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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by bowler844
Run a query to put teams with like money and like levels together.

Uh, they're doing that. You're just chapped that you can't drop down with a vault of money and a completed stadium to "compete" (allegedly) with n00bs who won't have vaults of cash and completed stadiums.
Originally posted by jbleich
So you where totally in favor of punishing new teams?

New teams haven't been paying enormous amounts of flex to keep this game going. The whole financial system is stupid and annoying, but teams that have been around paid their dues and went through, accumulating stadium sections and cash along the way. They deserve to keep what they gained. I already proposed a solution that would have kept those teams from becoming cash cows by not allowing them to sell any tickets if their roster is not appropriate for their level, but it wouldn't take away things they already earned. Instead this is forcing people to go through the same annoying crap over and over again.

Quite clearly the best solution is to scrap the financial system entirely, since it hasn't achieved anything Bort wanted and is simply an enormous nuisance. I don't know anyone who wants to keep things the way they are.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick

Quite clearly the best solution is to scrap the financial system entirely, since it hasn't achieved anything Bort wanted and is simply an enormous nuisance. I don't know anyone who wants to keep things the way they are.

Financial system will recieve an overhaul, just wait, it's on the horizon.
Originally posted by jdbolick

New teams haven't been paying enormous amounts of flex to keep this game going. The whole financial system is stupid and annoying, but teams that have been around paid their dues and went through, accumulating stadium sections and cash along the way. They deserve to keep what they gained. I already proposed a solution that would have kept those teams from becoming cash cows by not allowing them to sell any tickets if their roster is not appropriate for their level, but it wouldn't take away things they already earned. Instead this is forcing people to go through the same annoying crap over and over again.

Quite clearly the best solution is to scrap the financial system entirely, since it hasn't achieved anything Bort wanted and is simply an enormous nuisance. I don't know anyone who wants to keep things the way they are.

what if its a long time player who owns as many players at Tautology? but hes buying a new team? he is actually keeping this game more afloat than you.
Originally posted by jdbolick

New teams haven't been paying enormous amounts of flex to keep this game going. The whole financial system is stupid and annoying, but teams that have been around paid their dues and went through, accumulating stadium sections and cash along the way. They deserve to keep what they gained. I already proposed a solution that would have kept those teams from becoming cash cows by not allowing them to sell any tickets if their roster is not appropriate for their level, but it wouldn't take away things they already earned. Instead this is forcing people to go through the same annoying crap over and over again.

Quite clearly the best solution is to scrap the financial system entirely, since it hasn't achieved anything Bort wanted and is simply an enormous nuisance. I don't know anyone who wants to keep things the way they are.

Ah right paid their dues. As in they sat around in Pro's and AAA stockpiling money then dropped down to a cap 14 to dominate with 100+ million.

This team is clearly paying their dues amirite?
Edited by Voltron on Feb 24, 2010 10:12:57
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Catch22 4 prez! He is the Roger Goodell of GLB. Rules w/ an iron fist. I love this change. Im so sick of those that stick around with gutted teams to collect money. This will clean that up fast.

Great, punish the gut jobs by punishing those that have a legit farm system and play by the rules.... IMO this is BS.... equip is to expensive and everybody wants it..... GLB days may not be numbered but mine are....

Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by jbleich

So you where totally in favor of punishing new teams?

New teams haven't been paying enormous amounts of flex to keep this game going.

New players are the life blood of this game because even you with your massive amount of skill and contributions will burn out and quit(hopefully soon). Without new players to replace you there is no game.
Originally posted by joemalaka
Originally posted by F8n4tune

Bort/Peter you are one decent dude but if you want this game to live you have to understand that it's all inclusive. Stop catering to a few and make all rules apply to EVERYONE , or the cows will move over the hill to graze man.

You are assuming you are the majority and not the minority.

Only Bort knows who the majority is/are and let's get real here they are sitting on flex and won't be buying anymore soon , can we agree on this ?

So with that being said , where is the NEW MONEY going to come from that will/would be needed to keep the game alive ? I've said in this thread this is a good thing but unless it includes the whole game it's just another band aide fix that WILL have to be fixed again a few seasons down the line unless it includes eveyone.
My suggestion is to totally separate the cash link from Team --> Player in it's entirety. End of story/discussion/rules/etc. All teams are now equal on the dot ball field. It should be about dots, not how much money you have from gaming the system or how big your farm system is or how long you've hoarded cash to buy eq.

Team's have the current in game $$ to buy team related stuff with. All of that stuff doesn't effect a dot on the field in any way shape or form. That money can be used to buy things for the team that make it easier to run a team or make your team look cooler in game. IE Bling. Idea Example: Team cash can upgrade your locker room. With a certain upgrade you can now elect a team captain to be shown on your homepage, etc. Maybe another purchase gives the team owner/gm's the ability to give out game balls to players that show up on your awards pages. Things like that. Field graphics, custom dot color, whatever GLB minds can think of. Incorporate some of the suggestions forum.

Players have their currency (time, tokens, etc) Anything that effects the sim that can be purchased needs to use the players currency not some arbitrary cash number given as a salary. IE player controlled.

Contracts are Length Only no Money
All Players have 0 Cash - It doesn't exist to them anymore. Reset all to Zero. Cash is team only.
All teams can keep there current stadium/cash. They can use it to buy the new team oriented things that make being part of that team or owning that team easier/cooler.

This thread makes me giggle.

Temper tantrums aplenty.

It's simple. Man up and field a team in the league you're in or start the fuck over and start doing things the right way.

Or come here and threaten to never spend another dime on this game because bort took away your advantage over all the other teams trying to do things the right way. Hell... even threaten to quit the game.

I hope you all do the latter. I need more threads to make me giggle.
Originally posted by jdbolick

New teams haven't been paying enormous amounts of flex to keep this game going. The whole financial system is stupid and annoying, but teams that have been around paid their dues and went through, accumulating stadium sections and cash along the way. They deserve to keep what they gained. I already proposed a solution that would have kept those teams from becoming cash cows by not allowing them to sell any tickets if their roster is not appropriate for their level, but it wouldn't take away things they already earned. Instead this is forcing people to go through the same annoying crap over and over again.

Quite clearly the best solution is to scrap the financial system entirely, since it hasn't achieved anything Bort wanted and is simply an enormous nuisance. I don't know anyone who wants to keep things the way they are.

Originally posted by Lions2x
Great, punish the gut jobs by punishing those that have a legit farm system and play by the rules.... IMO this is BS.... equip is to expensive and everybody wants it..... GLB days may not be numbered but mine are....

Punishing them how? They are fielding a team right? Then they have no worries. You should go reread the annoucement
Originally posted by Voltron
Ah right paid their dues. As in they sat around in Pro's and AAA stockpiling money then dropped down to a cap 14 to dominate with 100+ million.

so true.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Originally posted by bowler844

Run a query to put teams with like money and like levels together.

Uh, they're doing that. You're just chapped that you can't drop down with a vault of money and a completed stadium to "compete" (allegedly) with n00bs who won't have vaults of cash and completed stadiums.

I disagree. They are not trying at all to put a competetive league together anywhere lower than AA. We are in a level 26 league that has a CPU team and three teams with nothing but CPU players. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. If they ran a query to put teams together then you would never have the 255-0 blow outs.

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