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knows how to party
Originally posted by majech
Hey Cali, why did Fight Club move here?

In a word: Finances.
Originally posted by thebigcali
Originally posted by majech

Hey Cali, why did Fight Club move here?

In a word: Finances.

What you are seeing is nothing other than a bailout and welfare. Fight Club messed up their finances and Bort and Co. bailed them out by moving them to a league in which they out-level most teams by 3-5 levels.

They couldn't win in the league they started in because they messed up, and instead of getting better, making tough choices and game planning...they moved.
knows how to party
Originally posted by PackMan97

What you are seeing is nothing other than a bailout and welfare. Fight Club messed up their finances and Bort and Co. bailed them out by moving them to a league in which they out-level most teams by 3-5 levels.

They couldn't win in the league they started in because they messed up, and instead of getting better, making tough choices and game planning...they moved.

We actually started in EE AAA1. I swapped into USA AAA1. But you're not relying on fact to form your opinions, you're relying on bias and a judgmental attitude.
Originally posted by PackMan97

...Bort and Co. bailed them out by moving them to a league in which they out-level most teams by 3-5 levels...

WAY more than 3-5 for us. Their QB is TEN levels higher than ours.
Originally posted by thebigcali
Originally posted by PackMan97

What you are seeing is nothing other than a bailout and welfare. Fight Club messed up their finances and Bort and Co. bailed them out by moving them to a league in which they out-level most teams by 3-5 levels.

They couldn't win in the league they started in because they messed up, and instead of getting better, making tough choices and game planning...they moved.

We actually started in EE AAA1. I swapped into USA AAA1. But you're not relying on fact to form your opinions, you're relying on bias and a judgmental attitude.

And you are not answering questions very clearly. I believe that leads to bias and judgemental attitudes. Why would you move here because of finances?
knows how to party
The more you win = The more money you make. Fight Club's fan support is currently 100/46/13. How many teams here are better than that?

EDIT: My implication being that considering our levels and talent/etc. Our fan support is verrry low after some bad early seasons and is just now getting to a quasi-respectable level. I'd think some 5th and 6th place Africa Pro teams can probably beat 100/46/13.
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 14:42:19
Originally posted by Makes Love With Pigs
The more you win = The more money you make. Fight Club's fan support is currently 100/46/13. How many teams here are better than that?

EDIT: My implication being that considering our levels and talent/etc. Our fan support is verrry low after some bad early seasons and is just now getting to a quasi-respectable level. I'd think some 5th and 6th place Africa Pro teams can probably beat 100/46/13.

However you want to spin it, you're still a loser.

...that fucks pigs.
What does fan support have to do with anything? You moved because you couldn't hack finishing 6th in your conference. That's the truth. They only way you can be #1 is by moving into a league in which you are the highest ranked team.

Truth hurts, and unfortunately in this case it will hurt the competitiveness of 31 other teams.
knows how to party
Originally posted by PackMan97
What does fan support have to do with anything? You moved because you couldn't hack finishing 6th in your conference. That's the truth. They only way you can be #1 is by moving into a league in which you are the highest ranked team.

Truth hurts, and unfortunately in this case it will hurt the competitiveness of 31 other teams.

*sigh* We finished 4th dude. Get your facts straight.

EDIT: You're getting 6th place from after the restructure where teams from lower leagues who dominated USA AA came up with their W/L record and therefore took the spots ahead of us in the standings since they had gone 15-1 and 14-2, etc.
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 15:08:58
^ 4th...that makes it even worse. Why swap out of a conference you were competitive in?

This makes no sense to destroy APL when you were a top team in your old conference.
knows how to party
Originally posted by PackMan97
^ 4th...that makes it even worse. Why swap out of a conference you were competitive in?

This makes no sense to destroy APL when you were a top team in your old conference.

Destroy is an exaggeration. And frankly, in your words, this league is already being destroyed by LOL. So what are we doing then? Super destroying? Can't really destroy something that is already destroyed correct?
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 15:11:51
Originally posted by thebigcali
The more you win = The more money you make. Fight Club's fan support is currently 100/46/13. How many teams here are better than that?

EDIT: My implication being that considering our levels and talent/etc. Our fan support is verrry low after some bad early seasons and is just now getting to a quasi-respectable level. I'd think some 5th and 6th place Africa Pro teams can probably beat 100/46/13.

So what you are saying, Sparrow Nuts, is that you wanted to find an easier league to compete in so you could pad your schedule.

That is totally gutless. You have no sack in my opinion, Sparrow Nuts. Instead of Sparrow Nuts trying to compete and win where he was at, Sparrow Nuts looked for lesser competition to play.

It REALLY pisses me off that the powers that be in GLB allow this garbage. They are ruining the game with this crap.
The Legionnaires started here and built here from the ground up. They've done it because they are the best in Africa. They haven't destroyed the competitiveness of the league because they are of the league and everyone (except Fight Club) has had the same opportunity as them.

Then there is your team, which is even higher leveled than the Legionnaires, not by working hard, but by the virtue of being a season 2 expansion team.

Arguing with you is useless because you don't care. You'll do what you have to win. Recruit better? Naw, I'll switch to a lower level league. Game plan better? Nope, switch to a lower leveled league. Suck it up and work harder? Nyet, let's move to APL. Screw up my stadium expansions? No problem, I'll move to APL.

Do you not see anything wrong with that?
Originally posted by thebigcali
Originally posted by PackMan97

^ 4th...that makes it even worse. Why swap out of a conference you were competitive in?

This makes no sense to destroy APL when you were a top team in your old conference.

Destroy is an exaggeration. And frankly, in your words, this league is already being destroyed by LOL. So what are we doing then? Super destroying? Can't really destroy something that is already destroyed correct?

Our team has been the #2 seed every season of APL's existence. I only mention that to illustrate that we've been very competitive in this league. The QB on Sparrow Nut's team out levels our QB by TEN levels. T E N Some positions have an even bigger disparity than that. I cannot believe this swap was allowed to occur, and I cannot believe that someone would have such little sack to want to be moved to a situation like that.

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