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If you chose the same zone as another person, here was the message you received.

As night falls, you make your way to Zone X of the Cornucopia. However, on your way there you spot the XXXX Tribute from District X heading in the same direction. You now must choose one of two option.

Option 1: Choose War
Option 2: Choose Peace

The outcomes of your choice have very distinct outcomes.

If you choose Peace and the other tribute also chooses Peace, you both visit the Cornucopia and share in any supplies that might be found there.
If you choose Peace and the other tribute chooses War, you will be killed and the other tribute will take all the possible supplies for themselves.
If you choose War and the other tribute chooses Peace, you will kill them and take all the possible supplies for yourself.
If you choose War and the other tribute also chooses War, you will both engage in a battle in which both people are injured. Both tributes will retreat from the Cornucopia with no supplies, and you will need to acquire healing items within 48 hours (the end of the following day phase - fight N1, need meds by end of D3), or you will succumb to your injuries.

Please let me know of your choice ASAP.
Originally posted by spindoctor02
If you chose the same zone as another person, here was the message you received.

As night falls, you make your way to Zone X of the Cornucopia. However, on your way there you spot the XXXX Tribute from District X heading in the same direction. You now must choose one of two option.

Option 1: Choose War
Option 2: Choose Peace

The outcomes of your choice have very distinct outcomes.

If you choose Peace and the other tribute also chooses Peace, you both visit the Cornucopia and share in any supplies that might be found there.
If you choose Peace and the other tribute chooses War, you will be killed and the other tribute will take all the possible supplies for themselves.
If you choose War and the other tribute chooses Peace, you will kill them and take all the possible supplies for yourself.
If you choose War and the other tribute also chooses War, you will both engage in a battle in which both people are injured. Both tributes will retreat from the Cornucopia with no supplies, and you will need to acquire healing items within 48 hours (the end of the following day phase - fight N1, need meds by end of D3), or you will succumb to your injuries.

Please let me know of your choice ASAP.

Originally posted by spindoctor02

Primate - Kill Redster (Successful)

Gmaj - Cornucopia Zone 6 - Find nothing
Primate - Nothing -- Attacked, saved by BP vest
Havo - Cornucopia Zone 2 - Find 1 food ration (plus 1 food ration from role) and 1 med kit
Sugar - Cornucopia Zone 4 - Conflict with Ben0 (WAR) -- No supplies, gets injured, needs med kit by end of D3
Schrauben - Track IBG - You follow IBG towards the Cornucopia, but you don't see which zone he went to, as you don't want to be caught in the open.
Timmah - Set out mines - Mines not needed
IBG - Cornucopia Zone 3 - Find 1 food ration and 1 set of binoculars

Sabataged - Kill Primate - Successfully attack Primate with a Spear
Seth - No Action Submitted
Ben0 - Cornucopia Zone 4 - Conflict with Sugar (WAR) -- No supplies, gets injured, needs med kit by end of D3
Jay - Cornucopia Zone 9 - Find nothing

Zones 10 and 11 close permanently (fire)

Primate - Kill Havo - Successful

Gmaj - Cornucopia Zone 1 - Nothing
Primate - Cornucopia Zone 4 - 1 food ration + 1 BP vest
Sugar - Nothing - Use Med Kit to heal injuries
Schrauben - Cornucopia Zone 7 - 1 food ration + 1 tracker-jacket bait
Timmah - Cornucopia Zone 1 - 1 food ration, Killed by Jay (knife)
IBG - Binoculars Primate - Not in an alliance

Sabataged - Cornucopia Zone 2 - 1 food ration
Seth - Cornucopia Zone 1 - Killed by Timmah
Ben0 - Cornucopia Zone 1 - Nothing
Jay - Kill Timmah -- Successful

Cornucopia Zone 1 Battle
Match #1: Seth (PEACE*) vs. Timmah (WAR) --> Timmah kills Seth.
Match #2: Gmaj (PEACE) vs. Ben0 (PEACE) --> Both move on.
"Match #3": Random Number generator picks ==> Timmah (gets the 1 food ration)

Zone 12 and 1 close permanently (rock slide)

Primate - Kill Ben0 - Successful

Primate - Cornucopia Zone 3 -- WAR --> Injured, no items, attacked with knife
Sugar - Nothing
Schrauben - Track Sabataged -- See sabotaged go to the Cornucopia; receives a package from the sponsors (1 food ration for activity, 1 med kit for impressing)
IBG - Nothing

