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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Kyoto Song Game Thread

Winners: Almost everyone still alive.

Losers: Ahoda, Gmaj, token, dadd, IBG, schrauben
Group Toranaga
Daimyo Toranaga Akira - Ahoda
Samurai Date Masamune (the One-eyed Dragon) - Gmaj

Group Tozama
Daimyo Tozama Katahide - Sugar
Samurai Ii Naomasa - DMF

Group Yamasu
Daimyo Yamasu Nobohiro - token
Samurai Yamada Nagamasa - Dadd

Monk - spin


Lei Lungsai (wu jen) - sabataged
Kaijin Basho (gunman)- Jay



Hengeyokai - Timmah

For Hire

Ninja Fūma Kotarō – Ape


Role PMs


You are xxxxx, the Daimyo of your province. You believe that Nihon needs to be united again, and of course you are best person for this. You have xxx as your loyal samurai. Together, you will gather an army to help you defeat your enemies so you can assume the role of Shogun.

Action: Each night, you may choose to recruit. If the person you recruit is available to be recruited, they will join your army and will be invited to your forum. If they are unavailable to be recruited, you will be notified that your recruitment was unsuccessful. People may be unrecruitable by nature, may be in another group, or you may be attempting to recruit the same person as someone else at the same time. If a person is unrecruitable at one time, they *may* be recruitable later. Note: If you attempt to recruit at night, you *cannot* be protected that night.

If you lose your samurai, you may elevate one of your ashigaru to samurai status. They will lose their remaining powers and assume the role of samurai.

Win condition: You win if you have eliminated all other daimyos who challenge your rule. At this point, you ascend to the Shogunate. Alternatively, if you are eliminated, your loyal samurai will kill himself and all your recruited soldiers will become unaligned.


You are xxxx, the loyal samurai of xxxx. You follow his lead to the utmost, as your family honor is tied to your successes on his behalf.
Action: Each night, you may choose to either attack or defend. If you defend, you can choose to defend any one player in the game. If they are attacked, you will save them and will be notified. You may choose to defend the same target every night. You cannot defend against day kills. Note: You cannot defend a “recruiting” Daimyo. If you choose to attack, you will kill any undefended target. If a target is defended, the defender will recognize you when they defend against you.
Win condition: You win if your Daimyo is the last daimyo left alive. If your daimyo is killed, you will kill yourself at the end of the next day phase.

Shinto monk

You are a Shinto monk, who cares little about these struggles for power. You serve the kami alone. You wish to gather similar souls around you to keep them from following those who would unbalance Nihon. While peaceful at heart, you are well versed in the martial arts. Thus, no night attack will be successful against you.
Action: At night, you may choose to recruit people to help support your shrine. If the recruitee is available to be recruited, they will join you in your forum. . If they are unavailable to be recruited, you will be notified that your recruitment was unsuccessful. The recruitee will be notified that you attempted to recruit them. People may be unrecruitable by nature, may be in another group, or you may be attempting to recruit the same person as someone else at the same time. If a person is unrecruitable at one time, they *may* be recruitable later.
Win condition: You wish to have your shrine survive, and thus you wish to continue to live to see your shrine continue. You win if you survive to the end of the game. You have a total victory if the last two daimyos die at the same time and you survive.

Ashigaru: (including gunman)

You are one of the peasants. You care little for these power struggles, but if you are conscripted by a daimyo, you will fight for them, since your honor depends on answering the call if given. If more than one daimyo tries to conscript you the same time, none will be successful. If the daimyo you are serving dies, you will become unaligned and will be able to be recruited again.
Actions: You can do each of the following actions once during the game:

Defend one person
Track one person
Watch one person
(daykill one person)

Win condition: You wish only to survive and return to your farm. Thus, you wish to survive to endgame. If you die, but were aligned to the daimyo who becomes Shogun, you win. If you survive *and* your daimyo or group wins, then you have achieved total victory. Otherwise, if you survive to endgame, you win.

Wu jen

You are a wu jen, a hermit magic user. You have stayed out of politics, but find the power vacuum to effect even you, With this in mind, you can be convinced to use your magic to assist a daimyo, if asked properly.. If more than one daimyo tries to recruit you the same time, none will be successful. If the daimyo you are serving dies, you will become unaligned and will be able to be recruited again.

