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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread

im going to create one at every level and go from there
Catch would you consider changing the league structure so sophonmore is capped day 1-28 for the first season of accelerated development
Originally posted by ufshowboat
Mis-information spreading like wildfire it seems. Catch should clear this up so it stops.

There were a couple guys that mis-interpreted a Catch quote earlier to mean that Day 40 dots would still be day 40 dots but everybody else would be converted. That's got to be a misunderstanding for the exact reasons you posted. Every single day 40 dot would be retired.

I don't know how to miss-interpret it:

Originally posted by Catch22
A player that is 40 days old in the current system will be 40 days old in the new system. Don't really start changing to a different age until after that point. Don't think they lose any training days.
Originally posted by Catch22
Lowered the minimum age for the uncapped leagues next season to account for this possibility.

You just saved yourself one huge, rage-quitting hissyfit.
Now tell me you guys are just kidding about the game sim being complete other than "bugs" and cosmetics..........
Originally posted by Theodor
Originally posted by ufshowboat

Mis-information spreading like wildfire it seems. Catch should clear this up so it stops.

There were a couple guys that mis-interpreted a Catch quote earlier to mean that Day 40 dots would still be day 40 dots but everybody else would be converted. That's got to be a misunderstanding for the exact reasons you posted. Every single day 40 dot would be retired.

I don't know how to miss-interpret it:

Originally posted by Catch22

A player that is 40 days old in the current system will be 40 days old in the new system. Don't really start changing to a different age until after that point. Don't think they lose any training days.

Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by yello1


Also on the radio show you seemed to say that anyone in plateau would be made day 281 players. I presume thats not correct and instead its 281+40 per season into plateau right? A 480 player would be 321?

Still finalizing/waiting for approval on the numbers for this which is why I haven't posted it yet but the submitted model has players in plateau having 160 days subtracted from their age. Thus a 441 day old player (that is in plateau currently) would be 281 days old (which is where plateau begins in the new model). A 560 day old player (that is in plateau currently) would be 400 days old (which is 80 days less then where plateau ends in the new model thus giving this player the 2 additional seasons of plateau). Players 561 or older or players between 441-560 not in plateau would receive no conversion.

Thanks for the reply.

As to the bolded bit, WUT??!?!?!

I say that because

Doesn't that suddenly deeply and severely frak those players?

Won't they suddenly be adding, what? 560-480 = 80 days or two seasons to their decline - over night?!!!

Or will their decline putter along under the old system, like some abandoned William Shatner Star Trek timeline cut off from reality by Star Trek XI???????
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by mandyross
Dear Catch,

Will the rounded, whole-number training gains that we currently see be multiplied by 1.6, and then rounded again?

Or will the pre-rounded training gains (that we can't currently see) be multiplied by 1.6, and then rounded?

It would be great if this could be clarified and put into the post on the opening page, even up to a list of the training gains that we will be seeing from next season. It is important to know this now as the number of stars we enhance attributes today depends on whether the enhancement helps us increase the training value even just an additional 1% at high attribute values in the future.

It's also going to make or break some builds.
Jack Daniels
I really hope you don't forget the Owners and CFO's, with the new league structure from season 26 and hence forward.

There will be fewer season to build stadium and manage the finances before hitting the Pro's, right? Or have I read it totally wrong?
Originally posted by Catch22
#1 - Allow for up to 3 boosts (no limitations) once a player enters plateau. A player could use this to boost from level 69 to level 72 or to take a player from level 73 to 76 if they so wished.

Hmm this is more confusing than I thought at first glance.

Is this a one time Day 281 3 level boost? Or is it a 3 level boost Day 281, 321, 361, 401, 441 for 15 total boosts?

And does that mean if we are 280 on Day 0 and 281 on Day 1 we can boost 6 times that season?

Do our currently declining players who do not get the Conversion still get this added 3 boosts? Or is this only during plateau?

Originally posted by yello1
Originally posted by Catch22

#1 - Allow for up to 3 boosts (no limitations) once a player enters plateau. A player could use this to boost from level 69 to level 72 or to take a player from level 73 to 76 if they so wished.

Hmm this is more confusing than I thought at first glance.

Is this a one time Day 281 3 level boost? Or is it a 3 level boost Day 281, 321, 361, 401, 441 for 15 total boosts?

And does that mean if we are 280 on Day 0 and 281 on Day 1 we can boost 6 times that season?

Do our currently declining players who do not get the Conversion still get this added 3 boosts? Or is this only during plateau?