Sabataged - Cornucopia Zone 3 -- WAR --> injured, no items
Jay - Kill Primate - Also covered in TJ bait --> Attack successful, get covered in TJ bait; receives a food ration, which you eat right away

Primate - Kill Sabataged - Successful

Sugar - Nothing - Attempted kill by Jay, used 1st evasion move
Schrauben - Track Sugar
IBG - Set out mines

Jayadamo - Kill Sugar - Unsuccessful, Sugar evades the kill attempt

Schrauben - Track Jayadamo - See him following you, and you die.
IBG - Use Mines - Successful

Jayadamo - Kill Schrauben - Successful

Originally posted by spindoctor02

TRIBUTES - All winning conditions are to be the last person standing (i.e. Win the Hunger Games)

1. Male Tribute from District 12 - Ability: Camouflage Expert (Day or Night - if alive on D3, can choose to hide either during day or night phase [not both])
Gmaj -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 12 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 12, you have developed the ability to adapt to your environment and can hide yourself from view of others. However, it takes you at least 2 full days before you can learn enough about the game field in order to use your camouflaging abilities. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with only 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Camouflage Expert: Starting on D3, you can choose to camouflage yourself either during the day phase or the night phase. While camouflaged, you cannot post in any open game threads (day phase), you cannot be attacked by any other player, and you cannot visit the cornucopia (night phase). This ability resets with the start of each new day.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

2. Female Tribute from District 12 - Ability: Archery Expert (Day - 1 anonymous shot per day)
Primate -
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 12 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 12, you have developed the ability to be deadly accurate with a bow and arrow. Each day phase you can make one anonymous arrow attack on another player. Additionally, you have learned how to be crafty, and can avoid one direct attack through the course of the game. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations and a bow with arrows in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Archery Expert: Each day phase you send the mod a PM indicating your intended target. An anonymous attack will occur as soon as the mod can process the action. You have 1 attack per day phase. A successful attack will not end the day phase.
Items: 2 food rations, 1 "save me from an attack" card
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

3. Male Tribute from District 11 - Ability: Food Expert (Night - gets one additional day of food from supplies)
Havo -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 11 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 11, you have developed the ability to find food sources in unlikely locations. This means that every time you receive food as an item, you can create an additional day's worth of food rations. This ability will help you in surviving the games! After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack plus an additional day's worth of food that you were able to harvest from a nearby wheat field, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Food Expert: Every time a event occurs in which you gain food, you gain one additional food.
Items: 3 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

4. Female Tribute from District 11 - Ability: Evasive Expert (Day/Night 2x evasion)
Sugar -
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 11 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 11, you have developed the ability to climb trees very quickly in order to evade attacks. Your sixth sense for impending danger allows you to climb up the nearest tree anytime someone would attack you. However, you eventually will tire from all the climbing and will be unable to evade attacks. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Evasive Expert: You will automatically avoid the first two direct attacks on your person. You will be unable to evade any future attacks after the first two.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

5. Male Tribute from District 6 - Ability: Stealth Expert (Night tracker)
schrauben -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 6 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 6, you have developed the ability to follow people without being seen. Each night, you can pick one other player and track them through the evening, watching their every move. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Stealth Expert: You can track any one player during the night phase without being seen.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

6. Female Tribute from District 6 - Ability: Observation Expert (Night watcher)
Ryan_grant -
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 6 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 6, you have developed the ability to observe the environment around you. Each night you can set up camp nearby another player and spy on them for the rest of the evening, seeing any person that might visit them that evening. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Observation Expert: You can watch any one player during the night phase without being seen.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

7. Male Tribute from District 3 - Ability: Explosives Expert (Night - can set mines outside of camp, which will detonate if anyone visits)
Timmah -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 3 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 3, you have developed the ability to work with explosives, your favorite of which are land mines. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack along with digging up the land mines used to keep the tributes from leaving their pedestals early. You'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Explosives Expert: Each night, you set up the land mines you found at the Cornucopia around your camp site, and anyone who would try to attack you during your sleep would meet a loud and explosive demise.
Items: 2 food rations, large quantity of land mines
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

8. Female Tribute from District 3 - Ability: None (No abilities at start of game)
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 3 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! It appears that you have not undergone any specific training that would be relevant to the Hunger Games. No worries, I'm sure you'll learn some tricks quickly, or will die trying! After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Unprepared Tribute: You have no abilities outside of your ability to cast a vote during the day phase.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

9. Male Tribute from District 7 - Ability: Thief (Night)
Redster -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 7 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your rough upbringing in District 7, you've learned how to take what you need from unsuspecting marks. Each night you sneak your way into one person's camp, and attempt to steal an item from that person. Hopefully that item will be of use to you as you try to outlast your fellow tributes. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Sticky Fingers: Each night you chose one player and attempt to steal an item at random from them.
Items: 2 food rations
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

CAREERS - Careers' share a "Careers" PF, but each district has their own PF as well. Each district's group is out for themselves, but can choose to work together as a larger group if they want. Careers' have 1 total kill action amongst the group each night, and anyone can make it.

