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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
this is so dumb! i don't agree at all! A franchise has the right to do whatever it needs to do if its best for the cant take a stadium away from a team that has worked hard to get!

Edited by blaccdiamond on Feb 24, 2010 09:53:34
Originally posted by 5STAR
lay off the moderator crap...jbleich is easily one of the most customer friendly mods we have.

Just because he is a MOD does not mean he has to agree with you.

i am not asking him to agree with me. I am asking that he not thwart the comments of those that want a total reset. reading comprehension is your friend...
Lead Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick

You can't win with that approach. .

Alpine 7-1 in USA Pro
Sofia 6-2 in EE Pro

Yeah, you are right, definately cannot win w/ that approach.
Originally posted by bhall43
a good reason to deter everyone and their mother from buying a team...or starting over...they remember how annoying it will be. sounds like a good thing tbh....

Are you making an effort to say the dumbest things you can think of? Deterring people from starting over means that they're quitting. That means no more flex from them, which would mean really bad financial shape for GLB if enough of the big spenders hang it up.
Originally posted by jdbolick

You can't win with that approach. You need a roster that peaks together or you have no legitimate chance of winning anything meaningful. And by the way, Alpine has well over half its roster between levels 69 and 71, so it's not accurate to suggest that you're bringing in people from a lot of different generations. You have a handful of S5 dots on offense, but that's it.

you most certainly can win by recruiting 10-15 guys each season.
Originally posted by bowler844
Originally posted by rellascout

Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Bullshit. You can still "build and grow"--you just won't be able to do it with a significant in-game financial advantage over the other teams in your league.

Commitment to ownership should be rewarded.

Agreed. We went through the struggles of building the stadium once. Why do we have to go through it again? I have had this team for 12 seasons now and when my current players are retired in another 7 seasons why should I have to start over?

Because you choose to start over? No one is making you request demotion
Originally posted by Vortus

This is why teams should start on a level playing field when starting over. When we demoted, we had about 250k in the bank (total) and a full stadium. Selling out was not a problem even with pathetic fan support. Hotdogs and beer paid our salary and gear for the previous couple seasons. Everything else was profit. Now we are sitting on about 80 million, every player has at least one set of EQ, some have more. We have redone others. By the time we make Pro (ok, if we make Pro) dunno how much will be there, but cash will never be a problem. Even bringing in new players needing gear will not be a problem, and thats one of the cash killers is equipping players that didnt come up with our team. Currently, in our league pretty much everyone is the same, but not all leagues are like that. And its a big advantage where we are now starting on lvl 40 gear. Before that, not really.

$80M isn't enough under the old system

you need $360M for 50 players to purchase level 56 & 64

but with the new system coming on board that supposedly devalues all this none of it likely matters
Guppy, Inc
Originally posted by jbleich
How are they doing this? If you cant recruit that's your own fault.

Also team owners need to realize that they shouldnt be able to go 16-0 every season, if you win a league championship and go up 2-3 caps you shouldn't be able to dominate right away at the new cap level.

a well designed system would actually let teams be competitive EVERY season. there's absolutely no reason why a good team should be required to completely recruit a new team or suck the next season.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Are you making an effort to say the dumbest things you can think of? Deterring people from starting over means that they're quitting. That means no more flex from them, which would mean really bad financial shape for GLB if enough of the big spenders hang it up.

You are right. Maybe this is the front office's way of saying...plz quit jd.
Originally posted by jbleich
Alpine 7-1 in USA Pro Sofia 6-2 in EE Pro Yeah, you are right, definately cannot win w/ that approach.

Alpine isn't using the approach chronoaug described. I already pointed out that their roster is almost entirely from the same age group with only a small number of younger players, who are mostly backups on offense. Please actually read posts before responding, otherwise you're wasting everyone's time.
another question, will lower level teams be allowed to recruit top flight talent and be reslotted? if so, i would like to be in the pros and will have a pro roster by the time next season starts...
Originally posted by onepeat
another question, will lower level teams be allowed to recruit top flight talent and be reslotted? if so, i would like to be in the pros and will have a pro roster by the time next season starts...

Originally posted by onepeat
another question, will lower level teams be allowed to recruit top flight talent and be reslotted? if so, i would like to be in the pros and will have a pro roster by the time next season starts...

on the flip side, if you can't recruit one season you are screwed and will lose some of your stadium
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by bhall43

a good reason to deter everyone and their mother from buying a team...or starting over...they remember how annoying it will be. sounds like a good thing tbh....

Are you making an effort to say the dumbest things you can think of? Deterring people from starting over means that they're quitting. That means no more flex from them, which would mean really bad financial shape for GLB if enough of the big spenders hang it up. <-------------- Your Team
Record: 2-6-0 (13th place)
Likely Cap Next Season: Lv30
Cash: $56,065,859.00

7 human players....the rest CPU.

ETA: The EXACT reason why Bort is putting this rule in place. Bort!
Edited by ImTheScientist on Feb 24, 2010 09:54:46

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