Action: You can use the following magic spells once per game:

Revive- Bring a dead person back to life (can be used at any time, day or night. at night, uses a night action)
Silence- The target will be unable to post the next day phase
Roleblock- You will be able to block the actions of a person. If they are defending, their defense will be unsuccessful.

Alternatively, you can do these actions an unlimited number of times in the game:

Track, watch, know alignment (tell you if the person is aligned and who they are aligned with)

Win condition: You wish only to survive to endgame. If you die, but were aligned to the daimyo who becomes Shogun, you win. If you survive *and* your daimyo or group wins, then you have achieved total victory. Otherwise, if you survive to endgame, you win.


You are the ninja. You care less who wins or loses, as long as you get paid. Thus, you are willing to offer your services to any daimyo, as long as they will win (and thus be able to reward you when they become shogun).

Actions: You can kill each night. No watcher will spot you as you kill, though you can be tracked. If your target is defended, the defender will know only that the ninja tried to kill, not your identity. You can also daykill one person, but your identity will be revealed.

Any night after D1, you may choose to offer your services to the daimyos. Each daimyo will send a message to try to convince you to come to work for them. Once you choose, the daimyo will gain access to your forum. If the daimyo later dies, he will be removed from your forum and you regain this ability to offer your services again. You cannot kill and offer your services the same night.

Win condition: You win only if you survive to endgame. If the daimyo you are allied to becomes Shogun, you have achieved total victory.

unknown to player: They are immune to lynches until they offer services. Then they can be lynched until employer dies, when they become immune again.


You are the hengeyokai, a mystical shapeshifter. You find pleasure in causing chaos and disorder amongst the people of Nihon. This current struggle for the Shogunate provides you with opportunities for entertainment. Your magical nature will save you from attack at night. You will be vulnerable to any attack during the day or to a lynch.

Actions: Each night, you will choose one person. You will go to that person’s house and assume this actor’s image and role. You will also choose a “victim”; you will use the same night action as the “actor” upon this victim. If actor attacks, you will also attack. If the actor defends, you will defend the victim. If the actor attempts to recruit, you will pretend to recruit the person, but will be automatically unsuccessful. You will do all this in the guise of the actor. If you are tracked, you will be followed to the actor’s house, where you will then lose them.

Win condition: You must survive to make chaos again. Thus, you win if you survive to endgame. You win a total victory if your last guise was the winning daimyo.
Basically, I wanted to set up a game with a lot of WIFOM challenges. Most "power roles" had a risk/reward challenge. based on the setup, I expected Primate to die within a few days. The most unexpected things:

Everyone failed their recruiting N0
Two groups failed N1 and were the same groups who failed to hire the ninja
Sugar hired the ninja *and* recruited the magic user (wujen) which gave him a huge advantage, even though he was not aware of it (since Sab played the cards close to his vest)
Everyone voting D1 to lynch Primate on the *one* day he was not lynchable
Primate being able to identify the daimyos based on their writing. I thought they'd put more thought into their message. LOL
Edited by vladykins on Jan 24, 2016 11:55:57

If Primate hadn't been able to identify the daimyos based on the writing, this game would have gone on much longer.
I brought dmf back to life

And if anyone questions that I randomize, take a look at the daimyo/samurai teams.
Also I roleblocked dadd last night so he couldn't protect his master
Originally posted by vladykins

If Primate hadn't been able to identify the daimyos based on the writing, this game would have gone on much longer.

Too much failure tbh. I lost interest quickly and gmaj never even tried. Whomever got primate was going to win.
Lol you gotta make those leader a little more powerful. Kill 2 people and boom game over. Thanks for the game vlady. It was fun while it lasted.
Originally posted by Ahoda
Too much failure tbh. I lost interest quickly and gmaj never even tried. Whomever got primate was going to win.

Why didn't anyone try to kill him last night?
Originally posted by Sabataged
Why didn't anyone try to kill him last night?

Why? Everything we did failed. He couldn't be lynche dwhat makes you think he could get night killed?
Vlady try running this at fe where you'd get 30+ and it would be better.
Originally posted by Ahoda
Why? Everything we did failed. He couldn't be lynche dwhat makes you think he could get night killed?

Probably worth a shot
So, game over? Does Cult win? I, surprisingly, was 2/3 on recruiting, and was starting to establish a dominating faction. Too bad it didn't matter.

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