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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by xtian22

no, its not.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick

Most people are willing to start over and work their way back up, but from now on that means getting punished for doing so.

So you where totally in favor of punishing new teams?
Originally posted by PackMan97

You are setting up two class of teams, those that were demoted under the old system and have an edge...and everyone else. Just apply the same rule to everyone. Sure, some will bitch...but only because they are going to be losing a HUGE edge.

that has been the case for several seasons now.
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by Voltron

Is there something wrong with a down period? As long as he fields a team of players, I don't see the problem.

Most people are willing to start over and work their way back up, but from now on that means getting punished for doing so.

Its mind-boggling how many folks don't understand a term as simple as "start over".
Originally posted by jdbolick

Most people are willing to start over and work their way back up as long as they have their 80 mill, full stadium, high fan support and don't have to do any real work other then recruit a few players but from now on that means getting punished for doing so.

Originally posted by Voltron
Is there something wrong with a down period? As long as he fields a team of players, I don't see the problem.

That team will never win. They will never beat the teams at any level who have players at their peak for their level. Sorry but a team with players 4 or 5 seasons behind others even in ST or backup rolls is not going to beat a peaking team. If the goal is to always be mediocre sure sounds good but this type of team will never be a team that peaks and valleys. They will finish middle of the pack every year.
Originally posted by Voltron
It only took them 14 seasons to finally do something about it.

Love the change. Long overdue, but grateful it's finally happening.
Originally posted by jbleich
No you dont, because you replace them with recruiting, I know because I've done it for about 2-3 seasons now with no trouble, in fact I'm usually done recruiting by day 40. Hell it's day 17 and Sofia will bring in 15-20 new dots and right now I only have 2-3 remaining holes. I understand what you are saying and it does suck to have to replace 30% of your roster every season, but saying that it cannot be done is ludicrous. Do NOT tell me it's not possible is all I'm saying because I've done it.

You have the advantage of being a moderator, plus not trying to recruit for a team that is actually competing at a high level. If your goal is merely to do ok in EEPL, then sure, you can hang around with roster turnover.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Most people are willing to start over and work their way back up, but from now on that means getting punished for doing so.

Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Originally posted by bowler844

I don't want to recruit. Our group wants to stay together. We have been through the money struggle to build the stadium. Don't want to do it again.

Yet you want the teams you'll compete against to have to do it? How sporting of you!

That is thier choice. I became a team owner for the long haul. How hard can it be to put long term team owners in a league together? This is a computer program for petes sake. Run a query to put teams with like money and like levels together. There should never be a level 14 or higher league that all 32 teams aren't competitive with each other.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by rellascout
That team will never win. They will never beat the teams at any level who have players at their peak for their level. Sorry but a team with players 4 or 5 seasons behind others even in ST or backup rolls is not going to beat a peaking team. If the goal is to always be mediocre sure sounds good but this type of team will never be a team that peaks and valleys. They will finish middle of the pack every year.

I think he means a team in Pro doing some thing like

Season 1 16-0
Season 2 14-2
Season 3 8-8 - Mediocre season w/ young dots.
Season 4 14-2
Season 5 16-0
Originally posted by bhall43
Originally posted by jdbolick

Most people are willing to start over and work their way back up, but from now on that means getting punished for doing so.

even though it is bolded I will point it out for him

The key term is START OVER
Originally posted by rellascout
That team will never win. They will never beat the teams at any level who have players at their peak for their level. Sorry but a team with players 4 or 5 seasons behind others even in ST or backup rolls is not going to beat a peaking team. If the goal is to always be mediocre sure sounds good but this type of team will never be a team that peaks and valleys. They will finish middle of the pack every year.

well...its the rule of thumb for everyone...why are the other teams not mediocre?
Lead Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick

You have the advantage of being a moderator, plus not trying to recruit for a team that is actually competing at a high level. If your goal is merely to do ok in EEPL, then sure, you can hang around with roster turnover.

LOL, OMG, I've had people turn down contracts for the mere fact I am a moderator

And what do you describe as "ok", because we are usually a top 4 team in EE Pro and have made 1 trip to the WL, imo that's better than "ok"

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