You get 3 boosts for the entire duration of plateau. 3 TOTAL.

Not three per season. Just three total.

When he says no limitations, he is referring to the current system that allowed "bonus" boosts to dots entering plateau only if they were level 69. 70, 71 and only allowing them to boost up to 72. (those are the limitations that are being lifted)
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by JackPerfect
I really hope you don't forget the Owners and CFO's, with the new league structure from season 26 and hence forward.

There will be fewer season to build stadium and manage the finances before hitting the Pro's, right? Or have I read it totally wrong?

Your right.I didn't think about the team finance side of it.I still feel that team stadiums would be at full capicity by the time they hit the Pro's even with this change is possible tho.
Originally posted by Theodor
Originally posted by ufshowboat

Mis-information spreading like wildfire it seems. Catch should clear this up so it stops.

There were a couple guys that mis-interpreted a Catch quote earlier to mean that Day 40 dots would still be day 40 dots but everybody else would be converted. That's got to be a misunderstanding for the exact reasons you posted. Every single day 40 dot would be retired.

I don't know how to miss-interpret it:

Originally posted by Catch22

A player that is 40 days old in the current system will be 40 days old in the new system. Don't really start changing to a different age until after that point. Don't think they lose any training days.

That really is stupid if thats true as 80 day old players (that are being converted to ~56 day old players) ae going to get screwed with the following season players being only 16 days younger, you've either got to convert all existing players or none at all
Originally posted by Slow Children

What the fuck. I really enjoy the training and watching my XP gains. Kinda feel this may take away much of my fun.

Perhaps I don't fully understand this change, but I am one who enjoys the two year build. If they want to excelerate it, just double the XP gain and get us to higher levels faster.

Originally posted by Slow Children
money grab is not always best for a game, slight changes good, big changes for money grab not good.

Hmmm they're doing something that the VAST majority of GLB has wanted for well over 4 seasons, and you're trying to pull this one? Wow seems to me they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Give GLB what they want, get criticized, don't give GLB what they want, get criticized.

Looking at your sign up date, it explains why you feel this way, you haven't even had a player get to the plateau yet, much less go 10 seasons. Those of us who have been here since the beginning or have had a player go full turn, look forward to this. Less time to reach their peak.
Originally posted by Seric
Originally posted by Slow Children


What the fuck. I really enjoy the training and watching my XP gains. Kinda feel this may take away much of my fun.

Perhaps I don't fully understand this change, but I am one who enjoys the two year build. If they want to excelerate it, just double the XP gain and get us to higher levels faster.

Originally posted by Slow Children

money grab is not always best for a game, slight changes good, big changes for money grab not good.

Hmmm they're doing something that the VAST majority of GLB has wanted for well over 4 seasons, and you're trying to pull this one? Wow seems to me they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Give GLB what they want, get criticized, don't give GLB what they want, get criticized.

Looking at your sign up date, it explains why you feel this way, you haven't even had a player get to the plateau yet, much less go 10 seasons. Those of us who have been here since the beginning or have had a player go full turn, look forward to this. Less time to reach their peak.

First of all, Most of GLB wanted a longer platue along with excelerated player development. Second of all, This is a second account that I made after being absent for a while after RL issues. I have actually here since season 2. I missed a few seasons between late 2010 and Feb 2011.
Originally posted by Slow Children
Originally posted by Seric

Originally posted by Slow Children


What the fuck. I really enjoy the training and watching my XP gains. Kinda feel this may take away much of my fun.

Perhaps I don't fully understand this change, but I am one who enjoys the two year build. If they want to excelerate it, just double the XP gain and get us to higher levels faster.

Originally posted by Slow Children

money grab is not always best for a game, slight changes good, big changes for money grab not good.

Hmmm they're doing something that the VAST majority of GLB has wanted for well over 4 seasons, and you're trying to pull this one? Wow seems to me they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Give GLB what they want, get criticized, don't give GLB what they want, get criticized.

Looking at your sign up date, it explains why you feel this way, you haven't even had a player get to the plateau yet, much less go 10 seasons. Those of us who have been here since the beginning or have had a player go full turn, look forward to this. Less time to reach their peak.

First of all, Most of GLB wanted a longer platue along with excelerated player development. Second of all, This is a second account that I made after being absent for a while after RL issues. I have actually here since season 2. I missed a few seasons between late 2010 and Feb 2011.

Be that as it may, this move is a good one.

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