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Forum > Suggestions > New Advanced Equipment and Balancing it for Vet Player
Originally posted by Bort

We actually were going to go with a prefix/suffix system but decided against it to keep the "magical gloves of catching" stuff to a minimum. The unique stuff we add later will be like that helmet, though, probably named after people in the game or something.

I could see some complaints arising there...

Can we buy items yet?
Darkus Black
I would prefer 'named' equipment. But I am an old fashioned RPG type so probably in the minority. Magical Gloves of Catching is making me tingle in my groinal area with excitement. Make it happen Bort!

P.S. Who is the guy in your avatar?
Originally posted by Arcadic
10 tokens per upgrade is STEEP. Why not use a scaled system for upgrade like with the cash?
6 BT @ lvl 8.
7 BT @ lvl 16.
8 BT @ lvl 24

so on and so on.

This would be per peice. So...15 days of training Intense for lvl 8 EQ upgrade. This also gives the player a choice. Do i get all Lvl 8 ADV Eq, or do i move on and collect BT for my LVL 16 bonus, which will take 18 Days.

With 6 BT per lvl 8 upgrade, it would take 1.5 seasons for 4 eq upgrades of lvl 8. Unless the player purposly stunts his xp gain, his will be near lvl 16 by that point. This therefore gives a tradeoff to the player. 4 pieces of ADV Eq with +1 or 3 pieces of EQ with +2 and 1 ADV EQ with +2.

The numbers above can be tweeked. I starting out thinking that all BT upgrades should be 8 in cost.

That has popped into my mind more than once.
advanced equipment is retarted, waste of money. you have to drop a piece of equipment that you spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on to wear a "superior orange glove" that gives you +1 blocking? stupid shit
Originally posted by Bort

I think I mentioned in another thread that I think that it's not a bad idea, basically adding a +1 to each special thing the item has when you upgrade it.


That'll make the equipment too powerful i.m.h.o.

Let's say, someone got lucky and got a +3 speed, +1 SA Super Vision equipment. 3 Upgrades later, that's a +6 speed, +4 Super Vision piece...

The problem I see with the new equipment:

Once you got lucky to have a great piece, you're focussed on upgrading that piece - so you got to train intense for the tokens and there's no use to go shopping anymore (since you can't upgrade a second piece and won't give up the old one).

So fix both issues with one solution:

- make the upgrade cost less (like 7 tokens), but cap the upgrade at 3 times (special bonus + SAs: +2 upgrades possible)

So a lv. 32 can spend lots of time to finally get lucky to get a great piece of +3 and +1 SA. He can upgrade it in 2 seasons to a +6 and +3 SA - but then the piece is maxed out. Notice: in just one season the piece is slightly better than his regular lv. 32 equipment!

A lv. 4 might buy a +1/+1 SA and upgrade it to +4, +3 SA.

Both players better start looking for a new piece to buy and upgrade as "regular" equipment gets better!

That way, each player will have fun to hit the equipment store from time to time. The pieces you buy got some build-in "lifetime" you reach in reasonable time, but you'll loose in reasonable time too.

SA's don't get upgraded, you can only add attributes.
Originally posted by Firenze

SA's don't get upgraded, you can only add attributes.

We're discussing the merits of allowing you to raise the SA's.

That's not bad RAPB...Maybe combine with an increasing upgrade cost, like 6/8/10 or 5/7/9 for each level. Makes it fairly easy to get the first tier, but a little more work the more you add to it.
Last edited Sep 19, 2008 17:22:43
Alright, I dont understand whats so hard about this.
Make it so each person can have 1 normal equipment equipped and one ADV. equipment. Its not that hard.
Have you made a decision to allow "sockets" to also be sold at the store? These could go into the new advanced equipment, or the old equipment. The "sockets" could also have a certain requirement, some of the lower end gems might need 35 YPG (for a RB) in order for it to be equipped, and some of the higher end one would require a larger amount. This is just a quick suggestion, and wanted to catch you while you were here.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Mr. Moses

Rather than having the advanced equipment fill the same slots as the old ones so that we choose between the items, I'd rather see new slots and make the equipment stackable. Rather than shirts & shoes... Helmets, Shoulder Pads, etc..

Then equipment gets to be too powerful and too much of a determiner of how good you are. If we have 4 more slots, that means each slot could add an additional 3 or 4 more points to your player.

At level 32:
Regular equipment: +5 * 4 slots = 20
Additional stack slots: (i.e.) +4 * 4 more slots = 16

Now we have a potential for +36 from equipment, which is too much.

In that case the Adv. equip is worthless to players who already have their normal equip above lvl 16. It is good for new players who can start by never buying normal equip and only buy the adv. equip which is SLIGHTLY better than normal equip.
Originally posted by Tier
Have you made a decision to allow "sockets" to also be sold at the store? These could go into the new advanced equipment, or the old equipment. The "sockets" could also have a certain requirement, some of the lower end gems might need 35 YPG (for a RB) in order for it to be equipped, and some of the higher end one would require a larger amount. This is just a quick suggestion, and wanted to catch you while you were here.

That would be a case of the better just get better.
Originally posted by Iain35
Originally posted by Tier

Have you made a decision to allow "sockets" to also be sold at the store? These could go into the new advanced equipment, or the old equipment. The "sockets" could also have a certain requirement, some of the lower end gems might need 35 YPG (for a RB) in order for it to be equipped, and some of the higher end one would require a larger amount. This is just a quick suggestion, and wanted to catch you while you were here.

That would be a case of the better just get better.

No, it's the case of you needing to work your ass off before you can get the best stuff in the game. It's pretty sad when everyone wants everything handed to them.
Originally posted by Tier
Originally posted by Iain35

Originally posted by Tier

Have you made a decision to allow "sockets" to also be sold at the store? These could go into the new advanced equipment, or the old equipment. The "sockets" could also have a certain requirement, some of the lower end gems might need 35 YPG (for a RB) in order for it to be equipped, and some of the higher end one would require a larger amount. This is just a quick suggestion, and wanted to catch you while you were here.

That would be a case of the better just get better.

No, it's the case of you needing to work your ass off before you can get the best stuff in the game. It's pretty sad when everyone wants everything handed to them.

Work your ass off? its an internet game, you can't really do that.
It would be a case of your player being on a good team or not.
Good teams get better, bad teams get worse.
So new players are going to hang around waiting for a piece of Adv Eq that is better than a normal piece of Equipmnet ( which may not show up for ages ). Bearing in mind, you can choose which attribute the 'normal' Equipment goes on( ie something over Soft cap ), and you can buy it when you want........mmmmm.-

As for the standard SA option from Adv EQ - why use EQ on SA - when I can use SP from leveling and use EQ on attributes over Soft Cap ?

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