10. Male Tribute from District 1 - Ability: Spear Expert (Night)
Sabataged -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 1 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 1, you have developed the ability to cause massive damage with your weapon of choice, the spear. Having spent your entire upbringing training for your future glory in the Hunger Games, you have formed an initial alliance with the other members from Districts 1 and 2. Each night, one member from the Careers will venture out from your joint camp and attack a fellow tribute, using their preferred weapon in the attack. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack along with a nice looking spear, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Career Spear Expert: If selected by the Careers group, you may be sent to attack a tribute during the night phase by using your spear.
Items: 2 food rations, 1 spear
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

11. Female Tribute from District 1 - Ability: Dagger Expert (Night)
Seth -
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 1 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 1, you have developed the ability to cause massive damage with your weapon of choice, the dagger. Having spent your entire upbringing training for your future glory in the Hunger Games, you have formed an initial alliance with the other members from Districts 1 and 2. Each night, one member from the Careers will venture out from your joint camp and attack a fellow tribute, using their preferred weapon in the attack. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack along with a nice looking dagger, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Career Dagger Expert: If selected by the Careers group, you may be sent to attack a tribute during the night phase by using your dagger.
Items: 2 food rations, 1 dagger
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

12. Male Tribute from District 2 - Ability: Sword Expert (Night)
Ben0 -
Congratulations Male Tribute from District 2 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 2, you have developed the ability to cause massive damage with your weapon of choice, the sword. Having spent your entire upbringing training for your future glory in the Hunger Games, you have formed an initial alliance with the other members from Districts 1 and 2. Each night, one member from the Careers will venture out from your joint camp and attack a fellow tribute, using their preferred weapon in the attack. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack along with a nice looking sword, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Career Sword Expert: If selected by the Careers group, you may be sent to attack a tribute during the night phase by using your sword.
Items: 2 food rations, 1 sword
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

13. Female Tribute from District 2 - Ability: Throwing Knife Expert (Night)
Jayadamo -
Congratulations Female Tribute from District 2 on being selected to participate in this year's edition of the Hunger Games! Through your upbringing in District 2, you have developed the ability to cause massive damage with your weapon of choice, the throwing knife. Having spent your entire upbringing training for your future glory in the Hunger Games, you have formed an initial alliance with the other members from Districts 1 and 2. Each night, one member from the Careers will venture out from your joint camp and attack a fellow tribute, using their preferred weapon in the attack. After the bloodbath of the initial cornucopia, you managed to escape with 2 sets of food rations in your backpack along with a bunch of nice looking throwing knives, so you'll need to find more food eventually if you plan on winning the Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor!

Role: Career Spear Expert: If selected by the Careers group, you may be sent to attack a tribute during the night phase by using your spear.
Items: 2 food rations, a lot of throwing knives
Win Condition: Outlast all other tributes to win the Hunger Games!

Edited by spindoctor02 on Oct 16, 2015 15:18:47
Cornucopia Items
2 food rations
1 food ration
1 food ration + 1 med-kit
1 food ration + 1 set of body armor
1 food ration + 1 vial of Tracker Jacker bait
1 food ration + 1 set of binoculars (see if someone is in an alliance)

These were the items that were randomly distributed in the Cornucopia each night.
The presence of the food rations were entirely designed to force action in the Cornucopia. It also served as a way for the sponsors to support their favorite players in a small way. Surprisingly, nobody died from starvation (although a couple of people were close).
Originally posted by spindoctor02
The presence of the food rations were entirely designed to force action in the Cornucopia. It also served as a way for the sponsors to support their favorite players in a small way. Surprisingly, nobody died from starvation (although a couple of people were close).

I thought people wud drop left and right from this
Good game, Spin. Frak Timmah for killing me, ty Liberal Jay for killing him back.
Ok, I have to toot my own here due to the fact that I was the only true VT and I won.
Fuck, that killed the thread.
The game was a blast. I loves me some daykills. I was also really lucky to find the second set of body armour.
Originally posted by Primate
The game was a blast. I loves me some daykills. I was also really lucky to find the second set of body armour.

Thread moved by moderator.

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