though.
Originally posted by sunder B
Originally posted by SCACE

its a fact your QB had a bad game and you lost. You aren't asking for "what's fair". You are asking for a 15-1 team to get home field over a 16-0 team.

I got screwed by this as well, but have not complained about it (until now). The QB's had a bad game that day as Bort admitted to making an unanounced change the day before which cause most QB's to have a bad day that game.

It definitely cost my team a home playoff game and the important revenue from it. So sit there and flame away and blindly back the "working as intended" posts, but the fact is, Bort admitted to making a change the day before the rediculous week 4 bad days for everyone. He thought enough to change it back so there is definitely a right to complain, but at the same time, it's no longer a bug and will definitley not change anything, so there's not really a reason to at this point. I really think they screwed up by not resimming that day's games, but I'm not in charge.

Originally posted by sunder B
Originally posted by hoax

everyones qb was worse that game. deal with it.

That is not an accurate statement because it affected those that had higher passing setting far more than those that were set to run more that day.

We gamplanned to pass against a very weak secondary that game. We could have ran all over them, but knew we (under normal sim circustances to that point) could pass all over them only to be screwed by the unanounced change.

Appreciate the bulletin board material sunder. We will see you next year my friend.
sunder B
Originally posted by Modok
Originally posted by sunder B

Originally posted by SCACE

its a fact your QB had a bad game and you lost. You aren't asking for "what's fair". You are asking for a 15-1 team to get home field over a 16-0 team.

I got screwed by this as well, but have not complained about it (until now). The QB's had a bad game that day as Bort admitted to making an unanounced change the day before which cause most QB's to have a bad day that game.

It definitely cost my team a home playoff game and the important revenue from it. So sit there and flame away and blindly back the "working as intended" posts, but the fact is, Bort admitted to making a change the day before the rediculous week 4 bad days for everyone. He thought enough to change it back so there is definitely a right to complain, but at the same time, it's no longer a bug and will definitley not change anything, so there's not really a reason to at this point. I really think they screwed up by not resimming that day's games, but I'm not in charge.

Originally posted by sunder B

Originally posted by hoax

everyones qb was worse that game. deal with it.

That is not an accurate statement because it affected those that had higher passing setting far more than those that were set to run more that day.

We gamplanned to pass against a very weak secondary that game. We could have ran all over them, but knew we (under normal sim circustances to that point) could pass all over them only to be screwed by the unanounced change.

Appreciate the bulletin board material sunder. We will see you next year my friend.

Where's that embarrassed smiley?
You dont need it, we would just knock it off.
Originally posted by Modok

See, I hated that Super Bowl. Being a lifelong Cowboys fan...that was the first time in my life I had ever pulled for the Giants. Hopefully, its the last.

Modok and the Red Raiders are officially a rival. The gaunlet is thrown.

lol, Line them up, we'll knock them down.
Originally posted by Modus_Operandi
Originally posted by Modok

See, I hated that Super Bowl. Being a lifelong Cowboys fan...that was the first time in my life I had ever pulled for the Giants. Hopefully, its the last.

Modok and the Red Raiders are officially a rival. The gaunlet is thrown.

Just make sure Eli and Shockey don't get their panties in a wad.
I see all of our rivalries were taken away in the update to the first post. Guess now that we are beatable, we're not as hated.

I'm guessing were goign to have to change some things around here.
was waiting for you or someone to restate their rivalry. only Las Vegas, the Noobs and Dallas put a stamp on theirs.
I like the Waco rivalry. Our first and only game was a close one. Good game for both sides. Kind of respected rivalry between two teams.

The other one I would say is in pro now.
We just brought in a new GM that specializes in cracking Vegas skulls. His sole mission in life is make make teams from Vegas absolutely miserable.

Vegas, welcome your new nemesis, Jameson.
Last edited Jun 2, 2008 22:16:41
Just a welcome to everyone... Enjoy the torture
The Buffalo Rangers look forward to being everybody's rival next season.
Not in the western conference, but I the Carolina Cardiac Cats consider the Spicewood Longhorns their cross conference rivals and hope to meet them next year in the regular season or playoffs. After a close game in the regular season, some trash talk and a scrimmage game I can't help but hope for a meeting next season.

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